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Nunni stepped out of the shower, her freshly washed curly hair dripping. She wrapped a towel around herself and left the bathroom to find her lotion. She looked in her backpack and then on the bed side tables.

      "Kentrellll!! You got some lotion I can borrow!??" She yelled. After a couple of seconds she heard him yell "COME HEA".

      Aria walked across the suite to Kentrell's room. He was sitting on the bed- watching something on TV. "There's some lotion ova there" he pointed to his suit case. She walked over to it and bent over to open it.

While digging around for lotion, she didn't notice Kentrell getting out the bed and positioning himself behind her. His hands planted themselves on her hips and he began grinding himself into her.

"Kentrell, stopppp" she squealed, moving away from him. "Why you come in here in a towel?" He asked and sat on the edge of the bed. "Because most people don't shower in clothes" Nunni shot him a 'duh' look.

"Whateva, Arizona" he laid back on the bed. "What you wearing to the party?" she randomly asked after locating the lotion. "Probably all black" he shrugged. He leaned forward a bit to see what she was doing- rubbing the lotion on her arms.

"I got this cute camo dress that just arrived, so imma wear that with like black heels" she said, rubbing the lotion along her chest. She glanced behind her and locked eyes with Kentrell.

"Close ya eyes" she smiled. He leaned back down and stared at the ceiling. She released the towel that she had had wrapped around her and continued to rub the lotion in.

"You miss yo lil brothers?" YB asked. "Every day. But I gotta do this for them" Nunni responded with a hint of sadness in her voice. She couldn't wait to stage the break up and go back to her brothers.

"Where yo mama and daddy?"

"Never knew my dad, was just told a bunch of stories. And my momma in rehab. She been in and out my whole life. Before my grandparents died, I used to live with them" Nunni surprised herself by telling all of this to him. Not even Yorkie knew her mother was still alive.

"Can I look now?" YB began sitting up. He was welcomed with the sight of Arizona rubbing lotion onto her thighs. "No, nigga" she snapped her head in his direction.

He leaned back and stared at the ceiling some more. "You was actually spitting some nice in the studio. Unoriginal but catchy" Kentrell critiqued her remix. "Ion know bruh, it's better than half of your songs and I only recorded two bars"

"Two bars that came from my flow and based on my lyrics" he chuckled. "NBA Youngboy ft. Lah Nunni" Arizona giggled. She set the lotion down and wrapped the towel around her naked body.

"I'll be ready in an hour" she announced and began heading to the door. Before she walked out, Kentrell called out "Wait!"

"What?" She turned around. "You look real good today" he licked his lips.

"Didn't you tell her we was leaving the hotel at 9. The fuck she doin?" Kell shook his head. He was tryna bring some girls home and Arizona was killing his mojo. "When I left the room her makeup and hair was done so I don't know what's taking so long" YB shook his head. They were standing outside the hotel, smoking, waiting for Arizona.

"Me and Kell really can just catch an Uber" Quando shrugged. "Nah you ain't fenna leave me. Or Nunni"

"Thank you", Nunni's soft but assertive voice rang from behind them, "I can't believe my own bestie was gonna leave me"

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