Chapa 26

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"Shut it, we've got work to do,no? If so let's fuckin rock n roll."

Stopping by aizawa I wait for further instructions, he shows a tiny grin and calls over Hitoshi. "We're doing the same formation we did last night, we're just patrolling so don't overwork yourselves."

Nodding I look around and walk towards the alley way climbing up the building and standing on the edge of it. "L/n, are you going to kill yourself?" Looking down to todoroki I grin and shake my head, "No, I wouldn't kill my self, I've got real friends now so why would I leave them? Anyways you should start patrolling, I have a feeling somethings about to happen, see ya." Running away from the edge I feel tons of stares on me. It starts to get darker and the street lights turn on, stopping to a complete stop I squat down and my eyes widen, there in front of me, a person stabbing another in the head making blood gush out. My breath hitches and I stumble back, slowly grabbing a knife I stalk forward being weary of the being.

"Being sneaky won't help if I can see you." The being lunges at me with a sword pointed at me, putting my knife in front of me I block the sword from stabbing me. Jumping back I stand up and crack my neck, "Ahh I remember now, you must be Stain, the hero killer." He grins and grabs another sword, "And you must be L/n Y/n, former sniper for HQ, you probably don't remember me do you?

Grabbing another knife I twirl it and glance around to notice the others are far up ahead of me. "I was locked up for some time, and I was kept away from everyone, they thought I'd go on a killing spree. So no I don't remember who you are."

"So sad, you were like a pupil to me, but I guess HQ didn't want you around me, so, they expelled me from entering the place. But it seems you've left too but sadly joined the hero's, what a shame."

He lunges at me and starts swinging his swords around trying to land a hit. Jumping over him I twirl around to block, suddenly a blue and white figure zooms past me and kicks stain out of the way.

"L/n, what are you doing here? Leave only I should handle this."

Glancing to the side I notice Iida stands there,sighing I look back towards stain and watch him get up. "No, your not fighting this alone." Stain jumps at Iida stabbing him in the shoulder, he licks his sword making Iida fall on his stomach, "Die you fake hero, we don't need you in this society."

Before he can stab Iida in the head a green blur kicks the knife and stain out of the way. 'I'm just in the way at this point.' Looking over to Iida, Midoriya is crouched over getting ready to spring up again, but stain jumps at me. Blocking with my knife I push hard against his blade. "So sad you became a hero, you could've joined me." Grinning I stab him in the shoulder with my other knife making him jump back and pulling the knife out. "I wouldn't have joined you anyways, your too much of a drag."

Midoriya and I jump forward to stain, he blocks my knife and kicks Midoriya away. Suddenly I get a stinging pain my my thigh making groan and jump back with the sword still lodged into my thigh. "Ahh sweet y/n, it seems you lost your murderous liking, what happened to that?"

"L/n, how does he know you? Are you the.....traitor?"

Pulling the sword out of my thigh I throw it off the building, "I probably seem like the traitor huh? I'm not really surprised anymore that you think that."

Glancing towards Midoriya it seems like he's texting someone on his phone. "You green haired brat, you seem like a reasonable hero, but your friend behind you is a cancer to society, and so I must make him perish." Stain jumps forward with sword pulled and tongue out, passing by us he licks my thigh making my eyes widen. My knees buckle making me fall forward and groan in pain, "Ahh fuck" I whispered. Suddenly the air gets cold and an ice wall comes up between stain and the boys, but the problem is, I'm on the side with stain. He looks over to me and smiles widely, he walks up to me and bends down and pushes my hair out of my face making me clench my jaw. "Back up, don't fucking touch me you creep." He chuckles and stabs my shoulder making me clench my eyes and groan trying to hold in my screams. "Ohh come on y/n, you know your itching to be a murderer again. Just kill one person and you'll be like your old self again, then you can join me." Opening my eyes I see his eyes widen a bit, "Nice eyes, they suit ya, now how bout my deal?"

