Chapter 2: "Welcoming"

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A faint conscious sprints through my body and I feel light pass through my eyelids. Opening them, I find the ceiling, a stone column, and a few torches on it, burning lightly.

I lift my arms and support myself on my elbows. I glance around my atmosphere and find no gold around me.


My face tenses in confusion and I stand up to investigate. My legs losses a little from the sudden movement, but I am able to regain my strength quickly. Looking around, I see no sign of the dragon, but the air carries the metallic smell of it.

Must be from lying around in the gold for too long, I think to myself.

The room, I find out, is no bigger than a large house, and has a stream of water running through the stony floor. I jump over it and notice a tunnel, about the height of me, on a wall. My interests go to it and just as I was about to take a step towards it, a rumble shook the air.

"Where do you think you're going, birdy?"

My body stops all movement and I slowly turn my head to see the dragon poke it's large head from a large hole on the other side of the room. His face is wearing a teasing grin, and his neck extends to have his face right in front of my body.

"Through the tunnel?"

I thought that lying will risk my friends and my own's life, so I calmly said the truth.

"Honesty will save your life clever one. Say, what is your name?"

Every word of the dragon comes out slow and steadily. It's full of confidence, which is quite terrifying. However, I hesitate to his question. Giving one's true name to a dragon is very risky, so I race my mind to come up with a new name.

"It's... Em.. Emthe."

The dragon nods and continues on with his questions.

"How did you meet the dwarves?"

"Why were you the one to enter the mountain?"

"How do you change your form?"

"How long will you live?"

I explain to him that I owed a wizard, Gandalf the Grey, a favor when he saved my life as a child, and that I was to return it by accompanying him on this adventure. That I was considered the most agile out of the gang, and that I would have got the job quickly, that I was a skin changer and that I live up to be more than a thousand years.

Smaug seemed to be enjoying the new stories I give him, and he would hiss out whenever I thought I gave him too much information and would stop my talking.

Once my answers were done, the dragon rumbled in approval and backed his head out of the room and stretched its neck proudly to show its full form.

"I am Smaug the Magnificent, the Horrendous, the Terrible. I am king under the mountain, and I am your keeper. You will be my object till your life ends, and there will be NOTHING to stop that."

The sudden realization that I am now hostage of the beast sink my feeling to its very depth.

The dragon continues, "You will call me as Master, UNDERSTAND?"

I nod lightly in response and hold my eyes to the stone floor, as the dragon laughed its horrible laugh.

"Well, make yourself at home."

He said sarcastically.

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