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"You don't want to fake it no more?" YB glanced over at her. "Not really. Because we do everything that goes into a relationship so why not try a real one?"

"I just want to make sure you're for real. You know how I feel bout you, Nunni"

"Yeah... I'm for real" she nervously bit her lip. I hope he knows how I feel about him too.

"Then, are you trying to say you want me to stay with you at your place? Like at your house in Miami" he asked, opening the door for her to get in. "If you want. I just don't want to get to Miami and we only do business stuff. I want to still spend the whole day with you and I want to do actual relationship things with you"

"Like what?"

"Dates. And not just going on them to get out pictures taken. Commitment. All that kind of stuff" Nunni said. "I guess. We'll talk about it all later. After I fuck you until you can't walk"

Nunni laid on the bed, blindfolded, and completely naked. She could feel Kentrell's presence over her. But she didn't know how close or far he was... or what he was doing.

All of a sudden, her ankle was pulled towards the edge of the bed causing her to tighten up. "Relax baby" he said.

"It's hard when I can't see" she responded smartly. "Just... trust me"

He kissed her hip, then dragged his lips across her body and kissed her other hip. This is a new side of him, Arizona thought to herself. I like thissss.

YB grabbed her legs and raised them up in a V, positioning himself in the middle. "I'm going to put a baby in you for real, Nunni" he smirked down at her naked body.

She laid there in silence for a moment, trying to collect her thoughts. It was hard to think of something so serious and permanent when you're blindfolded and naked.

"You don't have anything to say? That's new" he chuckled. She could feel his breath on her stomach so she knew he was close.

"If we have a baby, you stuck with me forever Kentrell" she said. He grinned. "Baby, I'm already stuck on you"

Then he dipped his head lower and planted a kiss on her kitty. "The way I'm about to make you feel.... you're going to be stuck with me forever too"

Arizona laid on Kentrell's chest, staring up at him like she was mesmerized. He looked down at her and smiled, then turned his attention back to the TV.

"I love you" he whispered before kissing her forehead. She glanced away then looked back at him with an even more mesmerized look. "I love you too"

"So, I told you we'd talk after I fucked you so hard you couldn't walk and-

"You didn't say all that but continue" she smirked and brought her hand up to his cheek. She lifted herself up and straddled his lap.

"Should I do it again to prove my point?" he looked up at her. "Nah, point made. I can't walk at all. And I can't stop smiling and staring at you" she smiled, stroking her hand up and down his face. "So like I was saying, now that you can't walk and I broke your back, we can talk about what you want to do in Miami"

"I actually want to go to LA for like a week before we go back to Miami. I didn't get to do anything fun while I was there. It was just business, hotel, airport"

"Okay, LA sound cool. Hotel or have the label secure a house? And what part of LA?"

"Kenny, you know I don't know LA like that. I guess wherever is nice and has big houses with a pool. Are the hoodlums coming?" she laughed a little bit at the last part. "Yeah, fasho. We gone throw a big ass, ghetto ass pool party" Yb said.

"A big ass ghetto ass pool party with matching swimsuits?" she asked. "You so lameeee" he wrinkled up his face, jokingly. "That's what you thinking bout Arizona? A bikini to match my trunks?"

She nodded and kissed his cheek. While she was close to his face, she whispered into his ear "I know you're going to get me whatever I want cause now I'm your girlfriend girlfriend. And I want us to match".

He playfully rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around her. "You right. Whatever you want, you got it" he squeezed her tighter as he spoke. "Whatever I want? Anything?"

Kentrell didn't say anything for a minute, he just stared into her big brown eyes. "Arizona, I'd give you the world if I could"

        Nunni sat on Kentrell's lap in the living room of the huge LA house. He was playing the game against Joe while everybody else was in and out of the house. The house was big and modern in the hills. There was a big pool that overlooked the valley and a outside bar.

        "Where did Quando go? He told me he'd take me down Rodeo Dr. and I could do some shopping" Nunni fake looked around. She really wanted Yb to get off the game and take her, but she didn't want to be annoying and ask. "Text his strong jaw ass" Joe glanced over at Nunni before focusing on the game again.

       "Well, maybe he's busy. Kentrell, have you ever been shopping on Rodeo? Because I haven't"

        "Yes, Nunni, I been shopping on Rodeo. Should I take you or you gone sit here acting like you don't know where Quando is?"

          Nunni paused, surprised he could see through her performance. "Yeah, I'm going to go get dressed"

         Paparazzi populated the streets way heavier than Nunni had ever seen

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         Paparazzi populated the streets way heavier than Nunni had ever seen. The two of them had full security to escort them from store to store, pushing through crowds of fans and paparazzi.

        Nunni looked through Chanel purses lined up on a long, white wall. "Look at this. This cute and remind me of you" Kentrell handed her a baby blue Chanel bag with a gold chain strap. "This is beautifulllll. Imagine this with-

        She froze and carefully eyed the bag.

        "How much it cost?" She asked. Yb playfully rolled his eyes and smirked. "Price don't matter" he shrugged.

      Nunni shook her head. "Come on, I'd rather get a less than 5000 purse and some shoes in another store"

      "Baby, price don't matter when it come to you. I'll buy you whatever purses, shoes, clothes you want"

       I can get used to this, Nunni thought to herself before gladly grabbing the baby blue Chanel from him. She rubbed her finger on the gold C. "Thank you daddy" she smiled and leaned on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek then his lips. They kissed for a second before he pulled away. "Now come on. I'm finna show you the hype about red bottoms"

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