Episode Fourteen: Journey Into Nightmare Tower

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(Start in the Arid Frontier. The gang is walking together. TRINI-TII is riding on ANNALISE. DAPH-NII is looking particularly grumpy.)

Daph-Nii-(her voice is all raspy) Uuuuugh! Why am I the one who has to catch a cold?

Hidea-Kii-I dunno. Just don't breathe on me.

Daph-Nii-My throat is burning up, I can only breath through one nostril, and I feel like I wanna die. I don't even have the energy to want to die. All I can do is feel like it.

Victor-How do you catch a cold in a desert?

Daph-Nii-Maybe I'm just having an allergy attack from all that pollen in the forest.


Daph-Nii-Nah. It's a cold. It's winter. You can probably catch a cold anywhere in winter.

(TRINI-TII falls off of ANNALISE.)


(The others stop. They look at TRINI-TII, then at each other. HIDEA-KII elbows VICTOR.)

Hidea-Kii-You help her up.

(VICTOR elbows HIDEA-KII back.)

Victor-You help her up.


Hidea-Kii-Y'know what, you help her up.

Daph-Nii-I don't want to be giving her my germs.

(She elbows HIDEA-KII.)

Daph-Nii-Why don't you just do it?

(The three keep elbowing each other while TRINI-TII gets back onto her knees. Eventually, HIDEA-KII and VICTOR push DAPH-NII forward.)

Daph-Nii-Alright, fine, I'll do it.

(She runs over to TRINI-TII.)

Daph-Nii-Are you OK, Trini-Tii? Let me help you.

(She grabs TRINI-TII by her vestments and helps her to her feet.)


Daph-Nii-Now in return, I request that you cure me of my cold.


Daph-Nii-You're a healer. Chop chop!

Trini-Tii-It's not that easy.

Daph-Nii-God fucking dammit.

(Opening theme. The gang keeps walking. TRINI-TII is riding on ANNALISE again.)

Daph-Nii-Now, where could this Nightmare Tower be? We've been looking all over, and we haven't even seen anything remotely resembling a tower.

Victor-What about that really big tree you ran into?

Daph-Nii-I thought we agreed never to mention that, Victor.

(They get stopped by two lightning clouds.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, it's more of these guys. Attack!

(They draw their weapons. ANNALISE walks up to DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-Oh, cool.

(She takes one more look at her Moai dagger.)

Daph-Nii-Is this really supposed to be used as a weapon? Oh, whatever.

(She mounts ANNALISE, who kicks Cloud B with her hind legs. TRINI-TII attacks Cloud B.)

Hidea-Kii-Let's go!

Daph-Nii-I'll pitch in. If you're going to do a Jump Slash, I don't want you running out of MP.

(They grab hands. There is a pulse of orange light between them.)

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