Chapter 15: Reunited

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The group slowed as they neared the village of Eldin that the two girls had once resided in. They continued to trot at a slow pace until they reached their destination.

"Well, this is it!" Malon said happily as they all stared at Zelda's vacant house.

Link looked down at Zelda who was fast asleep in his arms. She had been out since they started riding. He dismounted his horse with her and Malon and Kafei got off theirs. One by one they made their way into the house.

Zelda began to stir and Link quickly set her into a chair. She reached up and rubbed one eye gently as her eyes slowly opened.

"Wh-what? Where are we?" She looked at Malon and her face began to beam with joy. "Malon!"

Malon dashed toward Zelda so she didn't have to stand and embraced her in a gentle hug.

"I can't believe it's you.." Zelda choked out.

"I've missed you so much Zellie. I'm so happy you're okay." Malon said happily.

"Me too." Zelda said softly as her eyes glossed over with tears.

"So, I'd like you to meet my husband." Malon pulled Kafei over. "Zelda, Kafei. Kafei, Zelda."

"It's nice to meet you Zelda, Malon has said so much about you." He said with a smile.

"Oh has she?" Zelda said as she giggled.

They all laughed as things started to feel normal for now. Zelda made eye contact with Link briefly, causing his heart to flutter. His excitement faded as she quickly looked away with almost an ashamed look.

"So why'd we come here?" Zelda questioned as she looked at her old home.

"Well, we don't think Ganon would ever think to look here." Kafei answered.

Malon looked at Link and gave him a small smile. She must have felt bad that he wasn't getting Zelda's attention at all.

"Hey Kaf, why don't we go through some of our stuff outside to see what's going to get brought in?" Malon tugged him slightly.

"Oh, okay dear." He said obediently.

Once they left, Link stuffed his hand in his pockets and gave a quick glance at Zelda. She looked different than when Malon was in here. Her expression was now full of sadness and something else he couldn't quite pinpoint as she looked at her hands.

Link took a deep, nervous breath and finally made his way over to her.

He sats down next to her on the couch and let out a large sigh. His heart ached slightly as she refused to greet him like Malon. Link had pictured this scene so much differently before he saved her.

"How you feeling, Zel?" He said softly as her placed a hand on her shoulder.

She tensed up at his touch and continued to stay turned away from him. Link took his hand off of her and ran a hand through his hair. He couldn't believe how much she had changed. Could she have changed enough to not even care for him anymore? His thoughts just made him more frustrated as he stared at her.

"Zelda." He said sternly as he grabbed her chin and turned her face towards him. "Why are you acting so strange?"

"I'm not me anymore, Link." She said bluntly as she stared at him with dull eyes.

"What're you talking about? Of course you're you! Hylia is dormant once more because my parents are dead!"

"I'm not talking about Hylia.." She said quietly. "Look at me. Do you see this marks? The wounds? The bruises!?" Her voice started to raise slightly. "You have no idea what happened to me back there! These wounds will leave scars, which will remind me of this all until the day I die."

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