Chapa 39

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"Thanks, I needed that. Now what's for dinner?"

Next day

Walking into school I see a lot of people gathered around.Raising an eyebrow I cross my arms and start making my way to the front of the crowd. Seeing some of my classmates I walk up to them and hear them whispering to each other.

"Do you think she did this?"

"Why wouldn't she? She's a villain, and plus since she mysteriously showed up after 2 months this is what happens."

"We need to tell aizawa-sensei before she does something else like this."

"Hey guys what's going on?" They all jump and turn towards me,"what's going on? Are you serious? Playing dumb won't work on us l/n, so tell us why you hurt aki?" Furrowing my eyebrows I look around to see everyone tense. "Who the fuck is aki?" "The girl you yelled at yesterday at lunch." Going through my memories of yesterday I scoff and look at Kirishima who was talking to me. "The new girl? Well first I didn't know her name until now, second I didn't yell at her I simply talked to her in my inside voice and third, I hurt her? I'm not like that and how long have I been back? A day, a fucking day and suddenly some random drama starts up and it's with me and aki or whatever." Looking at all the faces I shake my head and scoff. "And I thought you guys were my friends but I guess fucking not."Turning and walking away I head towards the principals office. Knocking on the door I wait for a response. "Come in" turning the door knob I walk in and see bakugo and aki sitting in front of nezu. "Never mind" closing the door I head to the teacher lounge, walking in i scan the room and see aizawa sitting at his desk with a juice pouch. He looks up and stands up. "Need something l/n?" Sighing I walk over and drop my bag in front of his desk.

"I want to transfer out of class 1-a, or something but I'm tired of class 1a's shit. It's passed the line, I'd rather graduate with some other people." His eyes widen and he clears his throat. "Um I don't know if we can move you up, but I'll see what we can do. But just for today, you'll continue your regular.  schedule."Nodding I pick my bag up and walk out the room and head to class. Sliding the door open everyone stops talking and looks at me. Crossing my arms I walk to my desk, dropping my bag I pull my chair out and sit down. Leaning back and closing my eyes I listen to the conversations around me but not caring to understand them. Feeling eyes on me I activate my sense quirk and open my eyes I adjust to the light. Glancing around I see some of the guys glaring at me and the girls whispering to each other, looking at me then giggling. Suddenly the door opens and aizawa walks in with a manila folder. He tosses the folder on my desk and walks to his desk. Opening the folder a letter is placed on top and some other papers lay underneath it.

L/n, sorry to say but we cannot transfer you into another class due to it being late in the year, if you have any concerns please let me or aizawa know.


Grumbling I crumble the note and place it in my coat pocket, "Today you'll be upgrading your costumes if needed and continuing your super moves, go get dressed. Dismissed." Standing up I grab my bag and case and walk out of the class and towards the locker room down the hall. Walking in I place my stuff down and start undressing.

"Look at her body, I never realized how ugly it looked until now."

"All those scars, she probably cut herself for attention."

"I'm surprised she hasn't kill-"


Lifting my gaze to aki, I clench my teeth and drop my hand away from the locker. "You wanna fucking finish that sentence aki? Or are you gonna be a bitch and hide?" Looking at the girls I scoff and lock my stuff up and walk out of the locker room with furrowed eyebrows. Putting my hands in my jacket pockets, I make my way to the gym where some of the boys are already there. Walking past them I hop onto a small pillar and sit criss cross. Closing my eyes I wait until all my classmates are present. Opening my eyes half way I see mostly everyone looking at me, groaning I turn around and face my back to them.

"Alright, same thing today. Work on your moves and if you need any adjustments to your costume then head to the support department. I'm sure someone there will help, so scram, get going you've got 4 more days to work." Hearing them spread out I open my eyes and come face to face with mismatched eyes. Raising an eyebrow I wait for him to talk. "You know, I don't really believe the others. They say your the traitor but I disregard that belief. Most of the guys were talking about you but I assume you know that already." Nodding I sigh and look the side. "Thanks todoroki, it's just I thought I was getting close with the class but I guess not. Since I've returned mostly everything has gone to shit, and you should be working. We can talk later." I ruffle his hair which makes him blush and smile lightly. Smiling I push his head back, "go, I'm wasting your time." He nods and walks off, sighing I hop off the pillar and walk towards aizawa. "I'll be back, I'm going to support." He nods and I walk off. Feeling the stares of my classmates I shrug and make my way down the hall.

Not paying attention to my surroundings I bump into something or someone. "Ah sorry about that" looking up my eyes widen but quickly narrow. Stepping around them I sigh and put my hands in my pocket. "Y/n wait-" turning to glare I stop bakugo from talking. "It's l/n to you bakugo, I'm busy." Turning back around I start to move my feet when a hand is placed on my shoulder. "What the fuck happened to you calling me katsuki?" Scoffing I shrug off his hand and continue waking.

"Figure it out yourself, your smart so it shouldn't be hard."

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