Chapter 17: Turn of Events

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"So what're we going to do?" Kafei asked as he looked at the poster with their faces on it.

"We go after him, of course." Link answered quickly.

Silence filled the room as the group pondered the statement. A light sigh could be heard from Zelda as she attempted to break the silence. Link looked at her and then to the pair before him.

"Zelda and I will go alone."

"What!?" Kafei and Malon said in unison.

Link smiled at the pair. "Don't worry about us, we have the Gods on our side. Besides, I know Zelda would agree when I say we wouldn't be able to live with ourselves if anything bad were to happen to you two."

Malon opened her mouth to speak but no words would come. Link could tell they didn't like the arrangement, but he'd feel better this way. He looked over at Zelda and was slightly shocked when he saw she was staring right at him already. Zelda gave him a gratitude filled smile and looked at her friends.

"Yes, this is Link and I's battle, not yours." She said with a smile.

Malon stood and walked over to Zelda. She rose to her feet as well and the two embraced in a long hug. The silence had returned to the room until they separated.

"You better be careful.. And you!.." She pointed at Link. ".. You better protect her!"

Link bowed and smiled. "She's in great hands my dear Malon."

He smirked as she rolled her eyes at him. Zelda walked over to him and wrapped her arms around the Princes waist, squeezing gently. His eyes met hers, forcing a smile onto her lips.

Her voice gave her a demanding demeanor as she spoke.

"We leave in the morning."


Dawn began to break through the clouds as the two packed supplies onto their horses. Malon and Kafei watched them with saddened expressions from the doorway.

"Well, we're done." Zelda said breathlessly as she approached Malon.

She immediately gripped onto Zelda as tears formed in her eyes. "You better come back Zel."

"I will, I promise. Don't worry Mal."

Malon released Zelda and she turned toward Kafei. He gave her a small smile and shocked her when he embraced her. Finally he let her go and gave her a smirk.


Zelda nodded and then turned to Link who was waiting patiently by the horses. He gave a small nod to the pair standing in the doorway.

"Don't worry, this isn't goodbye." He said confidently.

Link hopped onto Epona just as Zelda did to her horse. She gave him a quick glance and nodded, signaling that she was ready. He cracked the reins and Epona sped off, Zelda followed behind. They rode in silence for miles, unsure of what to say. Dusk quickly began to take over the sky as they made good distance throughout the day.

"We should stop here." Link said to Zelda as he led Epona into the coverage of the trees. Zelda nodded and followed close behind him. He began to remove supplies from his horse and began pitching the tent. Once camp was set up and a fire was going, Link sat down beside Zelda.

"Do you really think we can beat him Link? We have no idea how to use our gifts.." Zelda whispered.

Links face became unsure as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I didn't really think much about our plan.. It was emotions that controlled them before.."

"Do you feel any different? I can feel Hylia tugging away at my mind, trying to take control." Zelda leaned her head into Link. "She's driving me crazy and I can't take it anymore."

"Zelda." He said sternly. "You can't give in to her. You were given the triforce of wisdom, not her. I know there's a way for you to control it, you just have to learn how."

The young woman sighed and rubbed her eyes out of frustration. She had tried and tried to use her powers already and failed. She had watched Link practice using his new sword countless times, as well as his slight bits of magic.

'Why is my gift so different?' She thought angrily.

"Why don't we get to bed? You look stressed." He gave her a concerned look and then stood.

Link held his hand out to her and she slowly slipped her hand into his. Together they retreated to the tent and laid down. He leaned over her and pressed his lips lightly to her cheek. The Prince then wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his nose into her neck.

"Goodnight, my princess." He said sweetly.

A faint blush appeared on her cheeks as he called her by her favorite nickname. "Goodnight, Link."


Fires encircled her as she stared at the scene before her. In the distance, stood Ganondorf and Link as they began their battle. Sparks began to fly as their swords made contact with one another's. She placed her hand over her heart in fear as she saw Link begin to struggle against his foe.

Then, everything happened so fast.

The battle paused as Link was barely able to hold his sword. Ganondorf slowly began to transform into a merciless beast. He now sported dual swords and eyes as golden as the sun. The man now seemed all powerful, and impossible to defeat. A massive roar escaped from the beast as it started toward Link. The Hero fell to his knees as exhaustion kicked in.

"Link!" Zelda screamed but was unable to be heard.


Suddenly her triforce began to illuminate with a magnificent brightness. Light engulfed her just as it had when she transformed into Hylia. Though as the light faded, she was still in control. Hylia was still at rest. Her eyes roamed down to her dress that wasn't white like when she transformed into Hylia. This one was elegant, and had much more design to it. Her mouth opened slightly at the beauty. Zelda could feel power flowing through her, unlike before. Confusion overwhelmed her as she continued to look at her new self.

Before she could fully take in or even question her appearance, Links scream was heard. Just as she looked up, the monsters blade was slicing through her hero.



Zelda's breathing was heavy and sweat dripped down her forehead as she awoke with a jolt. She sat up and looked down at her Prince that was in a deep sleep beside her.

'That dream..' She thought to herself, 'could it be true..?'

The young woman looked down at the marking on her hand. She sighed gently and then brought her head back down to her pillow. Her brow furrowed slightly in confusion as her mind continued to wander. She had so many unanswered questions. Once she finally closed her eyes, she drifted off to sleep.

Neither of them knew what trials they were about to face.

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