Chapter 7: The Dragon's Rampage

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Smaug roars. I quickly hide into the halls and away from his sight. He slams himself onto the stone pillars and the celing drops tiny little rocks onto the gold. Bilbo takes me by the hand and drags me to a room. The dwarves are huddled together and they seem to be thinking up a plan. It doesn't take minutes until we are divided into groups.

"Mr. Baggins, take good care of the girl."

Balin says and winks at me. I tense and feel my cheeks warm up. I do a small wave at him as we run on the bridges, lurring the dragon's attention.


Dwalin pipes out, and Smaug's head turns to him. Biblo and I are hiding from his sight in a behind a wall. I change my from and fly up, turning the dragon's head towards me.


He bellows out and lunges towards me. I am able to dodge him, but barely. I fly to the room where the dwarves are ready with there fireworks, but just as he enters the large hall, he slams me to the ground with one of claws. The air is pushed out of my lungs as i make contact with the hard ground. I make an attempt to get back up, but a shock of pain runs through my body, and I look at where it came from. My arms had a large gash across it from his claws, and I was bleeding heavily. Too heavily.

        I burn myself as much as I can to heal the wound, but the blood loss was taking away my energy drop by drop. The floor quivers as the gigantic dragon lands in front of my fallen body.

"If..... if you hadn't done it.....we could have been together.... BUT YOU BETRAYED ME."

I look up at what I thought it would be an anger stained face, but to my surprise, a sorrow striken expression.


As soon as I whisper out his name, tears overfill my eyes and pour down my cheek. My hiccups echo around the now empty hall, and I feel the dragon's warmth close to my face. He nudges me slightly on my side, stroking himself with my numb body. The pain from the wound is still there, but the bleeding has stopped. I feel my veins fill up with blood once again, and I lay my hand on Smaug's scales. He opens his eyes and meets mine. The once glowing eyes are now dim, and weak. Regret fill my mind, and I lean myself onto his hide, comforting myself in his presence.


I hear Bilbo scream out, and Smaug's face turns to him. He growls and a shadow passes in front of me, carrying me away from him.


I yell out, and his attention turns to me once again. But he disappears from my sight as the shadow carrys me into a tunnel. I see Smaug's flames above, and I struggle in the figure's arms.

"Calm down!"

Thorin shouts out. I stop my struggling at once and turn my head to see Thorin's face in front of mine.

"My lady, you are safe now."

He whispers out, and I dig my face into his shoulder and cry. Relief, despair and confusion. Taking any side will result in making enemy of people I care for, and all I wanted was for everything to disappear, to have never happened. Of course, Thorin knows nothing of this, and strokes my hair and coos me to calm down. After my cries turns into small whimpers, he carries me through the dark tunnel, and to the waiting dwarves and Bilbo.


Bilbo cries out and I jump out of Thorin's arms and into Bilbo's. I giggle in his soft clothes and I raise my head and look into his warm eyes.

Maybe...... I think to myself.

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