Chapa 74

722 29 0

"Well that was weird"

Time skipty

I was eating a peach on the way to school when Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya speed walk past me. "L/n, we mustn't be late to class." Shrugging my shoulders I continue eating my peach, "And I mustn't really care right now, just go on without me." They continue walking without me leaving me to eat my peach in peace. Throwing my peach in the trash I wipe my hands before sticking them in my pockets.

Walking into class, maybe 5 minutes after the bell rang I'm greeted with midnight tapping her foot. Walking around her I slide into my chair and get out my paper and start writing the notes. Most of the class period was writing notes while midnight talks. Sooner or later the bell rings, everyone starts getting up and talking to one another. Talking about how Mt.Lady and Edgeshot are forming a team. Not really interested in the conversation I twirl my pencil around. The cases on the wall come out, getting up I grab my case while everyone else is still talking.

Changing into my now fixed costume, I walk past the girls on the way to the gym. Seeing Cementoss standing in the front looking bored I sigh and wait for the rest to come out. Once everyone is out he begins talking on how we should improve our super moves. Nodding I look around for an area to work when I see Kirishima's body harden like it did on the mission. Seeing an open area I walk to it and look at it. Swiping my wrist I grab ahold of the gun and hold it over my shoulder. I have two super moves but I'll need to improve both then make a new one. Furrowing my eyebrows I walk back to cementoss, "I need to go outside for this one." He nods before escorting me out. "I'll send snipe out here since your quirks are related." Nodding I bow to him before checking to see if my gun is loaded. Hearing steps I look up and see snipe walking towards me. "Good morning l/n, ready to work on your power move?"

"Yep, though it might take a while" he nods before pulling out his own gun, the only thing is. It isn't a sniper, it's a revolver. He holds a finger up before aiming it at the make shift targets far away. He presses the trigger without looking and hits the target in the middle. "But-But that's a revolver, those aren't made to shoot that far." He chuckles before putting it back in its holster. "My quirk is Homing, I can control the trajectory of my bullets with perfection.That's how I got my hero name, it doesn't matter what gun I use, I'll always hit my target." Nodding I look out to the target, seeing that it broke in half I sigh. "Well, c'mon we don't got all day!"

Lifting my gun I look into the scope and see my target, making the bullet I hover my finger over the trigger. Heightening my sight I suck in a breathe before pressing the trigger and the bullet shoots through the air and hits the target spot on. Reloading I look up to snipe, he blinks before putting his hands on his hips. "Well, I have an idea on a new move, but I'll need a stopwatch." He claps his hands before running inside to get a stopwatch.

"Your quirk doesn't suit your body."

Looking towards the doors that lead to the gym, I hear Aoyama.

"You and I are the same."

Seeing Snipe come around the corner I clear my throat and look at my gun. "Alright, lets see how fast your bullet shoots"

"A stopwatch really won't determine that, but it'll determine how long it takes to hit the target."

He sighs before holding it up anyways, "We'll figure out your speed later but let's just see how fast it takes."

Nodding I lift my gun and aim towards the new target. Making the bullet long but sharp I hover my finger over the trigger. "And go-"


Reloading I look up to Snipe to see he has wide eyes. Popping a finger the gun disappears, "Y-you...that was really re-really fast." Sighing I stretch my arms before looking at the target that's broken and burning. "I was trained to be really fast, I figured I could make it a super move." Looking over to Snipe he nods, "Well then, that was amazing, I believe you shoot faster than me."

Smirking I swipe my wrists and hold the gun over my shoulder. "Well, wanna see who shoots faster?" He chuckles before grabbing his revolver and lifting it, "I can shoot multiple at a time, we'll go to three and see who beats who. I have a advantage since I already have loaded bullets but you'll need to reload which will take a minute or so." Scoffing I look at the targets and see 6, three for me and three for him. "You clearly don't understand how my quirk works."

Snipe sighs before walking into the gym and grabbing Cementoss to watch us. Meaning the whole class decided to be nosy and come watch as well. Snipe comes up beside me and aims towards the targets, lifting my gun I look into the scope. "On my mark you'll guys start, whoever stops shooting first wins. And they all have to be spot on."

Breathing steadily I see cementoss lift three fingers, looking back into the scope I hover my finger over the trigger. Inhaling I narrow my eyes into the scope.








Exhaling I lower my gun, looking over the snipes targets I smirk. Reloading I aim towards his target and shoot. The bullet hits the empty target, lowering my gun again I look over to snipe. "For a pro...I expected you to hit at least your last target. But not everyone can hit a target with a revolver from this far away." He chuckles before reloading his gun and putting it back in his holster. Reloading mine I pop my finger and it disappears. "That was excellent, so what do you call it?"

Shrugging my shoulders I look at the targets, "Mmmmm, i don't know, maybe speed shot. That's all I can think of." He nods before crossing his arms. "Good choice, maybe I'll try a different gun next time." Sighing I pop my hands, "Then next time, we'll shoot again." He nods before following the class, "So tell me, how'd you reload your gun?"

"I don't need to reload, I just did it to seem like I'm shooting a regular gun. But in reality, I can make the gun however I please, for example. I can make the chamber big enough for three bullets. And that's what I did, I can change the size, width and height of it. I can make regular bullets or paralysis ones, but it all depends on how much energy I have."

"Hmmm, interesting, and your parents have similar quirks?"

"Yeah, my dad shoots a 45 long colt, and my mom shoots a 5.56 mm."

"Wow, and you shoot what?"

Rubbing the back of my neck I sigh, "I have different variations, but the usual bullet I use is the .408 CT. But it depends on where the target is at, I can't control where it goes like you can but I can make the bullet break into separate pieces. So no matter what I'd hit my target anyways. Because of that, HQ always treated me like a superior." He hums before stopping. "So basically everyone feared you?"

"Yeah, nezu said I'm the worlds best sniper, it's just the world doesn't know that. Only UA and HQ knows, so whenever I walk around here, they don't know that with just the press of my finger I'd hurt so many people. That's why I train so much, so I don't lose control again. Anyways I should get going I've got to get to class."

He hums before ruffling my hair, "Your not bad, I have a feeling you'll be an amazing hero in the very top.And when you do I'll be waiting for that day, alright?"

My eyes widen and fills with tears, "Thank you, and I won't let you down!"

Sniped ~BnhaxReader~ UNDER EDITING Where stories live. Discover now