Chapa 45

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"Fuck off, if you need something keep it to yourself." I spat. Looking forward I make it to the other side of the gym. Going to the wall I back up against it and bend over putting my hair up. Getting up I slide down the wall. Leaning forward I stretch, closing my eyes I heighten my senses and place my palms on the ground feeling every vibration. My head starts to get dizzy but I keep going heightening them more I hear some conversations outside of the building, smell the ocean which is far away, feeling everyone step and car driving on the streets. Opening my eyes I stare at the ground and see colors I've never seen before. Sticking my tongue out I can taste barely anything but something is there I just can't explain it. My eyes,tongue and hands start dumbing so I deactivate my sense and make them go back to normal. Groaning I close my eyes and close my mouth, rubbing my hands together I pop my knuckles before standing up.

Hearing the gym doors open I opens my eyes and look at the people who entered. Walking forward I stand on the side near my class and watch one of the kids from class b talk about how they were gonna kick our ass at the exam. Rolling my eyes I watch the kid with boredom, he scans over us before his eyes land on me. He smirks and starts walking towards me, sighing I turn around and walk back to my spot.

"Yeah walk away you villain,we know what you did."

Smirking I look over my shoulder and raise an eyebrow. "Oh yeah? Tell me about it sometime, I'd love to hear it" Turning my head forward I walk back to my spot and sit down. Sighing I lean my head back and stare at the lights.


It was the day of my classes exams, I was told to bring my case as well for some reason. I stepped off the bus and moved to the side and stared at the other students entering the building.

"-So PLUS"


Looking over I see a tall dude who's hand is pointed straight up in the air. He laughs and rubs his neck, "sorry, I've always wanted to say it." Grinning I look over at his classmates and see one of the girls look at me with a crazed smile. Clenching my teeth I look away and face my class. They walk off and aizawa starts talking about how he was one of the top recommended in U.A but rejected it for some reason. He starts talking again when another voice interrupts him once again. Sighing I look over and see the Pro hero: Mrs. Joke, then behind her were her students. Aizawa and mrs.joke start talking when her students come up to us, one in particular came and shook all of our hand and complimented us. He made his way to me and grabbed my wrists and pulls me close, "And you must be L/n Y/n, I've heard many things about you, let's do our best, and maybe later I can take you out." He winks and rubs his thumb across my wrists. Yanking my wrists out of his grip I push his head back.

"If you've heard of me then you clearly wouldn't be talking to me. And I'm not interested in dating anyone at the moment, plus I wouldn't be against you anyways, I already have my license." Turning around I walk up the steps and head towards the entrance of the building. Not caring whether or not if my classmates are following me I walk into the building unbothered.


After getting dressed I was told to stay in the locker room. Pulling a knife out I slide it in my sleeve and cross my arms. Leaning against the lockers I lean my head back and stare at the lights. Hearing the announcer explain the test I sigh and listen. After a few minutes a worker walks in. "Excuse me are you Y/n L/n?" Nodding I lean off the wall and keep my arms crossed. "Alright, follow me." Walking after the worker they lead me to a room where some other kids my age are there. Raising an eyebrow I nod to them and move to a wall and leaning against it. Scanning over the kids I get in all there noticeable details. After looking over them I glance at the clock on the wall. Hearing footsteps coming towards me I look up and see three girls with a seeming innocent smile. Raising an eyebrow I clench my jaw. They stop in front of me and look at each other then at me. "Hey there, you must be l/n? We've heard so many things about you."

Looking at the girls behind they seem to be passing something to each other. Looking to the girl in the  front I lean off the wall but still keep my arms crossed. "Would it be alright to talk to you for a moment?" Scanning over there expressions I check for any other emotions. "Sorry, but I'm not interested in talking to anyone right now. So if you please leave me alone then we won't have a problem." They smirk and the front girl moves up. "Oh c'mon, we don't bite, we just wanna talk about a couple of things." She sticks her hand behind her back and holds it there before pulling a knife out and pointing it at me. Glancing at the knife I smirk and lean back against the wall, "Go ahead, lets have a talk, I'd love to chat with you." She smirks but still keeps the knife pointed at me, she stops gripping the knife so hard making me grin very small. "Good girl, I want to make one thing clear, you get in my way we won't have a problem. Understand?" Nodding I look at the other girls before looking back at her. "Good, and one more thing, I'd be careful out there. I heard there are some people seeking to fight you today, but you didn't hear it from me." Nodding I start tapping my finger on my arm. "Anything else princess?" She stops smirking and her eyes widen, "I'd watch it if I were you, don't make me hurt you so early in the game."

"Provisional exams have finished, next survival."

Smirking I kick the knife out of her hand and whip my hand in front of her face letting the blade barely touch her nose.

"I'd be careful, you wouldn't wanna play fire with fire, now would you?"

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