Episode Three: Daph-Nii and the Cleric are Gay?

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(Start in Easin Hills. DAPH-NII and HIDEA-KII are walking.)

Daph-Nii-Yeeuck! I'm all sweaty!

Hidea-Kii-I guess that's what you get for wearing leather on a sunny day.

Daph-Nii-But it's November! It's not that hot! I shouldn't be sweating this much!

Hidea-Kii-I'm telling you it's the leather. It insulates heat.

Daph-Nii-And I'm telling you it can only insulate heat if there is heat to insulate, something there isn't much of because it's November!

Hidea-Kii-Maybe you just can't handle the exercise.

Daph-Nii-Puh-leez. I can too handle the exercise.

(Two rock moths with similar eyes stop them.)

Daph-Nii-Alright. Happy fun time journey is over. It's time to get down to bid'niss. I call these two The Twins.

Hidea-Kii-Less naming, more fighting.

Daph-Nii-Right. Let's boogie.

(They draw their weapons. DAPH-NII attacks.)

Daph-Nii-Seriously, why don't I have any skills or magic?

(HIDEA-KII attacks Rock Moth A, defeating it instantly.)


Daph-Nii-Nice shot.

Hidea-Kii-(smirking) Thanks.

(Rock Moth B attacks DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-But we ain't done yet. We ain't done nyit.

(She attacks the other rock moth, defeating it.)

Daph-Nii-Got those two out of the way. Yay!

(Opening theme. They resume walking.)

Hidea-Kii-Hey, Daph-Nii, since you're always talking about not having any special skills you can use in battle, why don't you just come up with your own?

Daph-Nii-I figured that they would just come. I am a thief, after all. Maybe that's my class in this big RPG we call life, and I gain new skills as I battle more monsters.

Hidea-Kii-Whoa, that's deep. Can't you use your magic powers in battle?

Daph-Nii-I mean, I could, but how? Do I, like, set my dagger on fire?

Guardian-I wouldn't advise that.

Daph-Nii-Oh, what do you know? You don't have hands. You're just a necklace.

Guardian-A necklace who has way more power than you.

(She sets her hand on fire and draws her dagger. She holds her dagger a bit too close to her hand, giving herself a big cut across her palm.)

Daph-Nii-Ow! (to the GUARDIAN) Alright, you win this time.

(She sighs and looks at her hand.)

Daph-Nii-I wish we had a healer.

Hidea-Kii-A what?


(She gestures dramatically, splattering a bit of blood on HIDEA-KII's face. HIDEA-KII wipes it off with his hand.)

Daph-Nii-You're half-fairy. Don't you have healing powers or something?

Hidea-Kii-Actually...no. You'd figure a species of happy-go-lucky magical beings living in an idyllic forest would have some kind of healing powers.

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