Chapter 16: A Visit to the Shire

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The wheels of the wooden car sound as if they can break any second. Up on the highly stacked hay are the children, named Eion, Drax, and Tale from oldest to youngest. Smaug is sitting beside me, with a dark cloak on him to cover up his scales and inhuman eyes.

I give the rope a whip at the slow horses to go faster.

"I can't wait to see the surprise on the Hobbit's face."

Smaug says, smirking.

"Me too."

I grin as we enter the path to the Shire. The Hobbits here are very friendly, as we soon found out, and told us where Bilbo lives without hesitation or suspicion. I left the car in a plain to be used whatsoever, and knocked on the small door.


A small muffled voice poppies up from the other side. The door opens quickly and reveals the Hobbit,

"Hello! What can I do-"

He stops midsentence and look up to met my face.


He whispers and notices the babbling from below. The children are huddled close to their father's legs and protecting each other form the new face. He then looks up to the grinning man, who he takes a moment to realize who it was.

"Um.....well...alright. Oh yes! Come in, please!"

He gestures us into the house and we all go in to the room. Smaug is trying his best hold back laughter, so I elbow him in the ribs.


Of course, elbowing a dragon in the ribs is equal to a tickle to him, so he just keeps his hands over his mouth and trembling.

Bilbo takes out some oversized chairs, probably for bigger visitors like Gandalf, and scurrys over to the kitchen, returning with some tea and candy fro the kids.

"How have you been?"

I ask. Bilbo is still awestruck by my sudden visiting, and stummers as he speaks.

"Me..oh yeah.. fine....just fine. Are they"

He points out at the children, who now are playing at the fireplace, setting it on with their breaths and blowing it out.

"Yeah. Smaug and mine's."

Bilbo eyes widen into balls and stares at the children. Smaug is grinning and I can't help but giggle a little at him. I stand up from my chair and walk over to Bilbo.

"Here, how about we have a little talk."

I pat the Hobbit's back and he walks slowly to the kitchen, looking at the ground the whole time. The moment that we turned the corner and out of Smaug's sight, Bilbo wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.

"I was worried sick."

He whispers into the crook of my neck. I hug him tightly back and I whisper back,


Bilbo and I stayed like that for forever. He hugged me as if he wanted to take back the hugs he missed over the years, and I hugged him back just the same. Bilbo ended the hug with a little sigh and pulled back. I gave him a little peck on the cheek and called out the children.

        Smaug got his cloak back on and the Eion, Drax, and Tale are now fast asleep in his arms.

"Take care."

Bilbo says, as he follows us to the exit.

"I will, promise."

I reply, looking back at him with a warm smile.

"You know, you haven't told me their names."

I make an 'o' with my mouth and grin nervously at the Hobbit.

"So......the biggest, is called Eion. The next with the dark hair is Drax, and the girl and the youngest is Tale."

Bilbo smiles at them happily, but Smaug carries them away outside, probably being protective of his offsprings. I sigh at the stubborness of the dragon and turn my head towards Hobbit.

"Maybe I'll be seeing you again someday."

The Hobbit doesn't reply, but looks at me with a grin, but sad eyes. I make out a small smile and turn towards Smaug and start following him.


He yells from behind.


I yell back, without turning back, fearing that I'll start sobbing my eyeballs out of my sockets.


 So at the end, I turned on the Hobbit and ended up with the dragon. Forever being his living treasure.

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