Chapter 3: So Long, Friend

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Sun rays peeked through the curtains and warmed the young woman's face. She stirred slightly, not wanting to wake. It had already been 2 weeks since the day Malon said she would be leaving their small village of Eldin. As well as 2 weeks since she encountered her near death experience with Prince Link.

Zelda squeezed her eyes shut as she hoped to the Gods that Mal changed her mind. A light sigh escaped her lips as she slowly made her way out of bed and to her closet. Just like every other day, she removed her nightwear and slipped into her dress.

As she walked into the kitchen she stopped and examined everything carefully. It was all just how she left it every night. Nothing different. Zelda bit her lip slightly as she began to realize how right Malon was about this village. Nothing ever changed and it never would.

Zelda quickly brushed the bed head out of her hair and then looked in the mirror. Her eyes were dull and full of exhaustion. She soon began thinking about her life. Was it really fear of the world that kept her in this village? Or was it an inability to care about her life? She'd never had anything good and she just figured she never would. The young woman scowled at herself slightly and then removed her eyes from the mirror.

She made her way to the front door and opened it. Zelda walked through the doorway and out to the freshness of the outdoors, closing the door behind her. Slowly she began to walk toward Malon's house as a sick feeling began to emerge in her stomach.

Once she made it to the house she knocked slightly. The door quickly swung open and revealed a beaming Malon.

"About time you wake up sleepyhead!" Malon laughed.

"Good morning to you too Mal." She rolled her eyes jokingly.

Zelda followed her into the house and then looked around. Her heart ached as she saw all of her things packed up and ready to go. She really was leaving, and there was nothing Zelda could do.

"Will you help me move my things into the wagon?" Malon said with a giant grin on her face.

"Of course." She said bluntly.

Zelda began picking up bags of Malon's things and lugged them out to the wagon. She was surprised at how heavy some of the bags were. The young woman smirked slightly as she realized how much of a hoarder Malon was.

"Well, that does it!" The red head said in a relieved tone.

"Yeah.." Zelda said quietly as she made eye contact with Malon. "So, you heading out now?" Her voice cracked slightly.

Malon frowned and stared back at Zelda with glossy eyes. "I-I guess I am."

For a moment they did nothing but stare at the ground in an awkward silence. Then Malon lunged at Zelda and embraced her in a strong hug. Zelda's eyes began to fill with tears as she hugged her best friend back. She never wanted to let go.

"I'm going to miss you so much Zel." Malon said through tears.

"I'll miss you too." She choked out as tears finally spilled from her eyes as well.

Their embraced continued on until they both composed themselves. Malon pulled from the embrace and gave Zelda a small smile. Her eyes were still glossed with tears.

"Zelda please, you have to promise me one thing.."


"Promise me you won't spend your entire life here..." She said in a pleading tone.

Zelda's mouth opened slightly as she pondered this request, "I-I'll try.."

"No Zelda, promise me." Her voice was stern as she spoke.

"O-Okay, I promise."

Malon gave her once last hug before she hopped onto the wagon and grabbed the reigns of her horse. She situated herself until she got comfortable and gave Zelda a glance.

"Goodbye Zelda.."

"Goodbye Malon.."

The young red head whipped the reigns of the horse and began to ride away. Zelda continued to watch her friend leave until she couldn't see her anymore. Tears began to well up in her eyes once more as sadness consumed her. She turned and sprinted to her house as tears stained her cheeks. Malon was all she had and now she was gone.

Zelda flew through her doorway and to her bed, hopping onto it. She placed her face into her pillow and sobbed quietly. She had never felt more lonely in her entire life.

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