Chapa 11

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"God damnit" I mumble

Next Day

I leave the house ready to go before aizawa is even awake. I make it to school and start walking to class, I walk in and see most of my classmates are already here.

"I thought she got arrested?"

"Woah, she looks pissed."

"Didn't aizawa handle her though?"

I hear some of the girls whispering to each other, "Talking about me won't solve any of this. If you got something to say, say it to my face." I make my way to my seat and lean my head back sighing. 'People piss me off.' The door slides open and walks in aizawa with a smug look on his face. "L/N how come you didn't wake me up this morning before you left?"

Looking at aizawa, "Sorry thought you wouldn't trust me with that type of job." I spat. Aizawa sighs and rubs his eyes before looking towards the class. "Alrighty guys, we may have had the attack days ago but...." seems like everyone's on edge."Your fight is far from over."


"The sports festival is coming up, once every three years you get to show off what you got, so for the next 2 weeks prepare yourselves, train and don't slack off. This is a time to show pros that your worth being a hero." While everyone was chatting about the sports festival I was resting my eyes since I didn't get much sleep last night. "Oi Y/N, what's up with you?" I open my eyes to see katsuki in front of me. Sighing, "Didn't get much sleep last night."

"Did bakugo just call L/N by her first name?"

"Yeah I think so!!"

Rolling my eyes I stand up and walk past katsuki towards the door, "Oi Y/N What the fuck is up? You not gonna tell me or what?" I turn towards him with a blank stare, "Well katsuki, since everything has gone to shit I'd keep it to myself for now and try to solve it myself, but since your so sharp minded I'll tell ya."

"I was reported to the school by the damns chicks in here for having my knife pocket on."I lifted up a side of my skirt to show the pocket, I pull it down with a sigh."And apparently that was concluded of me being involved with the villains. Your the only one I've befriended since you didn't push me away, and it seemed like you trusted me. But it seems here in this class everyone but you doesn't trust me." I look around to see the whole class staring at me some with guilt and pity in there eyes. Scoffing I turn around and walk out to the halls, "Y/N wait, who cares if they don't trust you. You can earn it back, and I'll be there with you." I stop and let my eyes water 'What the fuck is up with me crying all of a sudden, I've never been like this.' I turn around facing katsuki with little tears streaming down. "I've tried to make things right here, even if I've only been to school here for a day, but I'd still protect you guys. I'd risk my life to save yours but, it seems no one else will do the same. I'll be gone until the sports festival is near, I'm training for it, so see ya around."

Turning around I walk down the halls feeling my fingernails dig into my palm, feeling the skin break I release my nails. 'Well hopefully I get time to train, and I hope aizawa won't get in the way.'

I walk out of the school and towards the house. I make it home and change into some training gear which consists of black leggings, grey windbreaker and my black vans. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail (Short hair you can do whatever). I stretch in my room and start heading out. I get out of the house when I see aizawa outside walking up the steps, he stops and looks at me. "Where do you think your going? You can't just leave so suddenly!" "Why should it matter to you? But if you must know, I'm heading out to train. I'll be home later." I walk past him out towards the sidewalk. I start jogging for awhile until I reach a beach, 'Looks nice, think I'll train my combat here for the mean time.'

I take my shoes and socks off and take off my windbreaker to reveal my sports bra. I start doing some basic moves then moving onto more complicated moves. While doing this I feel someone stare at me, I stop my training and look towards the ocean and see someone with purple hair. "TAKE A PICTURE IT LASTS MUCH LONGER!!" I look forward again and start training again, they keep staring at me so I quickly shift my foot to where I launched myself in the air towards the purple haired dude. I look up to him since he's taller than me, "Ya need something? If not quit staring it's distracting me."

"Your from class 1-a aren't you?"

"Yeah what about it?"

"I didn't see you today when I walked up to your class declaring war on you guys."

"Well I left early, my classmates pissed me off. And you won't be seeing me at school until the festival anyways." I notice his features he's got dark bags under his eyes and fluffy purple hair. "What's your name?"

"Hitoshi Shinso, you?"

"L/N Y/N"

He looks surprised, "So your the girl has that snipe quirk, that's pretty cool. Mines nothing special." "What your quirk?"

He looks to the side rubbing the back of his neck, "uhhh don't get freaked out alright?" I nod and wait for him to continue. "I can brainwash people, I ask a question and if they answer they become under my control."

"That's a pretty awesome quirk, think how useful that would be during missions. And how you could tell them to surrender, man that's such a useful quirk!!"

"Really? I've always been told that it's a villain quirk and how I'm more suited to become one, but I wanna prove them wrong." I smile and nod, "Yeah I understand how ya feel, my classmates don't really trust me, some of them think I was a part of the attack at the USJ, but I wasn't, I'd risk my life for them but I guess they don't see that in me." Sighing I ruffle my hair and look around noticing some people walking around enjoying the beach. "Anyways Hitoshi I should head home, I don't wanna get in trouble."

I turn around and head to my stuff, I put my socks and shoes on putting my jacket on my shoulders. I turn around to notice Hitoshi walked off, 'Its nice meeting new people, it seems me and him will be close friends.' I walk off the beach heading home, on the way I can feel someone start to follow me. I look behind me to see a couple people but they don't look suspicious, I turn around and run into a body, "Oops sorry, didn't see ya there." They grab my wrists and drag me to the alleyway, "Hey What the fuck, let me go you ass." I keep struggling until they throw against the wall and them trapping me in. I look up to see the half boy from school. "Excuse me I need to leave half boy, so please kindly move." "......" I tense up when I feel his hands rub against my bare arms, 'Why are his hands so cold but so hot, what the fuck.' I look to the side and cross my arms over my chest, "Ya know L/N you should be careful of what you wear out in public, especially at this time." I shove him back and kick him in the stomach, I quickly run away while putting my jacket on. I make it home to see aizawa isn't home and there's a note on the fridge.


I have patrol tonight, there are left overs in the fridge. Hopefully you see this at some point.


Sighing I walk to my room and get clothes to change into, 'Man today was total shit, first school then training and then the half boy fucking harassing me.' I get in the tub and sink down letting the water take me over. I lift my leg up to see all the scars and new scratches. 'Maybe I should cover these up they look nasty.' Sighing I put my leg back underwater.

There was a knock at the door when I suddenly jump out of the water get quickly dressed and walking to the door. I look through the peep hole to see class 1-a, 'What the frick do they want?' They knock again and I sigh, "What? Don't you guys have anything better to do?" There was some muttering, "Open up we need to talk to you L/N."

I swing the door open and wait for them to speak, "Well?" They all look at each other and look back at me, I raise an eyebrow waiting.

"We're sorry for our actions, so please return to school, we promise to be better."

I look at them with a blank face and water dripping off my hair, "No so fuck off." I slam the door locking it and walking away. "Y/N YOU BETTER GET BACK HERE YOU DUMBASS, OR WE'LL BREAK DOWN YOUR DOOR!!" I turn towards the door, "IT'S NOT MY HOUSE DIP SHIT ITS AIZAWA'S, SO IF YOU WANNA DIE GO AHEAD BE MY FUCKING GUEST." i hear them mutter a couple of things and them footsteps fading away, sighing in relief I head to bed.

"There all gonna be the death of me."

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