Chapter 11: An Old Friend

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It'd been nearly a month since the death of the woman that stole the Princes heart. He sat alone at Lon Lon Bar. It was new in the town of Termina where he now resided in secrecy. It was a small, quaint town where everyone knew each other which was something he had always longed for. The sense of belonging cured his broken heart for the time being but he knew it wouldn't last.

"Kafei!" A small red headed woman cried as she burst through the door.

"What is it my love?" The bartender said in a worrisome tone.

The girl threw herself into his arms and sobbed lightly. Link watched as he patted her back in an attempt to comfort her. He then looked away. The image of the couple reminded him of what he could have had. The Prince sighed sadly and tried his best to not pay attention.

"W-we have to close! I'm sorry but.. We need to go to Castle Town!" This statement drew Link back into the conversation.

"Castle Town!? What for? You know that's 2 to 3 day ride!" He said, astonished.

"I just saw a flyer a traveling merchant carried... It was for a public execution taking place.." Her voice was soft and shaky.

At this point, everyone in the bar was looking their way. The conversation was hard to ignore, especially for Link. An execution hasn't taken place in his home town since Link was a child.

"Executions are a normal occurrence sweetheart." Kafei said sadly.

Her eyes were filled with tears once more. "It's not just any execution though.. The victim is my friend, the one I told you about.. Zelda."

Everyone looked in his direction as his mug fell to the floor. Links eyes were wide with shock at the mention of Zelda's name. He placed his hands on the bar as they clenched into fists and stood.

"Did... Did you just say.. Zelda..?" He asked quietly.

The girls eyes were wide with shock from the glass breaking. "Y-yes."

Link stood and walked over to the pair. He realized how strange he seemed to them. He did just make quite the scene. Slowly he regained his composure and continued.

"I'm sorry.." He sighed. "Last time I heard of Zelda my Father was telling me she had passed away due to injuries.."

Kafei looked at Link and then to Malon. "Why don't we go to the back and finish this conversation.."

Link realized the attention that was being drawn to him. He nodded his head. "Yes, let's."

The group made their way down a hallway and through dual doors at the end of the hall. The room was full of bar supplies and other things.

"Who are you?" Kafei immediately asked. "And how do you know my wife's friend?"

"I'm Prince Link of Hyrule." They both gasped at his blunt statement.

The Prince sighed and then began his story. He told them both about how the two met and how they became separated, as well as everything about his life before that. Their faces were covered with a dumbfounded expression from all the information.

"I'm the Prince of Hyrule, and I lost the woman I love.. Or so I thought.." His eyes moved to the ground as he finished.

"You're the one Zel was telling me about!" She said excitedly as she held out her hand. "I'm Malon, Zelda's friend since birth basically."

Link smiled, "it's nice to meet you, both of you." He nodded in Kafeis direction.

"Let's go back out to the counter. This is making us seem sneaky." Kafei said with a smile.

They walked down the hall and Kafei quickly spoke, "never would have guessed you were a Prince." He chuckled.

Link chuckled as well, "Thank Gods, I thought I was awful at hiding it."

Kafei returned back behind the counter as Malon and Link sat down.

"So what's the plan? We need to save Zellie.." Malon asked quietly.

The Prince leaned in toward the pair and whispered as he smirked, "we leave tomorrow morning and we'll discuss it then. I have just the plan.."

They both nodded, agreeing with his statement.

The group shared some stories and laughs as the night continued on. Once it got too late they went their separate ways until the next morning. That night Link laid in his bed consumed by restlessness. His heart had become filled with hope, something it hadn't felt in so long. Link couldn't believe the events of today.

Zelda was alive, and he was determined to save her.


The sun peaked through the barred window and warmed her face, waking her from her slumber. Her face was covered with different blacks and blues from the abuse she'd been receiving. Not only was she in pain, but she felt dirty, violated, and hateful.

Zelda slowly sat up and leaned against the wall. She was weak from the hunger and pain. Birds were heard singing in the trees outside of the window.

"Hey beautiful, you're finally awake." A prisoner called to her.

Zelda gave him a hateful glare and then looked toward the main door as someone pulled it open. The King slowly made his way down the steps. He stopped once he was at her cell.

"Don't worry. You won't be suffering much longer.." He purred with a smirk on his face. "You'll be executed in a weeks time."

Zelda stood and walked over to him. For a moment she just stared at him and his smug look. He thought it would be easy. Zelda knew she wasn't going to go down without a fight. The young woman got close to him and then spit as much as she could in his face.

"Go to hell." She smiled sweetly.

"You little bitch. Now you've just lost yourself 3 days of life!"

"Good, I'm ready to die." Zelda giggled and backed away from the door.

The King gave her once last glare and then turned toward the steps. Angrily, he walked away and up toward the door.

"You'll be getting a lot of enjoyment down here the next few days as well." He chuckled as he slammed the door.

Zelda sat on the floor once more and brought her knees to her chest. Finally tears began to roll down her cheeks as she thought about what would happen to her the last days of her life. She knew they were going to make her stay in a room with a group of prisoners again, or with that bastard Ganondorf.

Her shoulders shook slightly as she continued to sob. All of her thoughts drifted away as Link slowly came to her mind. She couldn't help but wonder what he was doing. Was he missing her? Was he happy? Does he know she's alive? Will he save her?.. Did he find someone else..? Her thoughts began to make her heart feel heavy with sadness.

"Link.. Don't give up on me.." She whispered. "Please.. Save me."

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