~9 {Messy Business}

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{5:56 pm}

"Lenny!" I scream out in horror, as his body fell to the ground in pain. I run over dodging bullets that tried to hit me, I kneel down next to Lenny,
"(Y/N) I'll be fine go help Dutch." He said clutching onto his arm, blood oozing out spilling onto the floor.
"Lenny I'm staying here."
"No, go help I'll be fine." Lenny says putting his over hand on my shoulder smiling up at me, I sigh and walk off catching up to Charles John and Arthur.
"You guys didn't even stop for Lenny!"
"I didn't seem him." Charles said trying to ignore me.
"How the hell can I tell between the bullets sounds if one of us got shot." Arthur says quickly reloading his gun, John stayed silent and ran forward into one of the carriages. He scurried through opened boxes and draws, I helped him look for money while Arthur and Charles kept the Cornwall men away from us. We found £200 each which was quite good but not enough for Dutch.

We fought our way up the train meeting some of the gang members along the way who had a bit of cash on them. Upon us was a locked carriage completely sealed off,
"This has to be the jackpot." Bill says rubbing his hands together, I looked at him weirdly what a strange man. Sean and Javier walked up to the sealed off carriage and planted dynamite over the door. We all hid behind wherever we could find and wait for the explosion, the door flew off nearly hitting Sean in the face.
"If only that hit him." Arthur said to me, we both laugh at each other,
"I heard that Morgan." Sean said running past him into the carriage coughing at the smoke, after the smoke cleared off we all searched for valuables.
"Hey look over here!" Javier called out to us. We all walk over and are met with bags of money and bonds, everyone looks around to each other with big wide smiles of their faces, we all grab a bag each and head to the front to meet Dutch.
"Well done boys....and girls." Dutch corrected himself while throwing his arms in the air, I get lost in my thoughts then I remember something...
"Lenny!" I called our loud without noticing, everyone stared at me with confused faces, I run back to Lenny without explaining. I jump over dead body's and quickly move past the boxes, I reach Lenny and he looks worse. His top soaked in blood and his dark skin began turning purple. I quickly help him up and put his arm over my shoulder, Arthur runs down the train and helps me carry Lenny back safely before lawmen turn up. We all help Lenny onto Dutch's horse and put the bags of cash onto our own horses, we split up and run into the woods to not bring attention to ourselves. I split up with Arthur, Dutch and Charles. After a while of riding we stop at a abandoned house surrounded by trees, the walls were made of wood and planks were either missing or ripped in two. As we settle down I grab some bandages that I brought from valentine for my arm a couple of days ago,
"Here Lenny." I say handing him the bandages." Lenny smiles weakly and pulls up his blood stained sleeve. The wound was deep into his dark skin, Charles kneels down beside him and helps get the bullet out. I look away from the screams that Lenny let out,
"Lenny try to keep it down so no one finds us here." Dutch says holding his trusty guns looking out the window, me and Arthur look at each other accidentally from the other side of the house. He looks away and coughs nervously looking out the window with a tint of pink spread across his cheeks, I laugh and look away from him.
"It's out guys." Charles said throwing the bullet away, i sighed in relief as I watching the bullet roll down the floor hitting Dutch's shoe. Dutch picks it up getting Lenny's blood on his hands, he throws the bullet out the window as far as he could landing in a bush. He wiped his hands clean and sat down by me,
"Well then let's all get some rest until the morning it's getting dark." He said crossing his arms and covering his eyes with his hat, I glance out the window and see the sun setting behind the trees, I shuffle around a bit until I get comfortable and tilt my hat down.
"Night guys." I say softly, I get a reply from everyone except Arthur confused, I look up to him. His face was full of anger staring at dutch who had his eyes shut, I look over the dutch and notice how close we were to each other. I blush madly and shuffle uncomfortably, after a while I notice that Arthur had fallen asleep standing up, his hat was down covering most of his detailed face showing only his lips. His muscular arms were crossed and so were his legs, the moonlight shone on his figure though the window making him look like an angel, I quickly look down and try to fall asleep next to dutch.

"Guys guys quickly!" Arthur whispered shaking me.
"What Arthur?" I say rubbing my eyes, Dutch was still asleep next to me in the exact same position whereas I woke up led on the floor looking like a rug,
"Come see." Arthur said pulling me up from the floor to the wall, I try to wake myself up by blinking a few times and shaking my head. Lawmen are patrolling the area slowly making their way towards the shack we were in. Charles goes to wake Lenny and I go to wake dutch as Arthur keeps watch,
"Dutch wake up now there's lawmen outside." I say slapping his face slightly. He blinks a few times before standing up quickly holding his head,
"Alright I have a plan." Dutch says after a few minutes of silence, we all look at Dutch to listen,
"Me and Charles will stay back here to look after Lenny and (Y/N) and Arthur go kill them, but do it silently please we don't want no more attention to us than we already do." He says helping Lenny up from the floor, we all nod in agreement and get ready to ambush them.

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