Chapter 11: Death the Phoniex

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My flame turn dark, dark as the night. They burn more too. I spread out my wings and fly down onto the creatures. The globins are the first to go. Even a light touch of my flames and I suck out their meaningless souls out. They collapse where they stood moments ago, and they few remaining run for their lives. Now that the problem makers are gone, the greedy tresure seekers are the next to go. I chuckle at their foolishness, shooting their tiny arrows that will just burn in my wings. What a waste, not that I'll be using them in any way.

Their faces darkens with horrid and I swoop down onto them. But my mind frezzes when I hear a voice. A small, pleading voice that used to soothe me to sleep while on our adventures, or sometimes will make me laugh at its sacasm, and sometimes made me blush.


My fire weakens dramatically, and I turn my head to see the voice's owner. On a small hill, stood the terrified looking hobbit from The Shire, Biblo Baggins. The one and only.

He leaps down the small hill and runs toward me.

"Stop! Stop all of this Thedra!"

My face tenses slightly at his desperate tone.

"It's the greed Bilbo! The greed will kill all!"

I yell back and turn my back to him and burn again to leap towards the crowd once more.


My heart skips a few beats as Biblo plunges himself into my flames.


I scream out and turn into my full human from, extinguishing the flames immediately.

"Oh god....oh god....GOD!"

I scramble towards Biblo's fallen body. His hair burnt in a couple of parts, his clothes all black from burning, and his eyelids closed. I collapse next to him and take his face into my hands.

"Please don't leave me. Please....I'll be alone again. I don't want to be alone please!"

My tears splatter onto Bilbo's cheeks, his broken and burnt skin quickly taken it in to hydrate itself once again. As soon as the tears disappear, Bilbo coughs and opens his eyes again to reveal his beautiful blue eyes.


"Yes I'm here. I'm here Bilbo, just don't leave me. Just don't....."

I dig my face into the crook of his neck and cry out loud. I was so scared. All the worry, and the sadness towards Smaug came out as tears and cries. Bilbo takes me in his arms tightly like I might run off if he ever lets go.


"A large rumble echoes from the distance and I hear screams and yells of terror as I see a face of a dragon rise up from the ground.


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