Chapter 1: The Dragon

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Note: I will make up the name for you. As in the (y/n) part because I think the story sounds more better that way. It's Thedra, it doesn't have any meaning to it, I think, but it's kind of reptilian. so I chose it.

"It's okay, you'll be fine!"

Bilbo tries desperately to cheer me up, but it's not really helping. I signed up to help them get their mountain back and defeat the orcs, but I was never informed that I would be the one to go and get the Arkenstone!

"Alright, in you go Thedra!"

Balin cheerfully says. But it's clear to me that he's worried. Maybe for me, but mostly if I can return with the Arkenstone in hand. I sigh heavily and enter the mountain. I go down the stone steps, careful not to make too much sounds with my bare feet. As I turn some corners, I come across an exit. My eyes widened with awe. Hills and hills stacked with gold and treasure. The hills seemed to go on forever. Then, I quickly realized the problem to this.

How am I supposed to find the Arkenstone for such a gigantic heap of gold and treasure, I don't even know what it looks like!

I scowl to myself in my mind as I go down the stairs that lead me to the floor containing the riches. the dragon is nowhere in sight, but I smell burning gas. It's probably sleeping in the gold. I think to myself, and start with the gold in front of me. Golden cups, chests, and other random stuff. I shake my head in despair and turn into my other form to look form above. My burning wings spread out, and I take off from the ground, flying into the air. I circle around the place, focusing my sight on suspicious items.

After hours of searching, I come across a shining white stone, about the size of my palm. The Arkenstone! I whisper to myself. I land onto the ground and scurry towards the stone, grabbing it from the pile and tucking it my hand. However, the land must have too loud, for the heap of gold next to me start to move. A wave of gold swallowed me, and I was stuck in it, with only my upper body out.

"Well, thief." A loud and horrendous voice rumbles throughout the mountain. "What have you come to steal?"

The dragon showed itself, revealing its massive size. I stared at it in silence for a couple of moments before realizing I needed to speak up.

"I have come for nothing but witness your massive beauty, O Smaug the Terrible."

I try to keep on my calmest voice, which seemed to amuse the dragon.

"Tiny one, I have observed your flight and the act of stealing the Arkenstone. Would you like to confess, or die in my flames."

Darn it, I think to myself.

"If you," Smaug continues, "wish to protect your dwarve friends, I will gladly kill you for participating in their plan, however you have caught the attention of mine. I will give you the choice of becoming one of my collection and stay with me till the ends of the days."

I stay still in bewilderment. Smaug gives me a chance to live, but insist on trapping me in this place. What I want is to get over with this and go home to the woods!

"I only give in after a fight!"

I yell, and turn into the phoniex. The heat from my body quickly melts the the gold around me, releasing me from the pile. I fly towards Smaug, who seemed surprised at my actions, and scrape his eyes with my wings.

A terrifying roar echoes through the halls of the kingdom, making some pebbles to fall off the ceiling. I hide behind a tower and quiet my breath to keep myself hidden.

"You quim! You dare challenge me? I will show you terror and pain for what you have done. I can smell you, I can smell your fear leaking out!"

His voice seems to seep into my body, making me shake more. I hear loud sniffing sounds from him trying to find me.

"Got you."

My eyes shoot open as the tower comes crumbling down from his force of his tail. I luckily escape from the destruction, but stumble right in front of the Dragon. He sneers at my face, stained in horror as he quickly raises his claws and pins it down on my still burning body. I burn my flames even more to try to get him move his claws off me, but it seems ineffective. He laughs loudly at his victory and my vision starts to blur from the lack of air I can take with my crushed lungs. Darkness comes over me as soon as he puts more pressure on me.

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