Episode Eleven: Flower Power

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(Start in VICTOR and HIDEA-KII's room at the inn in the early morning. VICTOR is standing over HIDEA-KII's bed, his eyes wide and his mouth opened in an awestruck smile. HIDEA-KII is still asleep, his head surrounded by long, teal hair. HIDEA-KII's eyes flutter open. He hears VICTOR's gentle breathing and turns to face him.)

Hidea-Kii-What is it this time?

Victor-It's so beautiful...

Hidea-Kii-What's so beautiful?

(He looks down and sees his hair on the bed.)


(He sits upright in his bed clutching his hair.)

Hidea-Kii-This can't be happening!

Victor-Oh, it is. Congratulations on your...what is it called?

Hidea-Kii-Flowering, and don't congratulate me. Can't you see I'm freaking out right now?

Victor-I thought you were expecting it to happen.

Hidea-Kii-Yeah, but I didn't think it would be so sudden! And so...

(He looks at his hair.)

Hidea-Kii-I can't even begin to describe it!

(He begins banging on the door.)


(The door swings open. DAPH-NII and TRINI-TII are standing in the doorway.)

Daph-Nii-Okay, I'm here. What is-

(She and TRINI-TII see HIDEA-KII's hair. They gasp, their eyes widening.)

Trini-Tii-It's so beautiful...

Daph-Nii-I knew this day would come...

Hidea-Kii-Stop making goo-goo eyes at my hair and start making it into something less...girly!

Trini-Tii-Oh, uh, will do! My sisters and I always did each other's hair back at the compound. This'll be a piece of cake!

(She whips out a hair elastic, grabs HIDEA-KII by the wrist, and drags him to one of the beds. In three seconds flat, she manages to turn HIDEA-KII's long mess of hair into a nice, neat bun.)

Hidea-Kii-How did you do that?

Trini-Tii-I might have had a bit of practice.

Daph-Nii-Alright, guys. Enough fooling around. We need to find Prince Isaiah. Hopefully, Hidea-Kii's new fairy powers will be of help to us.

Hidea-Kii-Yeah. Hopefully...

(Opening theme. Cut to the Arid Frontier. The gang is walking together. HIDEA-KII is wearing polka-dot armor and riding on ANNALISE. VICTOR is in the back.)

Daph-Nii-Wow, you look so fuckin' majestic riding on that horse.

Hidea-Kii-Thank you. I get that privilege as the one with the long, luxurious hair.

Victor-I'm so glad everyone's polka-dotted, even Hidea-Kii.

Hidea-Kii-I mean, it matches my long, luxurious hair.

Daph-Nii-Is that all you can talk about?

Victor-Now it's complete polka dot takeover!

Daph-Nii-I get it. You like polka dots. Could you please stop talking about it?

Victor-Sheesh, 'kay.

(He stops.)

Victor-Hey, guys!

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