Chapa 8

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"What did I just get myself into?" I mumble

I mentally shake my head, "Hello I'm L/N  Y/N, nice to meet you Mrs.Bakugo." I put my hand out for her to shake. She blinks twice "Oh how sweet, and please call me Mistuki, now what's a sweet girl like you doing with my hormonal son?" I start smelling smoke, "YOU OLD HAG WHAT THE FUCK!!" I see bakugo's hands start crackling. "STOP CURSING IN MY HOUSEHOLD YOU LITTLE SHIT." I start ignoring them and look around seeing family pictures and other tiny things. I have a tiny smile and walk into the living room, I walk over the the coffee table and see a baby picture of bakugo eating sand. I pick it up and look at it, 'He was so cute as a baby, wish I had baby pictures of me.' I trace his face with my finger nails, I don't realize I'm crying until there are tear drops falling onto the picture frame. I gasp and quickly wipe my face, "It's okay to cry sometimes, I don't really know your story but I can tell you grew up differently than bakugo did, and that's alright. But if you need anything you can always come to me or bakugo. Okay?" I turn around and see Mistuki and bakugo behind the couch looking at me. I smile and nod, "Thank you" I put the frame down and look around some more. "Bakugo told me you needed a place to stay for awhile, I'll get you some clothes so you can take a shower." She walks off in the hallway to get the clothes. "You can sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the ground. And don't argue with me about it."

Mistuki walls out of the hallway with some clothes and some undergarments. "Ah thank you, I'll be out once I'm done." She smiles and nod, "The bathroom is down the hall on the right" I nod and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I walk in and turn the light on, 'Seems like a decent enough of bathroom.' I shut the door and turn around to turn the shower on.


After a refreshing shower I heading out to the living room to see Mistuki on the couch with a computer and papers surrounding her. She looks up and smiles, "Ah katsuki is in his room, it's upstairs last door on the left." I smile and head to the stairs. I get to his door and knock, "It's open" I turn to door knob and walk in. I walk in and look around, it's a dark room, with some all might posters, and some other things. I walk over to his bed and sit down, I look down and fumble with my nails. 'I wanna go out and go building jumping but he probably won't wanna come.' I close my eyes and sigh. "What is it? You bored or something?" I look up and see bakugo with crossed arms looking at me. "Let's do something fun, though you might think I'm crazy."

"What is it?"



I start laughing like crazy, "Shut up bakugo, you don't want anyone to know we're doing this." We finally both shut up. I made him climb a building with me and now we're standing here, waiting for him to grow a pair of balls so we can start jumping. "It's easy really, and doesn't take a lot to do." I start stretching. "I'll jump over to the next building and I'll wait there,Okay?" I quickly jump over and turn around seeing bakugo take deep breathes. He starts running then jumps and land in front of me with wide eyes. "How can you do this so easily?" I sigh and walk to the edge sitting down. "Well, I started doing this after my third mission with HQ, I was so stressed and needed something to do.Then I met aizawa and he enjoyed it too, and you seem like a cool guy so I thought this would be cool to you." I look up and look at the stars. "This is cool, you get a different view of everything, it's ama-" he gets cut off.

"Well look at that, little Y/N hanging out with her little boyfriend." I turn around and see Sue and someone new. I get up and cross my arms, "What do you want Sue? Don't you have a mission to be on?"

"Well yes, we're looking for someone." I roll my eyes and smirk, "You get a new boyfriend Sue? Seems like it." She stomps her foot and crosses her arms. "No he's my new partner, Jack is in contamination right now. He did something he wasn't supposed to and got locked up."

"Anyways Y/N, you should get home, it's not safe for you out here. Especially after what happened with U.A." Her and her partner turn around and leave. "Who were they?" I look at bakugo, "Just some people from HQ." I look out to the city, "They ruined my mood now" I mumble, bakugo suddenly grabs my hand and leads me to the ledge, "Stop complaining, you dragged me up here and we're staying." I giggle and stop walking. "Yeah I know, there's this place I know where we can sit and relax for a bit." I let go of bakugos hand and start running along the buildings roofs, I turn around in the air mid way to see bakugo following behind. I stop on one building and squat down waiting for him, "HURRY UP SLOW POKE!!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU LEFT ME BACK THERE ANYWAYS!!" I stand up and wait until he's beside me, "You ready this one you'll have to jump a bit higher." I start sprinting and jump off of my toes landing on the edge of the next building. I turn around waiting for bakugo to jump. He jumps and nearly makes it. I look up and see a billboard, 'Yes it's still here.' I smiled and started climbing up the latter on the side. "Oi,what the fuck are you doing?"

"Climbing a latter dipshit!" I get to the top and sit down with one knee up to my chest and the other hanging off the edge. I hear bakugo climb up the latter and sit next to me. I smile and look up, "This was fun, I usually stay out until sunrise but I'm too tired to continue." I yawn and wipe the little tears on my eyes. I feel bakugo staring at me but I don't acknowledge it.

Bakugo pov

'The way her hair flows in the wind is pre- no stop it mind, I've never liked anyone before and I won't start now.' I look out to the city and sigh. I look back at her and see her with a tiny smile. 'But she seems so different than the rest, the way she acts, her personality, it's just hard to not like her.' I start to notice the tiny things about her face, like how she has just three tiny freckles on her eyelids. (A/N, I actually have three little freckles on my eyelids and a lot of people love them, especially my best friend. I'll put a picture above to show y'all what I'm talking about.) or how she has long eyelashes, I stand up and hold my hand out, "Let's go dumbass, it's late and you seem tired." She looks up to me still with her small smile on her face. I feel a pang in my chest, not a bad one but like a good one. 'I don't wanna admit it but, I might have to talk to mom about this.'


Your pov

We make it back to his house and head to his room. Mistuki was already asleep when we got back so we had to be quiet. It was dark in the house and we didn't turn the lights on so we had to carefully make our way upstairs, on the way up bakugo almost busts his ass. I clamp my hand over my mouth so I don't laugh out loud. We make it to the top and run straight to his room stifling our laughs. I make it in first and jump on his bed landing face first. I hear the door close and feel a dip in the bed by my feet. I feel my eyelids start to droop, I try fighting it but eventually I lose.

Bakugo pov

'The way she sleeps is even pretty, I know I just met her but I don't want others to have her.' A piece of h/c hair falls in your face, I slowly pull it behind her ear and hold my hand on the side of her face. I have a small smile and continue staring at her until I crawl on to the floor and lay there. I put my arms behind my head and stare at the ceiling. I look up to see you with a slight smile and I just noticed you have dimples. I sigh and lay my head back down.

"What are you doing to me you dumbass?"


-Waddup, I hope you guys enjoyed, I love you all and I'll see y'all later 💖

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