Feeling the numbness go away I push my upper half up and breath in, ' Where are the boys at? Did they leave me here? They think I'm the traitor, they hate me ,why am I here again? Do I deserve to be a hero? I don't kn-' My thoughts were interrupted by stain picking me up and making me face the crowd gathered far away watching the hero's work on the fire. "Kill one y/n, you'll feel better."

My fingers twitch and I drop my knives, dropping my head I stare at the ground with crazy thoughts going through my head. I start smiling and grabbing my head while laughing like a psycho. "Your right, maybe killing one person won't be so bad, will it? My friends have left me I'm accused of being a villain. I guess doing it this once won't hurt."

Stain puts his hands on my shoulders and tightens his grip, "Goooood, there's some hero's over there that are busy, if you get one that'll be good enough."

Smiling even more I mentally go through my arsenal of guns but before I can pick one the ice wall breaks and todoroki is in the front. Looking up with bloodlust filled eyes I grin deviously making him shudder and tense up. "What's wrong todoroki? What's with that face?" He immediately sends ice towards us but I dodge but fall on the ground making the pain in my thigh and shoulder sting in pain. Seeing black dots fill my vision I stumble up and run at todoroki, swinging at him I punch him in the chest,but not enough to do any damage. He grunts and punches me in the chest making me fall and lay still until I pass out.


Opening my eyes I wince a little and look around to see I'm in a hospital, I try sitting up but held back by chains, and a mouth muzzle I didn't know I had on. Groaning I slowly sit up and lean against the bed looking around the room, the door opens and walks in aizawa and the police departments chief. "Good evening Miss L/n, it has seem to appear your tied up. We are here to talk about the events that had taken place last night, you will not say anything until told otherwise, am I clear?"

Nodding I wait for him to start talking, he clears his throat and fixes his tie. "We were told by many that you were injuring your other classmates and had bloodlust in your eyes. It also seems Stain,the hero killer knows you quite well, we did some digging and found out he used to be acquainted with HQ and your case. We were told by your classmates that they haven't seen the murderous intention you had before, we know there side of the story but not yours."

Aizawa reaches forward and unlatches the muzzle making it fall off and land with a small 'thud'. Licking my lips I close my eyes and sit back farther into the bed, "For the people who saw me 'injuring' my other classmates, I don't know how they were able to if it was pitch black out. Also my 'murderous intention' I had was something I tried getting rid of, but it simply keeps coming back one way or another, and for stain, I never knew him because I was locked up and kept away from everyone."

"That doesn't explain why you had bloodlust in your eyes, mind explaining that?"

Sighing I open my eyes and look out the window, "I got stabbed by stain on my thigh which made me fall, then todoroki showed up and made an ice wall blocking him from stain, but I, i was on the side with stain which he took to advantage. He kept telling me killing one person won't hurt, and I could join him again. I was refusing but, after a couple of minutes of waiting,the boys didn't come help or do anything. I was vulnerable, and I gave in, I was close to killing someone but the boys jumped out and from their I lost conciseness from blood lost. So here we are now."

Aizawa and the chief look at each other and nod, "Sorry to break it to you Miss L/n, but it seems we need to lock you back up."

My eyes widen and tears start to form but won't fall making my vision blurry. I try rubbing them but the chains hold my arms down making me irritated and breath heavily. "Get these stupid shits off of me, I'm tired of being locked up, please don't make them aizawa." Looking up to aizawa with pleading eyes he leans forward and grabs the muzzle, "NO, GET AWAY FROM ME, DON'T YOU DARE PUT THAT ON ME! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU AIZAWA, NEVER!" He puts one strap on but I turn to the side making him grunt and grab my shoulders making me face him, "L/n, we're working on it, UA is on your side Okay? So please don't fight against me, it's hurting my heart."

My eyes widen and he finally puts the muzzle on resulting in shaky breaths, "No no no no no no no, why me? Why again?"


-Waddup, fun chapter, after the next chapter things will settle down a lot more and it'll somewhat go back to normal. Anyways I hope you enjoyed, I love you all and I'll see y'all later 💖

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