Chapa 47

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"Let's rock this thing."


They both start running at me with their arms behind them. (Like Naruto) glancing around I see the rings line. Looking back up I dodge the fist that was aimed to me. Rolling to the side I swipe my hand towards them and let my knife fling out. It hits one of them on their shoulders. Grinning I push off the ground and punch her shoulder making the knife go in deeper. She screams and tries to push me off, she lands on her back and I straddle her. Pushing the knife all the way in until it reaches the handle I punch her in the face once before she was deemed unconscious. Feeling footsteps run towards me I roll off the girls body and into a kneeling position. "I didn't catch your name sweetheart. Mind telling me?" She clicks her tongue before pulling out a retractable pole, kinda like momo's. Grabbing one of my katanas I swing it out letting the blade shine. Seeing her hands tense I see blue electricity cover the pole. She smirks and stabs the ground, "Well if you want to know so badly my name is Iwa Doi, daughter of one of the top 5 hero's in America."

Licking my lips I dig my heels into the ground, "Top 5 heh? Then I'll have even more fun destroying you." Her eyes widen then quickly narrow, "So it seems the rumors are true, you are a villain. Then I'll have EVEN more fun to destroy you." Standing up I look at her with a confusing face. "I literally just fucking said that, we playing copy cat now?" She grabs her pole and lights it back up in electricity. Grinning I twirl my katana then point it at her. "Get ready Doi, I hope you have insurance." She starts running at me with her pole dragging behind her. Running forward I hold my blade out, moving to the side we run past each other. Hearing groaning I turn around and quickly block the pole, she jumps up and knees me in my gut making me double over and spit. Recovering quickly I jump on her back, swinging my right leg over her shoulder and keeping my left leg on her waist I bend backwards and twist my legs. Placing my hands on the ground I pick her up and throw her onto the ground. Rolling forward onto my feet I start walking towards her sprawled our body. She starts groaning and slowly gets up, she takes her time getting up. "You bitch, where did you even learn those moves? I've never seen them before!!" I stop walking and stare at her with boredom. Shrugging my shoulders I watch her get mad then start running at me with electricity flowing out of her fists. Jumping backwards I glance to where the line is at. 'Need to be careful' seeing blue fly past my face I grunt and roll to the side. Grabbing a knife out of my pocket I twirl it and stab it into the ground. Jumping out of the way of her lighting I grab another knife and stab it into the ground near her feet.

Class POV

"What is she doing?"

"She knows her opponent quirk so she's using her knives to her advantage."

"So throwing her knives out will do what exactly?"

"Just fucking watch dunce-face, it's not hard to figure out."

Your POV

After throwing my last knife near her I kneel down and dig my heels into the ground. "OH MY GOD, QUIT FUCKING MOVING. YOUR PISSING ME OFF!!" Grinning I watch her power up her quirk, just like kaminari. Seeing my knives spark blue lightly I look back at her and see her scream before releasing her quirk. The arena lights up blue, then slowly dies down to normal lighting. Dust lingers in the arena making it kind of hard for me to see. Grabbing my other katana I swing it open and swipe away some of the dust. Seeing Doi on the ground twitching I sigh and squat down. Stabbing my katana in the ground I poke her in the head, after a couple of minutes she doesn't get up. Then the medics come out and carry her away. Grabbing my katanas I close them and put them up, grabbing my knives I put them up then for her pole I grab it and close it up. Popping my neck I look up to see the crowd with wide eyes and mouths. Smirking I start walking towards the tunnel, before I enter I salute them over my shoulder.


Walking out of the building I pull my hair out of its ponytail holder then ruffle it. Sighing I look up and see my class waiting near the bus. Stopping at the top of the stairs I look down at them. Coughing into my hand they all look up and smile brightly. Some start moving forward but I put a hand out motioning for them to stop. "Thought we weren't talking? Whatever happened to that hmmmm? Just because I kicked someone's ass doesn't mean we're all buddy buddy again. I don't know what crawled up everyone's ass but fix your guys shit. I don't have time to keep dealing with all of you." Huffing I jump down the steps and stop in front of them. "I'm tired, and I wanna head home. I'm sure you guys are too." They nod and we pile into the bus, sitting by the window I feel someone sit down next to me. Looking over I see Kirishima with guilt plastered on his face. He fumbles with his hands a bit before inhaling and looking at me. "I'm sorry about what I said about you, I guess I spoke before I thought."

"OI SHITTY HAIR!! THATS THE SMARTEST THING IVE EVER HEARD YOU SAY!!" Chuckling I stand up and look for bakugo. "OI HEDGEHOG, MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!" Sitting back down I look back to Kirishima who is smiling. "Anyways before that, I'm really sorry, I feel like I made the situation worse by saying those things, I hope you can forgive me." Sighing I place my hand on his shoulder, "Well I can't forgive you so easily, but I'm sure by time goes by we can be friends again." He smiles and nods before getting up and going to sit by bakugo. Sighing I lean my head back and stare out the window.


Stepping off the bus I stretch making me sigh, "y/n, can we talk?" Looking to the side I see bakugo with his hands in his pockets. Shrugging my shoulders I turn and walk off.

"Sure, but make it quick."

Sniped ~BnhaxReader~ UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now