Chapa 31

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"Keep moving Hitoshi, we don't want aizawa to worry now do we?"

He slowly nods his head and continues walking, his grip on my thighs tighten. Looking down at his hands I notice his veins are popping out. Smirking I lean back up and wiggle my way out of his grasp. Falling on the sidewalk on my back I groan and lay there staring at the sky. "That was so stupid of me" wheezing I sit up and stand up and walking past a dazed Hitoshi, "hurry up Hitoshi, we gotta catch up to aizawa or else we're gonna suffer when we train."

Hitoshi POV

'This fucking chick is gonna be the death of me, she beats me in training, talks to me seductively then walks off like nothing happened. Oh one day I'll get her back for this.' Smirking I follow behind aizawa-sensei and l/n, jogging up to walk beside aizawa-sensei I catch onto the last part of their conversation.

"-don't worry, you guys won't be in there for more than 5 days unless I think otherwise." Raising an eyebrow I glance at l/n to see her smiling and ears twitching every few seconds. 'Oh no, what's he gonna make us do this time.'


Katsuki POV

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE YOU FUCKING HOBO!!" I raise my hands and tiny explosions sounds the room. Receiving a smack to the head I look back to see y/n with half and half, purple haired hobo, shitty hair behind her. "Pipe down hot stuff, if you shut up then you'll know why we're in here." Grumbling I cross my arms and look around, we were placed in a room that has training equipment, a kitchen, a living room and a room with beds, plus two bathrooms. An intercom turns on and we all turn to face where the sound is coming from. "Is this thing working? Ahh well, anyways, hello turds as you can see you 5 were placed in this room for research purposes. Don't fret cause we already got parent consent even though l/n, we didn't give you an option."

"Fuck you too aizawa, go suck a dick you piece of motherfucking sh-" I cover her mouth making her shut up, she grumbles and stops talking, but licks my hand making me shudder. "Anyways, you guys will be doing your daily things you would normally do. You guys will be in here for 5 days which is the remaining time you have of your internship. I'll let you guys be until then, don't kill each other please."I let go of y/n's hand and wipe her spit off on my pants, she looks around before her eyes go wide, "WAIT A MINUTE, WHY AM I THE ONLY GIRL?? I WANT ANSWERS YOU HOBO!!" she gets a knife out of her pocket and throws it beside the intercom. Smirking I walk up to her and smack her head, "Pipe down hot stuff, chill the fuck out." She turns around and jumps on me making us fall on the ground. "DOG PILE!" suddenly another body joins us and looking up I see it's shitty hair, "get off shitty hair" then another body joins then another. Grumbling I lay my head down and try to push everyone off, but suddenly laughter fills the room. Looking up I see y/n laughing her head off and tears streaming down her face, my eyes widen and I feel my cheeks starting to warm up. Turning my head to the side I glance out the corner of my eye to see the rest of the guys with a blush on their faces too. "Alright you guys, your weight is too much for me to handle." Soon enough everyone gets off of her and she rolls off of me laying next to me. I sigh and stand up , holding my hand out to y/n she looks up at me with one eye open. "Come on dumbass, get up. No point on staying on the ground when there's a bedroom over there." She grabs my hand and pulls herself up, "what do you guys wanna do now?"

Your POV

I look around and stare at the boys waiting for an answer, sighing I walk to the bedroom and close the door. "Don't come in, I'm getting dressed real quick." Stripping of my clothes i walk to the dresser with my name on it, opening the drawers i pull out work out clothes. Suddenly hands run up and down my sides making me tense and quickly turning around. "Todoroki what in the hell do you think your doing? I said don't come in here." He steps closer until our bodies are touching. "I was already in here when you walked in." "Then stop touching me, if we're not dating then your not allowed to do this." He shrugs and moves even more closer making me step back hitting my back on the drawers, "All the other guys got to touch you, then why can't i? Am i not special enough to have that privilege?" I furrow my eyebrows and punch todoroki in the jaw making him stumble back and hold his jaw. Quickly getting dressed I walk out of the room just to run into Katauki, "Sorry, if you need me I'll be training." Walking around him I stretch and start running on the treadmill, then lifting weights and finishing off with punching the punching dummy. "Hey l/n, todoroki needs to speak to you!!" Clenching my teeth and grabbing a knife from my pocket i stab the dummy in the head. Panting lightly i stand back up and look around to see the guys staring at me with red cheeks and wide eyes. "Need something?" I spat. They turn away and continue with what they were doing, grabbing my knife i put it back in my pocket. Todoroki comes up to me and stares at me then pulls me into a hug which makes me gasp and let my arms dangle to the side. 'What's his deal, i know todoroki isn't the type to give random hugs out of no where.' He lets go of me and i pull back staring at him with an eyebrow raised. "Sorry for earlier, I wasn't in the right mind sight, i hope you forgive me." Sighing I look down and rub my arm "Listen, i don't need to deal with all this touchy stuff right now. Right now isn't the best time. So listen up you eavesdropping hoes." I look at the other boys who are staring at me.

"If you even think about laying a hand on me, you better expect your ass to beaten into the ground until your a pulp. This is the only warning your getting, you fuck up then expect an ass whooping straight from hell."

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