Turn up the music

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I've gone back there every night to see if he's there but, he never comes. I don't know if I should keep going or not. I feel like he's toying with me, like I'm a puppet or something. Cleo feels so sad lately and I blame him.

"Raven. Alpha Rhett is here again. What do you want me to do?" Says Shane.

"Have him come in. We have some things to talk about." He nods then goes to get our visitor.

"Raven." "Rhett." Could this get anymore awkward.

"Raven I have your gift. And no Thomas didn't help me. Here..." He hands me a box .

"Inside that box is a necklace. Also here is a bag. Inside is the new Maroon 5 album V. I thought you'd like it." 

I open the box to find a gold necklace. It has a looped heart with a smaller heart going through it. The smaller heart has black diamonds in it. This necklace was beautiful. He out did himself.

"Well Rhett this is amazballz!!! Thank you so much!! I love it." I say getting up to hug him, but he steps back. 

"Can I not hug you? You did just buy me this gift. I wont bite, unless I have to haha." He looks so scared.

"No you cant, I don't like people touching me. Your welcome though. And listen to the CD after I leave I think you'll like number 2 ,5,and 7 the best." 

Then he leaves. I'm gonna play this CD now. 

After listening to the CD I can say those three are my favorite. I cant stop listening to it. I'm gonna go it to the woods tonight to see if "he" is there I wanna tell him about the song that reminds me of him.


Its now 9:30 and I feel so happy right now. Rhetts gifts really put a smile on my face. But now its time to leave for the woods. 

After making it to our place I sat there and started singing number 5 on the CD, Sugar.

"I'm hurting baby, I'm broken down. I need your loving, loving. I need it now. When I'm without you, I'm something weak, you got me begging, begging. I'm on my knees.I don't wanna be needing your love, I just wanna be deep in your love. And it's killing me when your away, Ooh Baby, cause a bullet don't care where you are, I just wanna be there where you are. And I gotta get one little taste. Ya Sugar yes please. Won't you come put it down on me. Oh right here,cause I need little loving little sympathy. Yeah ya show me good loving, make it alright need a little sweetness in my life. Ya sugar yes please, won't you come put it down on me." I sing as if no one is there.

While singing I see my wolf man. " Hey!!! You came!! I didn't think you would come. I wanted to show some songs. My friend Rhett gave it to me and I love this song!! Its called sugar also this song animals reminds me of you." He looks at me by cocking his head to the side.

"Animals goes like this. Yeah, you can start over , you can run free. You can find other fish in the sea. You can pretend it's meant to be, but you can't stay away from me. I can still hear you making that sounds taking me down rolling on the ground. You can pretend it was me." 

He just barks and runs in a circle, but then stops. He looks in a different direction and sniff. He then gets in front of me and starts growling at something. I sniff the air and I can smell whatever it is he does. Its coming right at us so I change into Cleo.

Whatever this is, is gonna die tonight. 

Three rouges soon pop out showing all teeth. They are a bit smaller than us and had foam coming from their mouths.

These must be deranged. Never seen wolves like this before. They must have lost their sanity a long time ago.

The four soon start attacking us. We each have two. The two I had had bit down on my ankle and my stomach but was soon taken off.  We then finished them off. We each had wounds but not any that were too bad. 

I changed back hoping he would do the same but, he never did. He came toward me and licked me and ran away.

"Bye." Was all I got out.


"Today Cole and Stacy come back. Please tell me you have their room done?"

"Yes I do. Stacy told me what she likes so I did my best to make it perfect for her." Says Val

"Okai Thanks Val. Can you go get Shane for me please I would like to speak to him." She nods and walks away. Today I want him to get stuff ready while I go to Rhetts place. I wanna throw a party for out new arrivals later and I know Cole and Rhett are close.

"You wanted to talk?" He says politely.

"Yes, I wanna throw Cole and Stacy a welcome party and I want you to have everyone put up decorations for a party. Mean while I will get some people from Rhetts place to join. "

"Yes Alpha." 

Now its time to walk to Rhetts place. I'm not use to going over there but I have too. We will have to be friends because his friend is my best friend. It would be weird for us not to be friends.

"Raven!! What ya doing here does Rhett know your here?"

"No Thom I wanted to talk to you guys. And you guys means actual guys as in you, Johnathan, and Rhett. Can you go get them please?" I say hopping he doesn't ask anymore questions.

"Hey Raven!"  " Hey Johnathan." We say while hugging each other. We haven't seen each other in forever. 

"Its good to see you again. How's things at your place? You find that mate of yours yet?"

"Everything is going great there. We get stronger every day. As for that mate, well I found him but he ran away from me when we meet. Apparently he knows who I am but I don't know him. I never got to see his face but I do see him whenever he decides to show up in the woods in his wolf form." I say with a smile on my face.

They say nothing they just look at me. " Well I wanted to talk to you guys cause Cole and Stacy are moving in today and I'm throwing a party for them and I want you guys to be there. Rhett you're his friend so you need to come too." 

"Well what if we..." I cut him off." You guys are coming and I'll see you at 6. Chau !!

With that I left. I have a lot to do at home so its time to go.


Rhett's POV

Ring ring ring. Ring ring ring. I pick up my phone and it's Cole. 

"Oh wassup Cole? Ughh yes dude I know. I have been seeing her just not in my human form......I will tell her......No not tonight......You can't tell her. Fine in two days but you have to be there. I'll talk to you when you get here. Bye."

Ugh Cole just has to be right all the time. I guess in two days Raven will find out we're mates.

She was already suppose to know you half-whit. Now you better hope she accepts us after she finds out.

I think she will. You've seen the way she looks at us. She wouldn't dare leave us. I hope. 

I remember the way she looked at the gift I got her. I really wanted to kiss her but that couldn't happen. Raven would've figured out . When I tell her I want it too be special so she understands how I feel.

Well it's party time. Lets go turn up the music.

So he plans on telling her!!! About time right???? Well lets just hope it goes good. Raven doesn't do good with liars.... smh Also go listen to the new maroon 5 album V if you haven't already!!!! Its great!!!  BYE!! MUAH ;* 

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