~6 {Drunken fellows}

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{9:02 pm}

It was getting late now, and more and more of the fellow gang members started to get a bit drunk, 5 of those people caught my eye. The first guy had a blue and white checkered top on with his sleeves rolled up, I couldn't quite tell if he was fat or had a lot of muscle but it seemed a combination of both. his hat was a dirty brown and bent upwards on the right side, he had a long black beard and hair he was sat howling loudly leaning back on the box he was sitting on with a beer in his hand another guy was sat with him laughing along he had a scar on his face and looked around Arthur's age.
"I wonder where he got that scar from?" I wonder. The scar face guy soon noticed I was looking and waved his arms in the air. I laugh and turn around embarrassingly I scoff at myself for being so awkward.

The next guy.. well girl I noticed had blonde curly hair and a white off the shoulder top which clearly showed her cleavage, she had a long purple skirt on and was arguing to this other lady who looked quite a bit older she had brown hair with a few strands of white the older lady has a red long sleeved top and a necklace hanging down over the top it was a shiny white pearl. She had a long black and off white skirt covering her feet, they are both arguing about something but I am too far away to hear.

The next guy was slouched down next to a tent empty bottles of whiskey surround his limp body. He was mumbling words to a song to himself swinging a whiskey in his hands, he looked like the oldest guy in camp and was quite big. He had a long ish bushy grey beard and hair his hat covered most of his facial features. He had a long sleeved red top covered in alcohol.

The next guy I spotted looked Irish, he had long ginger hair and a bit of a stubble around his chin and cheeks, he had a thick Irish accent and was tapping his feet to the Mexican guys music. He had a blue/ grey jacket on and had a bowler hat. "Welcome lass!" He called out to me, I nodded my head with my hat and smiled. He laughed loudly with his friends, looked like a fun guy to be around. I look over to the next drunken guy.

He too had ginger hair but had white hair on the sides of his head. He had a long ginger moustache too which looked rather ridiculous. His hair was all static and looked like Albert Einstein's. he was walking around the camp falling into the tents around him like he was lost and had no idea where he was going or where he was. Suddenly he falls into me but we both manage to stay up,
"careful mr..uh?" I say asking for his name widening my eyes a little.
"Mr Swanson, Reverend Swanson miss." He says as he grabs my hand and tries to kiss it. I pull my hand away quickly,
"What a gentleman." I say gritting my teeth and tensing up trying not to punch him, he don't say anything and walks away. I raise a eyebrow and grab a beer from the box next to me.

As I lean against the pole looking out over the cliff edge I remember Arthur! Arthur's still not back from his hunting that Lenny told me about. I throw my half empty bottle over the edge and find the nearest person I see.
"Sorry to disturb you mr but have u seen Arthur at all since he went hunting?" I ask a guy with blonde long ish hair. He had a evil look in his eye,
"Mr Micah Bell my lady, Arthur has probably ran off somewhere."
"What do you mean?" I ask confused,
"Well I don't know where he's fucking gone go ask Dutch, John or Charles not me. Also, don't try anything stupid around here I'm watching you." He walks past and budges into me making me stumble a bit.
"I don't intend to do anything stupid I can assure you." I say to myself walking over to Lenny.
"Lenny, What the hell is up with that Micah guy?"
"Ignore him, nobody likes him except for Dutch." He says talking a sip from his beer,
"Alright then, who's uhh John?" I say trying to think of the names Micah said, John being the only one I remember.
"Marston? Oh he's the one with the scar face he's sat over there." Lenny says pointing over to a man sat by the edge of the cliff.
"Thanks Lenny." I say walking off to John.

"Hey you John Marston?" I say sitting beside him.
"Yeah and you're the one Arthur brought in?" He said looking over to me a smile creeping onto the side of his face.
"Yep that's me, about Arthur have you seen him." I ask hoping for answers.
"Well, he told everyone that he was going hunting just down by the river near here." He said stretching out his arms.
"Can we go look for him." I say pleadingly,
"Look, me and Arthur don't really get along that wel-"
"Please?" I ask interrupt him. He sat there for what seemed like forever probably hoping I would just leave,
"Alright fine let's go." I smile widely at him
"Thanks Mr Marston." I say standing up and walking over to my horse.
"Just, call me john alright?" He said looking at the ground in annoyance.
"Alright John call me (Y/N) now let's hurry up!" I say waiting for him to move and get on his horse, his horse was a large breed it had a brown coat with a white mane and tail. John hopped on his horse and started to ride towards the water.
"Cmon then." He shouts back at me. I laugh and quickly follow him.

Arthur where are you?

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