Episode Sixteen: A (Mostly) Happy Ending (Season 1 Finale)

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(Start in Nightmare Tower. The gang is walking along.)

Trini-Tii-The princess's face has to be up here.

Victor-I bet it's going to be...pretty hard.

Daph-Nii-If you haven't trained up your skills like we have!

(She raises her wrist.)

Daph-Nii-Guardian, how many battles have we won?

Guardian-A hundred and nineteen.

Daph-Nii-See? A hundred and nineteen! With enough luck, this'll be 120. I'm still kinda worried, though. We've been undefeated thus far. What if this is what breaks us?

Hidea-Kii-Well, define "undefeated."

Daph-Nii-I guess it's time to enter the dragon.

(They see someone up ahead of them.)


(The camera pans over to reveal it's JULIAN.)

Julian-OK, deep breaths...Princess Bia! Raaargh!

(He does the stupid-dance run into battle. Shot of the monster in front of him, a large, pink gorilla with "BIA's" face on it who will be referred to as the GENERAL.)

Julian-Give the princess's face back!

(He hits the GENERAL. There is no effect.)

Daph-Nii-Stupid dancing. That's his sole attack.

General-(mumbling to himself) What beauty...


(He "attacks" the GENERAL again to no avail.)

General-(mumbling to himself) To think the Dark Lord would grace me with such a face!

Julian-Give it back!

(He "attacks" again.)

General-(mumbling to himself) This face is mine now! I'll never give it back!


(He "attacks" a fourth time. The GENERAL finally notices.)

General-You'll never get away with this!

(He punts JULIAN down the corridor, which is even more humiliating considering his legs are significantly smaller than his arms. JULIAN flies past DAPH-NII and the gang.)

Daph-Nii-Well, shit.

(Opening theme. The gang runs towards the GENERAL. The GENERAL drums on his chest and stands with one fist raised high.)

Daph-Nii-Here we go, team. Give it your all. This thing's pretty fuckin' strong if it can kill Julian in one blow.

Hidea-Kii-Actually, I checked. Julian is still alive.

Daph-Nii-God dammit, Hidea-Kii. I was trying to prove a point.

Victor-Hey, Daph-Nii.


Victor-I just remembered how the beginning of that one BTS song went! "All the underdogs in the world, a day may come when we lose..."

Daph-Nii-"But that day is not today."

Victor/Daph-Nii-Today, we fight!

(They draw their weapons in the most badass way they can. ANNALISE walks up to DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, sweet! Horse attack right off the bat!

(She mounts ANNALISE and attacks the GENERAL.

(TRINI-TII attacks.)

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