Chapter 14: Mr.Biblo Baggins

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He replies. I walk over to him and air on the ground in front of his face. Maybe he's here to shame me, or maybe beg for me to change. I look down to the ground as meeting eyes with him gets harder and harder.


I reply with a short hum.

"What are you going to do?"

I bore my eyes onto the dirt beneath me. The question I've been avoiding this whole time came straight at me by the person I didn't want to hear from most.


I don't reply this time. I just want him to go away and pretend he never asked me. I don't want him curious or worried. He'a a dear friend that I don't want to hurt, maybe, even more than a friend.

"Thedra please look at me."

I feel like I'm going to crumble up like paper. I hesitate, but give him a what I thought would be a quick glance, but as soon as I met eyes with his dark blue eyes, my eyes and his were stuck together. His eyes can't be explained by just a single word. All of his emotions are readable to me. But all of them are not close the any happy colors. I lift my hand and place it against his right cheek. He leans into it and places his hands over mine.

"I don't understand."

He says, and a single streak of a tear rolls down his skin. I wipe it off with my thumb, but I don't have the courage to say anything to cheer him up.

"I believe in you," he croaks, "I know that you're doing what's right, now matter what the others think."

He kisses the palm of my hand and sits up. I watch him trod away over the hill and to the several huts with smoke rising from it. The loss of his touch pains me, but I try my best to shrug it off. In these circumstances, it's not an easy task, but I had too if I was to spend time with nobody but a sleeping dragon.

Night falls quickly on the Lonely Mountains. From some off the bigger gaps between the roots, the bright stars can be seen, so I spent most of the night staring at them, wondering how swell it would be to fly in it. Even the stars seem to be sleepy when Bilbo comes again, this time holding a torch.


He whispers and I walk over to his brightly shone face. I give him a little smile, which he returns with the biggest smile I've seen him give me.

"Here," he hands me the handle of the torch through the gap."use this to wake up Smaug, and run. Run as far as you can, and you must never come back."

My breathing stops as he says the words. Bilbo was risking his trust with the dwarves and his own life for me? After all I've done to him?


I whisper out. The Hobbit shushes me, so I act quickly and light the pollen on Smaug's face quickly. The dragon stirs, but jolts up when his eyes open once again.

"Smaug, hush! You must be quiet!"

Smaug obeys quickly and nudges his snout against my body. I giggle at him, but cover my mouth when I remember that Bilbo was still here. I walk closer to the wall and kiss him on the cheek. He freezes at it, but softens when I laugh at him.

"Will he take care of you?"

I nod in response.

"Remember that I live in the Shire and that you have me to return to."

I nod furiously, fighting the burning sensation in my throat from holding in tears.

"And remember that I have always loved you no matter what, and I run mountains and valleys for you."

My head doesn't nod this time, but I grab his face with both hands and pull him into a passionate kiss. Our lips crush against each other, and his pressure against my lips triggers my emotions. I pull away, slowly and quietly and take in the sight of his beautiful face for the last time.

"Bilbo, the Arkenstone is in your pocket. I put it there. Do whatever you think is right with it, but I won't be there to make sure you do, alright?"

He smiles and pecks me on the cheeks. I laugh and bump foreheads with him.

"My sweet little Hobbit."

I whisper.

I turn and hop onto Smaug's head.


I say, and the dragon rises, flinging away the chains into the air. His wings spread once more into the cool air of the night. The wind is about the cold side of perfect, and my body feels free from the clutches of everything.

I stare at Bilbo's shrinking body as we take into the sky, paying no attention towards the Humans and Elves shouting below. The tips of mountains are about the same height us when I finally turn my head straight.

"Now," Smaug breaks the silence,"where shall we head?"

I take a few moments to reply, mostly because the sight was breathtaking. The stars shine brightly as if welcoming us into the sky, and I touch the clouds Smaug flies through, feeling the cold at my fingertips.

"Take me to your favorite place in all of Middle Earth beside the mountain."

Smaug hums in response and turns direction slightly to the East. He tells me nothing about where we exactly are heading, but sleepiness takes over me. I lay down my stomach into Smaug's forehead and curl up to be more warm. Smaug seemed to notice this, because he burned his flames inside his mouth, making the surface of the skin slightly heated.

"Smaug, I'm yours for all my life, I promise."

I say, but am fast asleep before Smaug can reply.

(Authors's Note: This story will continue!)

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