Chapter 13: Imprisonment

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I wake up in total silence. The air is very humid and my body lets out beads of sweat from everywhere. I open my eyes and see small streaks of light from above, and beneath them a partly shone upon dragon.


I whisper at him, but no response. I carefully lift myself up from the ground and go up to him. Fortunately, I hear low rumbles from his throat. I breath out a heavy sigh of relief and look up at the ceiling above us. Many branches of trunks and roots cover us, and so are the walls.

The elves must have made this.

I think to myself. I try to burn myself to fly up and see outside from the little crevices of the vegetation, but the moisturized air prevents me from doing anything near it. Frustration builds up in me. How are we supposed to get out of here, and why the hell is Smaug SLEEPING at a state like this.

Then, suspicion comes to mind. Why would a hundreds year old dragon think of resting at a situation like this? I look over to Smaug, still sleeping peacefully, and examine him carefully. I notice a small gleam of yellow from where his snout is slightly shined upon. After further observation, I recognize the strange substance.

"Sleeping pollen...."

I whisper out loud. Gandalf used to always tell me these ancient elf posion could make one fall into a sleep like death, not waking up until the pollen is burnt off. Kili almost stuck this up his nose when he was sniffing it, so Gandalf quickly gave it away to doctors in a nearby village.

Of course, the burning off part is, at This point, impossible. I growl at the thought of spending the rest of my long long life with a sleeping dragon.

I look up at the ceiling once more. The whole prison of plants is a dome, but the roof is too high up for me to jump up. I slump down to the ground in agony. All I wanted was to escape this, and I ended up hurting a friend and being imprisoned again. All I want is, to go far far away, never to be seen or heard from again.

Tears well up in my eyes and start falling, drop by drop, off my face. I laugh at myself for crying for what I want but can't have, like a child, but the tears don't stop.


A voice comes from outside. I look around to see where exactly it came from.

"Thedra, to your left!"

I look to the left as I'm told, and I meet blue eyes with Bilbo. Only half of his face is visible, but it's quite clear that he's smiling.


I reply.

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