~13 {Fishing}

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I wake up to the sun shining down on my face, I squint my eyes tightly and put my hand up to cover the sun. I stand up and hear a thud below me, I look down and realised I must've fallen asleep while reading. I pick up the book and set it on the side, I sigh as I bend down next to Arthur looking at his scars. I trace them with my hands and close my eyes.

"You better wake up soon you damn fool." I say sadly chuckling and putting my head against the bed beside him, if he dies everyone's gonna blame it on me. Well I mean it is my fault after all I should've been quicker he saved my life and I barely saved his. I take a hold of his hand and rub circles with my thumb.

After a few minutes I see a shadow form by the side of me, "Hey Abigail." I say in a sad tone, I see a small boy next to her holding Abigails hand tightly slightly hidden behind her skirt.

Abigail smiles warmly at me and sits down in the chair, "This is Jack, my son and his stupid father is John." I smile at both of them and jack smiles back before burying himself into his mother's skirt. Abigail tuts and pulls him out of his cover, "Hi jack, I'm (Y/N)" I say waving at him softly, "Hi" he says quietly.

"(Y/N), I was wondering since John can't seem to do anything with his boy would you mind taking him down the lake near here for some fishing?" I beam with excitement and grin widely, I haven't been fishing in quite a while and really enjoyed it when I was younger with my pa. "Yeah sure, you got your fishing rod?" I ask jack kneeling down a little. "Yeah, I'll go and get it!" He excitingly skips back to his tent.

"Thanks for doing this (Y/N) he's just been getting bored and his father won't do anything with him and he needed to get out for a while." She says crossing her arms and lying against the pole holding Arthur's tent up. "It's fine honestly I think I need to get out a while and clear my head around the whole Arthur thing." I say looking over to Arthur. "It wasn't your fault, you know that right?" She says reassuringly, "I don't know..." I say looking towards my feet frowning a little. Abigail was about to say something before Jack runs back nearly tripping over his fishing rod. "Let's go lets go let's go!" He says jumping around. Me and Abigail laugh, I grab my fishing rod and jump on my horse picking jack up with me. "Be safe now and be back before sunset!" Abigail shouts before walking away.

We get to a nice shot along the lake and get our fishing rods ready. I help jack prepare his bait onto the line and I do mine, "Arthur took me fishing once a couple of weeks ago maybe." Jack says walking over to the water, "that was very kind of him, did you enjoy it?" I ask casting out my line, "it was quite boring so I made a necklace for ma but Arthur caught a reallllly big fish like this size!" He stretches out his arms wide dropping his fishing rod. I laugh at him, "maybe you could catch a really big fish today yeah?" I ask looking into the distance watching the deers drink from the other side. "I hope so."

After a few minutes of waiting something bites my line. "Look Jackie I got one!" I struggle to cast it in, Jack gasps In excitement and jumps up and down. "Is it a big one?!" He says watching in amusement, "it sure feels like it." I say gritting my teeth, Struggling to keep my balance. I never remembered fishing being this hard before.

I quickly pull in the giant fish while it was tired, "Look jack!" I say holding the fish out to him, he squeals happily "it's nearly as big as me!" I smile at him, suddenly his line flicks and a fish is attached at the end of the line. Jack looses his balance and flies towards the water, I quickly grab him and pull him back with the fish still attached. "The fish wanted to eat me!" He says pulling the fish ashore. "Luckily it didn't though otherwise it would've gobbled you up!" I start to tickle him and he laughs happily.

We catch a few more fish and pack up and start to head towards my horse. Suddenly two figures appear behind the tree. I hide jack behind me protectively and take ahold of my pistol.

"No need to shoot we don't want to harm you." One of them says slowly walking towards us, "get out of here. Now" I say aiming my gun at one of them. The other guy immediately pulls out his gun and aims it at me and jack. Jack hides behind me tightly holding onto my clothes.

"Do you know anyone by the name of Dutch Van Der Linde?" He asks several feet ahead of me, I stay silent for a minute wondering what to say, does he want to kill him...probably who wouldn't? "No" I say bluntly to them giving them both the death stare. "Well, I mean that's Abigails son if I'm not mistaken and she's part of the Gang so are you one of the new gang members?" He asks looking at jack behind me, I turn myself slightly so he can't see jack. "If I was in this gang why do you care so much?" He chuckles to himself and smirks at me, "Agent Milton." He says pointing to himself, "Agent Ross" He says pointing to the other person stood behind him holding a gun.

"We are from the Pinkerton Detective Agency second from the United States Government. We don't want to kill all of you, we only want Dutch. We will pay you handsomely and let you run away and live normally." He says stepping closer to me, "You can't be loyal to Dutch within a couple of days already can you?" "I'm not taking the money and I'm not giving you Dutch so leave us alone." I say picking up Jack and pushing past them to my horse, "this is not that last you see of me (Y/N) (L/N)! I will be at your campsite in 2 days with my men and will track you all down  to the end of my days!" He shouts at me as I ride quickly back to camp.

Oops sorry I haven't posted in a while I'm just too lazy lmao but I will update sometime soon since I'm actually liking writing

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