Chapter 12: The Road Ahead

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Link awoke at the crack of dawn and began gathering supplies. He packed food and an extra pair of clothes just in case. It was the end of winter now so he was glad they didn't have to worry about trekking through feet of snow. Once he finished, he stepped through the doorway and shivered as the crisp morning air touched his skin.

Epona was stabled just a few feet away. She snorted with happiness as he neared her. The Prince patted her main softly and smiled.

"I hope you're ready for a long journey!"

Link hopped onto her and stared at the path ahead. He knew this wasn't going to be easy but he had no choice. Zelda needed him more than anything. Epona neighed as he snapped the reins and she took off.

Kafei and Malon were waiting for him as he neared the edge of town. They both were on their own horses. The pair smiled as he neared them.

"Well good morning!" Kafei exclaimed.

Link chuckled and gave him a smile. "Good morning to you both."

"Are you guys ready for this?" Malon spoke with a nervous tone.

Link nodded at her and then looked back and forth between him and her,. His plan wasn't a mastermind one, but he thought it could get the job done.

"Okay, here's the plan." He started. "First of all, no one can see me because it would draw everyone's attention to me. I'm pretty sure my parents are doing this just to get back at me and to get my attention so they'd most likely speed up the process if I was seen." Link sighed sadly, "I'd try and break in and save her, but who knows where they're keeping her held prisoner. So we'll need to strike on the day of the execution. You two need to create a distraction to stall the event but nothing that could get you killed. As for me, I'll use this.." Link held up the cloak that he had loaned Zelda. ".. In order to make my way through the crowd without being noticed. I just need to get to the executioner and take him out or just get him away from her in time to unlatch the board that will be holding her down." Link took a deep breath, "and if anything goes wrong we have no choice but to stop being discreet and fight. Our objective is to prevent the execution. Nothing else. But don't let the fear of failure make you careless.." He ended in a sad tone.

"We aren't going to fail." Malon said sternly. "We just can't."

Her shoulders began to shake slightly as she held back tears. Link nodded as he started Epona forward toward Castle Town. Together their horses dashed down the road. They all remained quiet, nervous about what was to come. The thought of failure lingered on Links mind. He had already believed he lost Zelda once, he couldn't bear losing her again.

They rode for hours until the sky finally became pink, warning that night was near.

"We should set up camp." Kafei finally said.

Link nodded and they turned heir horses into the dense trees. They didn't go too far off the road but made sure they weren't visible. Once their tents were pitched and a fire was going they all finally relaxed. They talked for a while as they sat around the fire.

"So you really love Zelda huh?" Malon said as she smiled at Link.

"Sure do. No woman has ever yelled at me like she did." Link chuckled.

Kafei and Malon both laughed at his statement.

"She's very stubborn. Goodluck getting to her. She doesn't like to talk about love." The red head giggled and then stood.

"We should all get to bed. Tomorrow we should arrive in Castle Town. We made good time today." She stretched and then turned toward the tent.

"I agree." Kafei said tiredly.

"Goodnight everyone." The Prince said as he slipped into his tent.

Link wondered what Malon meant about Zelda not liking the topic of love. He longed to express his love for her, but did her not liking it mean he should wait?

He rolled onto his side and sighed lightly.

'Zelda surely is stubborn. That's for sure.' He thought happily.

Slowly he drifted off to sleep with thoughts of her beautiful, smiling face on his mind.

He couldn't wait to see her again.


Zelda stood on her tip toes and looked out her cell window. A large wall blocked her from seeing any nature besides grass. She sighed sadly as she walked over to her uncomfortable bed and sat on it. It creaked loudly from her weight. She looked down at her clothes that were torn and tattered from them being tugged on and off of her. Blood splatter covered most of them as well.

Zelda examined her body. Her skin had lost it's bright and happy glow. It was now covered with bruises. Each day she became covered with more and more marks from the abuse. Her arm had a severe teeth indents on it from one of the prisoners biting her when she slapped him. She was sick of being touched and taken advantage of.

The young woman felt the urge to cry but no tears would come. She had lost her emotion, and even her will to even want to feel anything. Zelda had given up hope, which destroyed her.

"Link won't come, he doesn't care." She whispered in disgust.

"He's a Prince, obviously he has better things to do."

Zelda could feel a strong anger boiling inside of her. Suddenly she punched the brick wall over and over again. Once she stopped, blood coated her hand. No pain came to her from the wounds. Adrenaline flowed through her like wildfire.

"I hate everything!" She screamed as she thrashed around in her cell.

"Shut the hell up." A voice boomed, causing her to stop.

Her breathing was heavy as she glared at the man in front of her cell. It was the man she hated most, Ganondorf. She wanted nothing more than to rip his throat out as he stood with a smug look on his face.

"I.. Will.. Kill you.." She said breathlessly.

"I'd love to see you try." He chuckled.

Zelda instantly lunged at the cage and grabbed his throat. He gasped at her attack and struggled to free himself. His large hand then flew through the cell bars and made contact with her stomach. The woman sucked in a large breath of air as she fell to the ground. Ganondorf was breathing heavily as he held his neck.

"You will pay for that!" He said angrily.

From the ground, Zelda looked up at him and smirked. This just made him more angry. He stomped away furiously as sharp breaths hissed through his clenched teeth. She heard the door slam behind him.

Zelda broke out in laughter.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm not going without a fight. Stupid pig."

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