Chapa 59

925 36 6

"If you need me I'll be out in the hall."

Pushing my chair back gently I start making my way to the door but is stopped by a bubble blocking my path. Furrowing my eyebrows I look over my shoulder and see the girl with her tits out with her hand pointed outward. "Nyx, is there anything else that we should know about HQ?"

"No, I gave you all I remembered, they tried this long ago so I barely remember it."

Some nod while some have anger plastered on there faces. Rolling my eyes I look back up the nighteye, "Like I said before, if you need me I'll be out in the hall." Swiping the bubble away I see everyone's expression change to amazement.Finally stepping outside I lean on the wall besides the door.

Aizawa POV

Sighing I rub my face, looking up I see bubble girl with a horrid expression.

"My bubbles......they're indestructible...but she popped them in one move...what is she?" Sighing again I stand up and cross my arms. Everyone turns there attention to me. Clearing my throat I look to the ground to avoids everyone stares.

"She's human that's what she is, so I'd appreciate it if you stop calling her a villain. She didn't have a choice back then but when she did get a choice she joined us heroes. So be grateful she's with us or most of us wouldn't even be here."

"Everyone has a choice though, and she chose to work with those scum bags at HQ!"

Looking over to who said that I narrow my eyes.

"I've known her for quite a while, like most of us, we were given orders. and like us she had orders and was forced to follow, it's either she did it and no one was hurt or she didn't do it and someone did get hurt."

"It's not like they had anyone! They were just orphans!"

Clenching my fist I sigh, "Like I said I've known her the longest, but she had her parents. She had someone worth fighting for, so she followed her orders. But we are not here to talk about my student we are here to talk about the case at hand and that's Overhaul!" Sitting down I lean back and wait for nighteye to continue talking.

Your POV

Hearing them talk about the mission I slide down the wall and sigh. 'Just breath y/n just breath, everything will be alright.'


Hearing nighteye yell I stand up and lean against the wall again.

"Thank you all for your cooperation."

Time skipty

Soon after the meeting the pros were left to talk and us students were now sitting down at a table. Well they were I was leaning on the wall not wanting to be in the conversation.

"So frustrating."


Looking up I see midoriya and mirio with a distressed expressions. Sighing I rub my neck and look to the ground again.

"Are you guys holding a wake or something?"


Looking up I see aizawa has shown up.

"Ah, just call me eraserhead outside of class. Oh, how ever...I originally planned to suspend all of your internships today..."

Suddenly Kirishima stands up with a funny looking expression.


"You all heard that there's a possibility that the league is involved. That changes things."

Aizawa then turns to midoriya and starts rubbing his head.

"But you still haven't restored my trust in you yet."

Midoriya's expression drops and looks down but aizawa comes up and bends down to his height.

"Unfortunately, I have every reason to believe that if I were to stop you right'd just jump out in the midst of things again."

"I'm watching you. If you act again,we'll go by the formal procedures this time around, midoriya. Got it, problem child?"

Not really wanting to hear anyone else talk I lean off the wall and start walking out to the room.


Sighing I turn around and see aizawa that he was the one who called me. And behind him are the rest looking at us.


"Thank you for giving us the information, it probably won't do much but it was still helpful."

Nodding I cross my arms and look down at the ground.

"Your still upset, aren't you?"

"Tch, I'm fine, I'm not gonna let some asshole bring me down. It'll take more than a simple insult."

"Well you did seem pretty angry, you broke our side of the table, and popped bubble girls bubbles."

Rolling my eyes I look up to meet his gaze. "Well I was angry, anyways besides all this. I'm tired and hungry."

Time skipty to next day

Today was another day of rescue training, but since everyone has been going to class and I haven't I had to catch up. And today we're doing rock climbing! So fun.

Huffing I leap up and grab onto another rock. Not really paying attention to my classmates I make it to the top and do a tiny victory cheer. Sighing I grab the water that was placed up here and take a swig. Looking over the side I see most of classmates climbing or some starting over.


Seeing bakugo have a fit I snicker and lay down on my stomach watching him and Kirishima bicker.


Sighing I look over and see that midoriya has arrived to the top as well. And he's not looking too good, being completely honest. He looks like hammered shit, but I ain't gonna say something about it. Suddenly he looks down in the dumps, and looks like he's thinking very hard. Rolling over onto my back I scoot up and let my head hang over the edge. Picking up a tiny rock I aim it at midoriya's body. Throwing it at him, it hits him on his forehead making his head jolts up towards my direction and his eyes widen. "L/n! What are you doing?!"

Laughing I shrug my shoulders, "I'm relaxing, you should try it sometime." He steps forward with a hand outward. "If your worried about me falling, trust me. I won't" He looks hesitant but stops where he's at.

"So...about the meeting yesterday."

Looking back to him I sigh, "What about it?"

"Umm...I just wanna say I'm sorry about it and I disagree with what that hero said. It was rude and shouldn't have been said. I was-"

"I don't need your pity midoriya, what he said is the least of my worries at the moment."

His eyes widen then widen even more when I stand up and step up to him.

"Our worries are Overhaul, So prep up midoriya!"

Sniped ~BnhaxReader~ UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now