~2 {Arthur Morgan}

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I snap out of my head quickly not wanting to ruin the day with bad thoughts, I quickly finish off washing the dirt out my hair and body and get changed. I walk out quickly and say bye to the hotel owner. I head over to the saloon to get my parents out of my damn head.

I lean over the counter and throw some money on the it,
"Give me the strongest thing you got." I say bluntly covering my eyes with my hat
"Guessing you had a bad day huh?" The bartender said smirking a bit while handing me a drink.
"Uh huh." I say while taking a sip and setting it back down.

{time skip brought to you by Dutch's plans}

After a few drinks it started to get dark outside, I sat down on a table by myself with a couple of empty bottles scattered around. More people started to come in and get drunker by the minute, so far I stayed mostly sober since I didn't wanna do anything stupid. "Hey there darlin' wanna come to a room an-" I look behind me to see why he stopped,
"Leave the lady alone why don't cha and get lost." A handsome looking man around his late 20's put his arm around the man and trying to charm him even though he clearly looked like he wanted to smash his head against the wall.
"Oi who do you think you are eh?" The drunken man responded back his breath reeked with alcohol. "Look, we're in public so I don't wanna kill you but if you continue to irritate me I will happily kill you right now, so it's your choice friend." He said in a deep slightly aggressive tone.
"Alright alright I'm leaving." He stumbles away but winked at me so I spat on his shoe making him leave the saloon instead.

"Thanks mr...?" I ask waiting to get a response handing out my hand to shake.
"Morgan, Arthur morgan and you?" He said in a now calm tone a smile creeping on the side of his face.
"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)" you whispered just in case anyone in the saloon knew who you were. It wouldn't matter anyway since everyone was overly drunk except Arthur.
"Can I..." he looked over to the seat opposite me
"Go ahead." I said cheerfully, as he sat down I took in every detail in his face. His messy brownish hair, blue/green eyes that sparked in the light you could easily get lost in them if you looked at them long enough, his little bit of stubble on his chin making him look 10 times more hot than he already does, his strong body build, his blue top with his sleeves rolled up showing his muscular arms and most importantly his hat with a string around it dangling down by two pieces on the side.
"What you staring at." Arthur said in a confused tone. I snap out of my thoughts by blinking a few times
"Fucking great (Y/N) ." I accidentally murmur to myself while turning my head away from embarrassment.
"What was that miss?" Arthur chuckled while leaning over trying to see my face.

We both burst into laughter, I playfully hit him on the shoulder and stand up to get more drinks. Arthur looked at me confused tilting his head a bit making him look like a lost puppy. I roll my eyes and cross my arms trying not to fall over from all the drinks, I point towards the counter where a bunch of other drunken fools were laughing and some were fighting but that's normal. Arthur stands up from the table and walks towards me, suddenly I get swept away from Arthur and a random guy started to dance with me! In shock I stamp on his foot as hard as I can and slowly back up a little.
"What the fuck you do that for huh baby?" The man said walking over to me a wide smile spread across his face lust filled his eyes as he looked up and down me.
"Get the fuck away from her right now you son of a bitch!" Arthur grabs the guy from the neck and smashes his body against the wall.
"I-I didn't mean n-nothing by it! I'll l-leave your g-girl alone!" The man said terrified of Arthur tears started going down his face. I chucked a bit at the sight of a grown man crying especially when he is drunk. I also blush a shade of pink since Arthur didn't react at all when he said "your girl" maybe he didn't hear it? Probably.
"Stop crying boah and be a god damn man!" Arthur shouted smashing his body against the wall again.
"Arthur that's enough let the cry baby go." I said lightly and patted Arthur on the shoulder.

Arthur's body let loose and let go of the man, the man ran out of the saloon tripping over a few times. Me and Arthur burst out in laughter once again acting like children.
"Thanks again Mr. Morgan what do I owe ya?" I said smiling widely, I had to give him something since he literally saved me from drunken idiots twice in one day, even though I could easily of handled it myself.
"Just call me Arthur and nah you don't owe me nothin' just meet me by the lake near here tomorrow maybe we could go fishing or hunting?" He says unsure rubbing the back of his neck looking out the window.
"God he's so hot." I thought to myself staring at him. Before he could notice I snap out of it and answer quickly,
"Yeah sure!" I said following with a nervous laughter.
"Uhh you sure? Cuz you sure don't seem to be." He asked looking deep into my eyes
"No I'm certain meet me there at 11?" I asked to see if he could do that time.
"Yeah sure see you around Miss (Y/L/N)." He turned around and headed to the door,
"Just call me (Y/N)" I said with a smile.
"Alright (Y/N)" he smiled back and left the saloon.

I soon followed out the saloon and booked a room in the hotel since it was too late to set up another camp.

Thick As Thieves ~ {Arthur Morgan x reader}Where stories live. Discover now