Chapter 10: The Five Armies

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        The tip of the arrow is so close. And at the exact place where his scale is missing. I know I can do something, but it'll be too late. Smaug's face is stained with horror. A face I could only think of in my imaginations, but only, right now is real life. And then, we go back to the ground.




Only this time, I knew that my actions could make it. I turned and flew beneath Smaug. My fire blazed viloently as the speed grew slower, until we hit the ground. Fortunately, I jumped out of the way of Smaug, so I wouldn't be pressed against him and the earth.


I say his name, but he's unresponsive. Which scares me. A lot.

"Smaug, we need to get out of here."

He's still sleeping. Silly.

"Smaug come on."

Still sleeping. No, not sleeping. Of course not. He's dying. That arrow hit him in the heart, of course he's dying. I crawl over to the arrow, and see that the impact from falling hundreds of feet from the air caused it to go even further.

"Smaug wake up."

Nope, not happening. I pull at the arrow harsly, which he is silent to. Definately not going to wake up. I then pull at the arrow with all my might and succeed in taking it out of his body. The arrow melts into a liquid from the temperature of my body. I don't feel angry, but I know that my body is. My mind is too focused on Smaug. I use the tip of the still hard arrow to cut my wrist and press it against Smaug's wound. I squezze at my arm to push more blood into Smaug. Maybe, just maybe this might work.

Nothing is happening.


Not even a breath.

Not even a small flinch.


I pull away my arm and turn to the armies surrounding his carcass. I fly up just above my dead dragon, and see five species. The Goblins and the Wargs, Men of Dale, the Elves, the Dwarves, the Eagles, and the shape shifter; Beorn. Because of these monsters, these peasents, Smaug has died.

The dragon is dead.

And I will have my vengence, and no one will return with the mountain.

The mountain that lead to the dragon's death, and will lead to more corpses to be buried.

Not under my watch.

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