Ball night pt 1

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Raven's POV

After my talk with the king I went back to my room.

I thought I was gonna get in trouble and he just said good job. Weird .It was really weird never thought that would happen at all.

 I walk into my room ready to get dressed for this ball. I hope all goes well.

Come on now girl put on the dress I wanna see how we look it this. I bet we look hot like real hot.

Putting on the dress it feels amazing. It fits perfect. It shows all my curves. This is gonna make the boys drool.

My dress is a custom made elegant Rococo Gothic Lolita Ball Gown. I am so thankful and I will wear it with pride and my head held high.

"Raven?" I here along with a knock. "It's time may I come in?" 

"Yes, I just need to find my mask. I can't seem to find it."

"Is this it? You should be more careful.' Lol he's adorable.

"Thanks Cole. Lets go." I say walking toward my door.

" You know all the Guys are gonna stare at you right when we get down there. Its only us until they come get us."

"I know Cole and that's why I'm gonna stay with you until we leave. You better not leave me. These boys are animals"  I say will a smirk.


Unknown POV

I heard Cole left already he has to be around some girl cause it was an argument last night but that's cool. I wont get in his way though.

As I'm waiting with everyone else, Cole and this girl comes out. I cant see her face though, everyone has to where mask until we go to our new rooms with our mate. Told not to take them off until the lights are out. We cant know until the next morning.  

She has a nice figure. She has the most beautiful skin tone. That dress shows off all her curves showing us her perfectly perky breast and ass. What I would do for just one night with her.

I would love to get to know her but I don't think I will get a chance because her mate is here somewhere in this place.

Cole and her look very nice together and the fact that they match just makes me jealous. I would'nt mind being the guy next to her. I do wonder why she wont touch him, or anyone.

One of the guys told me that she's not allowed to touch us and we cant touch her. King and Queen rules. I don't think its right but its how its suppose to be.

"Gentlemen and lady, we are ready for you. Come this way please." I turn to see the man from yesterday telling us to follow him. I guess the time is now.

As we walk in all the girls are lined up on one side and we are told to do the same. The girl that was with Cole is told to go next to the ladies at thee end of the line. 

Why would anybody wanna put her at the end of the line? She was perfect . Perfect always goes first. 

When she gets there she squeals and hugs a girls next to her and then she points at us. 

"I think you would like Cole I think you too are perfect." "Really I wonder what he looks like."  They don't even know I'm listening to them. smh girls.

"Its now time. Gentlemen you will all walk past the girls and sniff out your mate if you can not find her please stand in a line at the end across from that young lady."

 I cant believe it now. We all start to walk and one by one a mate is found and pulled away to the other side. Cole is in front of me now and I feel terrible cause I cant find mine and neither can he. 

We get to the second person and he stops and he looks at the girl that squealed about him. I guess that perfect girl did know. Hmm that's nice but I guess I have a chance now with her.

I'm the last guy. Its now three of us left to stand in front of her. I know they said that if we don't belong with her then our mate never came but they had addresses so we could find them.

She looks at all three of us and then says something I don't understand.

"Thom this is it. " is what she mutters.... wait who is Thom? This must be code for something.

They explain to us that we must touch. YES touch that's really weird. They said they don't know what will happen when we do so beware.

She and the first guy touch hands but nothing happens. He nods his head and then goes where everyone else is. There they have other females for the men that don't have a mate so he's not lonely. 

The next guy and her touch hands and once again he nods and leaves. Its now my turn and I'm hesitating. She has her hand out but mine are still in my pocket. She just looks at me and I smell something that I've smelt before but I put it to the back of my head and put my hand out. 

I can feel the power b/w us before we touch all the way. My finger brushes her and then it happened.

Her eyes changed and so did mine, my birthmark on my hip started glowing and then she looked over her shoulder I guess she has one too.

We look at each other and then I get this pain in my hip and the same happened to her. 

 I then get this cooling feeling and now my birthmark has these really small circles around it and then we let go. Me being me I walk backwards cause I have no clue what just happened. I turn and walk away and go back to my room. I need to rest this is too much. Wait I cant act like this.

I'm a mean ruthless Alpha. I fear no one. I intimidate people not the other way around especially from some damn girl. I'm done here. I'm leaving tonight.


Ravens POV

I feel the power b/w us. He hasn't even touched me yet. This has to be him Cleo. It has to be.

Suddenly I feel a pain but push it away and now I feel a cool feeling. He looks at me and I look at him. He looks down and sees he has small circles around his birthmark. If he does I do to. 

Its him. I cant believe we found him. We found our mate. Now I hope he doesn't run.

Right when she finished her sentence he starts moving backwards and turns and walks away.

Why is he running. We just found each other. I'm not gonna look weak though I wont let this get to me in front of all these people.

After about 5 mins Cole and Stacy come toward me. "Raven are you okai? That guy is a jerk okai. Don't let him get you down." Says Stacy then she looks at Cole.

"Cole I don't understand. Why did he run?" Stacy says. Because I'm a freak and he cant handle a weirdo mate.

"Raven he is just scared don't mind him okai. I'll figure out what his problem is when I go back to my room. I promise." Stacy then looks at him and then toward me and gives me a face saying back off he's mine.

I know she didn't mean it that's how mates work right? "Its okai , Cole go dance with Stacy."

"But I promised that--" "I know but shes your mate go be with her. I'll talk to you later." Then they left and went to the dance floor.

I guess me wanting to find him was a mistake. I don't know why I thought it would work out well. All people care about are these dumb birthmarks. Him being my mate would have to deal with everything that happens. We don't know what happens when it comes to these marks. All we know is that they glow.

I turn and watch as everyone is dancing and having fun. This night couldn't get any better.

So there it goes! She found him but he ran. typical man. Lets just hope they find each other again. They need each other. Also i wanted Cole to be with raven they are so cute together!!!!!  But that's okai they'll find each other again soon. VERY SOON. hahaha welll please heart and comment!!! bye Babes!!! muah!!  Also that is her dress over there >>>>>>>>

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