Chapa 67

770 24 4

"No...please no."

Aizawa POV

I was told to go into another ambulance but I pull against them and get into l/n's. Sitting down I grab her hand and hold onto it. "C'mon, you've got people to see when we get back home. So please, don't leave us." The vehicle starts up and we're rushed to the hospital for immediate care. Scanning over her injuries I make mental notes on how many and how bad.

'Eye, chin, wrists, hand, stomach and back, just what did she do to cause all this damage to herself.'

Remembering that her eyes were red I open her closed eyes lids to see that they're still red. Sighing I lean back still holding onto her hand, "Just keep pushing, for me, for your mom and dad, for bakugo and Kirishima. They're waiting for you."

Time skipty to hospital

They placed l/n into a room with multiple wires attached to her body.While thinking a knock interrupts me, sighing I open the door and see Midoriya and Mirio. Letting them in I let them sit down in the chairs while I continue standing against the wall.

"How is she?"

Rubbing my eyes I look out the window which shows the city.

"Just minor cuts on her eye and chin, but for her wrist. She had cut her own muscle so she got surgery for that. Her hand on the same wrists was popped out of place which made her wrist worse. Some of her stomach had to be relined since she was punched so many times. And for her back, she'll just need to ice it but she'll definitely need physical therapy." Looking back at the boys I see that midoriya is sad and is looking at l/n. But mirio, he has guilt plastered on his face, he bites his lip before placing a hand on top of hers. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you, if only I stayed there with you to help." He whispered thinking we couldn't hear him.

"It's okay, I pulled through."

My eyes widen and we all look up to see l/n looking at mirio with tears in her eyes. Her bottom lip trembles before tears leave her eyes. "I could've helped you...I felt it...I felt your quirk, it's gone. And I could've done something if I wasn't with those damn assholes, I should've left them to go to you but I couldn't. I'm so sorry... I really am." She starts crying and covers her face with her hands. Mirio stands up and pulls her body into his for a hug.

"This was not your fault, it couldn't have been avoided, even if you were there. And I shouldn't have left you, and for that...I'm sorry for." Her eyes widen before she starts silently crying into his chest. He rubs her hair soothing her back into a sleeping state. He gently lays her back down and pats her head before looking up to me. Nodding I let him leave and also let midoriya leave as well. Sighing I sit down in the chair and also go to sleep.

Time skipty two days later
Your POV

Groaning I sit up and rub my aching head, looking around I see that flowers have been placed on counter. Looking down I see that my left arm is covered in a cast, turning it I see that it's swollen a bit. Moving a bit more I get a sharp pain on my stomach making me gasp and lean back, lifting my hospital shirt I see stitches on the side of my stomach, running my finger over the stitches I shiver before dropping my shirt. Hearing footsteps walk towards my door I look up and wait for someone to enter, and whenever someone did, it was just a nurse who was looking down at her clipboard. She hums before looking up, she drops her clipboard and stumbles out of the door.

"She's awake!"

Soon after multiple footsteps are running towards my room. A couple of doctors and nurses come in and start checking my vitals.

"Do you know your name?"

"Y/n L/n"

"Do you know how you got these injuries?"

"D-during my last mi-mission."

"Who was the last person you talked to before arriving here."

"My teacher, aizawa."

He hums before shooing everyone out, he leans out the doorway and nods his head to someone. Hearing someone stand up and walk to the door I try to look but my stomach stops me. Grunting I lean back and watch the doctor and someone follow behind. The person looks up and I feel myself smiling. Aizawa nods to the doctor and he leaves. Aizawa sits down on the chair next to the bed and looks up to me.

"You scared me kid, you scared all of us."

"Sorry about that, I didn't mean too."

He smiles before ruffling my hair, "The rest have gone back to school, would you like to come back?"

Smiling I nod my head enthusiastically, "I'd love to, but I wanna shower, I don't think being covered in blood is exactly the best thing." He chuckles before calling in a nurse asking for my release papers. Soon enough the nurse comes in with a wheelchair and the papers. Signing them I hand them back to the nurse, kicking my blanket off I try to get on the wheelchair but I'm picked up and placed on it. Sighing I let him wheel me out to the front desk, then the hospital.

Time skipty

Since school started like 3 hours ago, that means I have 5 hours before school ends. So I make aizawa wheel me to the bathroom, he calls midnight, but she was at the school so she had to run all the way over to the dorms. She burst through the doors with an angry expression, but softens when she sees me. "Can you go get me clothes please? And nothing inappropriate, something comfy." She nods before bolting upstairs then bolting back down with clothes in hand. She shoos aizawa away and helps me get into the warm bath that was much needed. Sighing I clean up then get dressed, she places me back in the wheelchair and starts rolling me out. Rubbing my towel against my hair to try to dry it I finally get it where it's not too wet but not too dry either. She brushes my hair then ruffles it a bit before the three of us start making our way to school.

It was a free class period when we showed up, so that means the class was riled up. Aizawa slams the door open making everyone shut up and stare. Midnight pulls up next to him with me in the wheelchair of course.

"Please don't be loud."


-Waddup, I'm on a roll with these chapters, they just keep coming. 💖

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