Episode Eight: The King's Karma!

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(Start in Castle View. The gang is walking along like they do.)

Trini-Tii-I'm tired of fighting!

Daph-Nii-What are we supposed to do, then? Practice diplomacy on a bunch of brainless, hero-killing monsters?

Trini-Tii-That's not what I meant-

Daph-Nii-When we fight monsters, we save innocent lives. Those people don't want to be monsters, but did they get the choice? No.

Trini-Tii-Daph-Nii, you're not letting me finish-

Daph-Nii-We're supposed to kill the monsters, save the faces, and make things right. Wasn't you whole "higher calling" spiel about bringing justice to the land?

Trini-Tii-I'm not tired of fighting entirely! I just don't like fighting so much. Can't those monsters give us a break?

Daph-Nii-I wish!

Victor-Monsters will be coming at us every day, Trini-Tii. Them's the breaks.

Daph-Nii-We are a stray mark on the Scantron of the Dark Lord's evil plan, especially me. He wants to erase us from the face of Miitopia so he can keep doing who-knows-what, and that means sending all the monsters he can.

Hidea-Kii-How are you so good with metaphors, Daph-Nii?

Daph-Nii-What can I say? I'm a poet and I didn't even know it.

(Opening theme. They come across a large treasure chest.)

Daph-Nii-Ooh, a treasure chest! This one's a big'un.

(She runs over to it and flips open the lid. Inside are some wicker vestments with yellow lining. DAPH-NII takes a closer look at the miter.)

Daph-Nii-What the hell is this, a basket?

Trini-Tii-It's not a basket!

(She takes the miter and puts it on.)

Trini-Tii-This is a miter. It's the official headgear of the Order of Clerics. Now, the robe.

(DAPH-NII tentatively hands her the robe.)

Daph-Nii-Are you sure you want to wear this? It's long story short made of wood.

Trini-Tii-Of course! Who knows? It might even be comfortable.

(Cut to a few minutes later. The gang is walking.)

Trini-Tii-Okay, this isn't comfortable. It is chic, in a way.

(They are stopped by two banshees and three apple jellies.)

Daph-Nii-Alright, ladies. Here we go.

(They draw their weapons. TRINI-TII attacks Apple Jelly B in the sweet spot, defeating it.)


(DAPH-NII attacks next, defeating Apple Jelly C.)


(HIDEA-KII attacks Apple Jelly A, defeating it.)


Victor-You guys wanna hear some Beyonce-


Victor-(grumbling) Alright, fine. Just cover your ears.

(He screams into his microphone. The banshees reel back. Banshee B cries.)

Hidea-Kii-Wow. I had no idea Victor's singing was that bad.

(Banshee A attacks HIDEA-KII.)

Hidea-Kii-Okay, you suck!

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