Chapter 1: You Could've Killed Me!

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Zelda squinted her eyes as the morning sun peeked through her curtains and warmed her face. She groaned in protest not wanting get up. Once the young woman finally sat up she looked around at her small and empty room. She didn't have much, but she had enough to live and that's what kept her strong.

A light summer breeze disturbed the curtain as the aroma of the outdoors filled her room. This brought a smile to her face as she swung her legs over the bed and slipped into her shoes. Quickly she removed her nightwear and squeezed into one of her few dresses. She tried her best to keep her clothing clean, but her chores made that a nearly impossible task. Stains were spotted all over the dress but she was proud of being portrayed as a hard worker; and besides, everyone else's clothing looked like hers as well.

Zelda grabbed a basket of cucco feed and meandered her way out to their pen. Slowly she tossed handfuls of feed to the pack of birds as they briskly pecked at it. As she finished her first task she made her way back to the house to grab an empty basket. She sighed as she made her way back outside and toward their small garden.

Sweat began to form as beads on her forehead as the noontime sun shined down on her head. Zelda wiped the sweat away with her sleeve as she came to the end of her garden picking. Not much survived the harsh sun, but she'd just have to make do with what she's been given. Just as she started toward the house the sound of a horse speeding along was heard. She quickly turned only to be startled by the horse coming directly toward her.

It's rider could be seen and was clearly not paying attention to what was in front of them. The young woman lept to the side, the horse just barely missing her. Her basket of vegetables was thrown and it's contents now scattered in the field. Zelda clenched her fists as angry tears threatened to spill down her face. Quickly she stood and turned toward the direction the duo were running only to see the horse and the hooded rider quickly making their way over to her.

"I'm so very sorry Miss." The what seemed to be a young man said with an apologetic tone. "I really should have been looking in front of me rather than behind.."

"Yeah you should have." She said bitterly. "You could have severely hurt me, or even killed me!" Zelda raised her voice as the tears returned to her eyes.

The rider removed his hood, revealing his deep blue eyes and sunshine blonde locks. She examined him a little more closely and noticed he was wearing a bit more elegant apparel than most travelers that came through here. He looked at her with a sad expression,

"I really wish there was some way I could make it up to you. Would you like some assistance picking up your vegetables? Or I could give you money?"

Money. He was giving her pity. This always infuriated Zelda more than anything.

"I don't need anything from you!" The young woman choked out as a lone tear made it's way down her cheek.

The man fidgeted slightly, obviously feeling more sorry for her or just plain awkward.

"Look, why don't I introduce myself? It's the least I can do." The traveler gave her a pleading expression. "I really don't want you to think badly of me, I was being chased and well.." He trailed off. ".. Anyway, that's not what really matters."

He quickly bowed and smiled at her. "I am Prince Link, from the town of Hyrule."

Zelda gasped and immediately fell to her knees, "Y-your Highness! I-I'm so sorry for my intolerable behavior!"

Her hands started shaking nervously as she hoped he'd forgive her.

The Prince chuckled and held a hand out to her. "Please, I almost hurt you.. There's no need to apologize or give me such formalities.."

Zelda took his hand as he helped her back onto her feet. She watched as he held her hand for a moment and then grinned.

"It is I, who should be giving you formalities." Prince Link kissed her hand gently and released it.

He then bowed once more, "Do please accept my sincerest apology for almost running you over with my horse."

A light blush appeared on her cheeks, embarrassed by her actions before.

She quickly curtsied and gave a small smile. "Your apology is accepted and much appreciated, Your Highness."

He smiled, seemingly satisfied with her response. Zelda watched him as he mounted his chestnut mare. It was the most beautiful and magnificent horse she'd ever seen in her life. Without thinking, she reached toward the creature and stroked it's snowy white mane gently. The horse neighed with delight as she finished petting it. The Prince laughed, bringing Zelda back to reality.

"I-I'm sorry.. F-for touching your horse."

"No, don't be.. I'm surprised she let you." He said with an amused tone. "Epona usually refuses to let anyone but me have contact with her."

He gave her a handsome smile causing her to melt somewhat on the inside. "She must like you!"

Zelda grinned and gave a light giggle, "Thats very strange. Why me? Huh girl?"she gave the horse once last pat and stepped away.

Prince Link looked as if he wanted to say something, but he stayed silent.

"Well, I should get back to my chores. I'm sure you have your royal business to attend to." She said unwillingly.

The Prince nodded in agreement, "Ah! Y-yes, royal business." He gave an awkward laugh and steered Epona back to the direction he was heading.

Zelda began to walk away as he called to her. "Oh, Miss?"

She turned toward him and smiled, "Yes?"

"I don't believe you ever told me your name.."

Her cheeks reddened at the fact that he actually cared about what her name was. A deep breath escaped through her lips as she tried to remained calm and cool.

"It's Zelda." She said with a smile.

"Zelda.." His voice was soft and sweet as he spoke her name. "Well Zelda, I do hope we meet again in different circumstances."

He flashed her one last smile and then whipped his reins. Epona dashed forward toward the dense forest that lined the field. The young woman felt as if her heartbeat could be heard from a mile away. Once the pair disappeared she fell to the ground and onto her back. A smile remained painted on her face as she admired the clouds floating across the sky.

'Wow, I just met a Prince...' She thought to herself, still in complete shock. '..and he was nice!'

Zelda closed her eyes as she completely forgot about her chores that needed to be done.

'Nobody is going to believe this..'

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