~8{Train Robbery}

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{10:26 am}

I wake up to the smell of stew, my stomach grumbles loudly since I haven't ate in days I sit up and rub my eyes yawning. Birds sung sweet melodies in the trees that surrounded the camp hiding away from others, I look around camp and see a few people sitting down eating, drinking hot coffee or laughing, others were still asleep. I notice two people setting up a tent close to me.
"That better be mine." I jokingly said to them, they both turn around to me and the man smiles.
"I'm Pearson, the one who does the cooking and keeps the camp healthy the stew is ready if you want." He said hammering one of the nails into the ground
"Miss grimshaw, this is my camp and you better work hard girl." She said pointing her finger at me, she seems quite serious and very annoying. I nod my head and walk off to get some stew.

I pour some coffee and put some stew on my plate and sit down at the nearest table.
"So, hows that wound?" Arthur joins me at the table.
"It's better than it was." I say stuffing my face with stew.
"When was the last time you ate?" The Old drunk guy said from the other end of the table, before I could answer Arthur puts his coffee on the table,
"Uncle go do some work." Arthur says annoyingly while giving a death glare at uncle.
"You love me really." Uncle says while standing up laughing at the same time,
"Whatever you say uncle." Arthur says holding his arm up in the air.
"Uncle?" I say confusingly, is Arthur's uncle in this gang or something..weird.
"No he's not my uncle we Just call him that but I don't exactly know why...thank god he's not my real uncle though." Arthur laughs taking a sip from his coffee I do the same.
"I heard that Morgan!" Uncle shouts from the other side of the camp, me and Arthur just laugh for a few minutes.
"Listen to me, everyone!" Dutch shouts across the camp standing on a box. Arthur pats me on the back and walks over to Dutch I soon follow,
"There is a train coming down from the north owned by Leviticus Cornwall, there is a lot of money on that train a couple thousand maybe and would help us to escape this miserable place and go to Tahiti or Australia!" Dutch shouts proudly.
"Now as you all know, we have a new member to our camp (Y/N) (Y/L/N) she will help us steal the money ain't that right (Y/N)?" Dutch says looking at me, everyone's eyes turn towards me I start to feel uncomfortable and nod to stop everyone from looking.
"Now whoever wants to come go get yourselves ready we'll leave in a hour." Dutch says walking off to his tent, most of the men head of to their camps to get their guns loaded except Arthur who stays with me,
"Cmon we better get ourselves ready then." Arthur says patting me on the shoulder with a grin on his face, I smile back and we stand there in awkward silence staring at each other for what seems like forever. Arthur blinks a few times before saying, "uhh sorry bout that." He says walking off quickly to his tent. I stand there like a statue watching him walk off. I get my guns off my horse and finish my coffee which is nearly cold.

Around a hour later Dutch calls everyone who's coming to rob the train to mount up and ride with him. I hop on my horse and give it a carrot. It neighs cheerfully in response bobbing its head a little. I pat it on the neck and ride at the front with Arthur and the rude blonde haired guy from earlier which Lenny said was Micah. I choose to ignore Micah most of the ride but he kept irritating me,
"Micah shut up." I say closing my eyes tightly trying my best not to shoot his head off,
"Looks like you woke up on the wrong side of bed huh princess." Micah says laughing loudly,
"Micah leave (Y/N) alone, can't you see no one likes you?" The Mexican guy said to Micah who was riding behind me,
"Why don't you go back to where u came from Javier." Micah says back once again laughing but soon gets interrupted by Dutch,
"Shut up the both of you we are nearly there." Dutch says while slowing down by the tracks, Javier nor Micah say another word to each other. I slow up until I come to a complete stop next to another girl. She had blonde hair and looked pretty rough and could take care of herself, "Sadie Adler, nice to see another girl who can shoot for once." She says happily while getting off her horse,
"Yeah, don't really need to introduce myself since everyone here already knows me but I don't even know them." I say chuckling to myself,
"Well that's Charles Smith the one who looks Indian, the one with the checkered top and is on the big brown horse is called Bill Williamson, the Irish ginger haired guy is Sean McGuire he's the one with the jokes, back at camp is Leopold Strauss he makes you go around collecting money from people who borrowed off of him he's quite the annoying type, Reverend Swanson who just basically looks crazy and then there's the girls back at camp but I'll tell you them later." Sadie says thinking of anyone else she forgot,
"Thanks Sadie." I say with a smile she nods her head at me while getting her weapons off her horse.
"Arthur, John, Charles and (Y/N) go on the train from the back. Bill, Javier, Sadie, Sean you go to in the middle. The rest of you follow me to the front to stop the train and get the money." Dutch says pointing at everyone wide eyed, I walk over with Charles towards the trees that were by the train tracks while Arthur and John go to the other side of the tracks and get behind a rock,
"How do you feel about Dutch?" Charles asked me while loading his gun,
"Well I've only been here a few days so I can't say much, I've heard him talk about money, plans, Tahiti and mangoes but that's about it." I laugh quietly. Charles chuckles a bit, "I've only been here a couple of months, he's changed a lot over the course of it." He whispers and turns towards where Dutch was waiting with sad eyes. I sigh and look towards the tracks pulling up my bandana and wait for the train.

Around a minute later a train started to come into view down the tracks. Me and Charles look at Dutch waiting for his signal, Dutch and Micah stand on top of the wagon in the middle of the tracks making the train come to a complete stop. The train was all blue with gold lines across the bottom and top, along the side it said "Cornwall." In fancy writing, this train must be loaded, it's been a while since you've done this big of a robbery. You've mostly stuck with stealing from people who were along riding alongside the path or rob stores and such. You hear gunshots been fired from Dutch,
"Cmon (Y/N)!" Charles shouts at pulling up his face bandana over his mouth. You quickly run over to the train, you meet up with Arthur and John who were making their way down the train to the middle. You follow them and shoot down some men on the way, you get in cover behind one of the boxes and hear a scream. You heart skips a bit as you poke your head out to see who it was,


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