~5 {Warming up}

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{4:26 pm}

My eyes flutter open and get blinded by the hot burning sun. I reach for my hat to cover the light but...it's not on my head? Confused, I sit up quickly regretting it. My head started banging like drums, my mind felt like it was swirling like a tornado. I sit there for a while trying to understand what is happening. I look around and see people? Where am I? I ponder to myself, they were all sat around a campfire eating or drinking beer. There was a Mexican looking guy playing his guitar in his lap everyone laughing and singing along to his songs. I smile sweetly, I look around my resting area and see some photos on the wall by the bed I was on. The first one was of three men, two of which were sat down they looked quite young and may I say, handsome. The one of the far right looked a bit like..Arthur? Is Arthur in a gang? Where is he anyway? I carry on looking at the photos, the next one was of a horseshoe maybe Arthur's? The next was of a older man, he looked like Arthur but different maybe his father like he was talking about earlier. The guy was holding up a sign saying "Lyle Morgan"
"Yeah that's him." I say quietly to myself so no one around could hear. The next photo was of a dog, It was lying down with a rubber bone in between his paws. I laughed silently, there was a photo of a lady she had curly hair and looked old so I presume she was his mother. Then there was a..a plant? Or, something I don't know what it is but it looks weird, I'm just gonna say it's a plant. I look puzzling at the plant looking at it from different angles, I get too confused and move on. There was another photo of a lady, she looked around my age or Arthur's age she was very pretty I have to admit, maybe Arthur is in love with someone? I sigh and look at the ground.

The sun sets behind the cliff the camp was on letting me see the bright twinkling stars that shone above the dark sky. I hear footsteps coming towards me so I put the photo down and look towards them, he was black man wearing a blue jacket and a orange top underneath, he smiled warmly at me so I tried my best to smile back but it definitely looked fake.
"Hey so you're the one everyone's been rambling about huh?" The male says sitting down on the bed looking up to me,
"Uhh I guess yeah?" I say confused raising a eyebrow at him.
"My names Lenny Summers people think I'm bad at handling a gun but I'm actually pretty good." Lenny says handing his hand out to me,
I hesitate at first but shake his hand it was softer than I expected.
"(Y/N (Y/L/N), but I guess you already know that since everyone's been talking about me." I laugh looking over to the camp, a few of them turning there heads towards me.
"Yeah...so hows that wound?" He says looking at my waist where one of the O'Driscolls shot me...damn bastards,
"Uhh it stings a bit but it'll be fine." I lie it feels like a thousand knifes stabbing you over and over,
"Alright wanna come sit with us?" He says standing up and picking up a drink which was on the table on the side of the tent we were in.
"And everyone trusts me?" I say jokingly crossing my arms.
"Uhh no. But I'll sit by ya." He says patting my shoulder,
"Alright but first, how the hell did I get here?" I question him,
"Uhh well Arthur brought you in and didn't leave your side unless he went hunting then he would make me or Tilly sit with ya. That's why he's not here now he's gone hunting but, he should be back anytime now let's go wait for him at the fire huh?" He says walking to the fire before I  could say anything, I hesitantly follow him.

"Hey guys look who's awake?" Lenny shouts across the camp, everyone's eyes turn to me i hate it when people stare but if I said anything violent they would honestly just kill me now so I try and hold in my voice.
"Welcome miss, we'll look after you while you heal for a couple of weeks, you can choose to leave or stay it doesn't really matter but Arthur said you can handle a gun so we will have to see about that won't we?" A guy in a white and very light grey striped top with a black vest over the top one side and red the other side, he  had a moustache and a bit of hair right under his bottom lip. He was leaning against a wooden pole by the Mexican guy, he looked like the leader of the gang maybe.
"Uhh Thanks." I say awkwardly trying to inform everyone's stares trying to keep calm from straight out shooting everyone even though I'll probably die in the process. The Mexican carries on playing his songs and everyone joins in. Lenny squeezes on the end of the logs shuffling along to make room for me
"Thanks Lenny." I whisper while sitting down.
"That's fine want a drink? There's some over there." I've never met a guy so kind yet be in a murderous gang, well and Arthur. Maybe that's why people think he can't handle a gun, his heart is too pure to kill someone. Only someone with a cold heart can do that like me.
" I'll Uhh go get one later." I say to him hovering my hands above the fire to warm up.
"You know any camp songs (Y/N)?" Lenny says tapping his foot to the guitar.
"If I know a few ill join in on bits I know."
"That's good then!" Lenny chirps and starts singing to the songs. After a while of awkwardness I slowly started to warm up to the idea of being around people.

Maybe it's time for a change.

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