~4 {Dutch Van Der Linde Gang}

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{1:28 pm}

Arthur's POV

"(Y/N)! You alive girl?" I shout from behind the rock, her body looks lifeless and is losing blood fast. My breathing gets fast and heavy as I look at her body in horror, I can't let her die. I shoot a few of the O'Driscolls and run over to (Y/N) I check her pulse quickly. I sigh in relief as I hear a heart beat. I pick her up bridal style and lay her behind a rock. I take some bandages out of my satchel and wrap them around her wound. After I finish up I whistle for my horse and put her on the back, I didn't want her to know about me being in the gang but, there's no other choice. We could protect her there.
"Let's go boy." I tell my horse as it runs towards the camp at horseshoe overlook

As we get closer and closer to the camp I start rethinking about taking her to the camp, I mean Dutch could kill her or not accept her. I don't want (Y/N) to hate me but I don't want her to die either and I'm wanted in all 5 states so I can't go to a town since they'll recognise me. I quickly trot up the path towards the camp through the tall trees that hover above me,
"Who's that!" I hear bill shout with his shotgun in his hand ready to shoot,
"It's me, Arthur you dumbass!" I shout back slightly annoyed,
"And who's that on the back huh?" Bill asked in a aggressive tone,
"None of your concern old man." I say back sarcastically, Bill just scoffs at me and goes back to whatever he was doing. I hitch my horse up quickly earning a few glares from camp members, I carefully get (Y/N) down from my horse and lay her on my bed and give her some medicine from the wagon.
"Arthur who is your friend." Dutch walked over to me obviously annoyed but trying to keep his cool.
"She uhh...saved me from some O'Driscolls that sneaked up on me so I guessed I had to repay her." I say trying not to make is obvious that I lied completely, Micah notices the new arrival and accompanies Dutch's side.
"Arthur Morgan you finally forgotten..what was her name? Mary then?" Micah says with a smirk,
"Shut up Micah." I say bluntly clenching my fist tight,
"Micah it's better if you just leave for now okay?" Dutch says closing his eyes getting stressed out. Micah turns around and walks away laughing to himself, there's something wrong with Micah.
"Arthur we cannot keep her here, she is just another mouth to feed." Dutch says walking back and forth,
"She can handle a gun Dutch she can be useful to us once she's healed up!" I say sitting down beside my bed trying my best to convince Dutch.
"Arthur... fine, I'll give her a chance but don't think she's definitely staying." Dutch explains walking away back to his tent and opens his book and reads. I don't say nothing back I only smile at (Y/N) knowing she's safe.

{This chapter is pretty shit but it'll get better in the next one and will be longer}

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