~3 {Damn O'Driscolls}

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{9:34 am}

I wake up from the uncomfortable and springy bed in the hotel. I stand up and stretch my aching back from the springs, I get changed out of my sleep wear and look in the mirror. I wonder if I should keep my hair neatly down or do it up. I keep my hair down because I'm too lazy and it looks rather nice today anyway. I quickly wash my face and tidy myself up since I have to go meet Arthur down by the lake, I haven't even known this guy for a whole day so why am I trusting him? Am I letting my guard down?
"He seemed so nice...why am I worrying about it now?" I ponder to myself without knowing. Before I decide and leave him waiting the whole day I pack my stuff and head down to the lake with my horse.

Upon reaching the lake which was crystal clear, letting me see all the different colours and shapes of the fish that swam by, I look around and see Arthur hasn't turned up. Maybe he forgot or set me up and was gonna turn up with a gang and kill me? No, he wouldn't do that. Would he? I take the shotgun and revolver off my horse in case he tries anything.
"I mean he did seem too nice to me for how he looked and dressed..." I thought to myself while I lean against a tree bowing my head a little so my eyes are covered by my hat to block out the yellow sun that shone down on me.

After a few minutes of listening to the birds and water flow past I hear a horse trotting closer to me I lift my head to see who it was and to no surprise it was Arthur, he was riding a large breed of horse a Ardennes to be in fact. It's coat was quite a light silver colour getting darker towards the head, a white stripe ran down the middle of his face reaching his nostrils. His legs were a dark grey colour and his tail and mane was a black. Arthur slowly stopped his horse by mine and got his fishing rod out.
"You have a fishing rod with you?" Arthur asked in a deep but polite tone,
"Yep" I said pulling out my fishing rod and placing some special lake lure I got earlier on.
"You know, I'm a poor fisherman I don't really fish In my spare time." Arthur said back while bowing his head a little and getting his lure out. I soon noticed the lure was cheese and chucked a little.
"I can tell." I laughed at him while throwing my lake lure to him. He caught it quickly and rolled his eyes while laughing,
"Thanks (Y/N) no wonder I don't catch many fish." He said while smiling at me. I blushed a bit since the sun was shining directly on him. I smile back and walk over to the lake. Arthur soon follows me.

We fish for a while arthur caught one and I caught two since I used to do a lot of fishing with my father when  I was little.
"Hey (Y/N, do you mind if I ask where you come from?" He asked raising his eyebrow unsure if he should've asked.
"Strawberry, my mother died when I was 5 from tuberculosis. My father, well, he got killed by Colm leader of the O'Driscoll gang." I said bluntly not wanting him to bring up the subject.
"My momma died when I was a kid, and my daddy...well I watched him him die and it weren't soon enough." Arthur said looking at the lake which reflected the tears stuck in his eyes not wanting to come out. I pat his back and kiss him on the cheek,
"It's alright Arthur, lets just enjoy this fishing yeah?" I say trying to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, you're right." He says slight blushing from the kiss.
"Awwh is someone blushing?" I say laughing as I playfully punch him in the arm.
"Oh shut up." Arthur says slightly chuckling.

After we've caught a few more fish and have a few more jokes, Arthur's the nicest person I've known my whole life. Even though I've only know him 2 days he's already changed my life, In a good way obviously, maybe this could be a new start. I don't like my life, killing stealing for what? Money, food, I don't know. And it was all because of Colm.
"Hey, did you mention Colm O'Driscoll earlier?" Arthur asks putting away his fishing rod.
"Yeah, why?" You ask doing the same thing
"Because I kno-" before Arthur could finish his sentence someone else interrupted him.
"Arthur Morgan, who's your new friend?" I heard a familiar voice say,
"I look in the direction of the voice.
"Colm.." I say reaching for my gun, suddenly a sharp pain hit the side on my stomach I look down and put my hand on the pain. I lift my hand and see blood dripping down aggressively down my side and hand, I look over to Arthur who's shooting back at the O'Driscolls
"(Y/N)!" Arthur calls out but before I could say anything I pass out.

Thick As Thieves ~ {Arthur Morgan x reader}Where stories live. Discover now