Chapter 15: The Forest

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(Author's Note: Second to last?!)

Birds chirp around me and the dry sounds of grass swaying with the winds fill my ears. I open my eyelids slowly and take in the beauty in front of me. Trees stretch their thick roots against the surface of the grass carpet and cover the morning sky with their lush leaves.

"Good morning."

Smaug whispers into my ear. I giggle, but my face tenses when I realize that his voice is too smaller than the last time I heard him. I roll over to my side and find myself in front of a man. I gasp and stumble away from him as fast as I can.


The dark haired and tall man gets on his feet and walks up to me. My legs refuse to move and I cover me face in terror.

"Get away!"

I scream. The man's footsteps stop and I peek out between my fingers to see That his bare chest is right in front of me. Luckily, I see a hem of some clothing around his waist.


He says. How does he know my name? My mind swirls around to the sudden fear and shock and I stumble on my feet. His fingers brush my hands and wraps itself onto my hands. I try to pull away, but his strength is too superior. For a human.

"Emthe, my only living treasure. What do you have to fear?"

My eyes widen behind my hands and I lower then and look into the mysterious man's face. An overall sharp face, curly raven black hair, and eyes the color of burning fire. The eyes snatch my mind and I croak out,


He grins ear to ear and bumps foreheads with me.

"Gandalf lent a hand for a bittersweet love, knowing our difficulties from my former form. I stay in this form from your love, so as long as you are with me, I will stay puny and small and weak. A curse, I must say."

I laugh at him and stand up in the tip of my toes and kiss him on his smooth skin forehead.

"Come. You wake too early."

He pulls me into his arms and topples onto the soft grass beneath us. I squeal and try to wriggle out of his grasp but he tightens his grip on me and growls playfully.

"My strength and my fire all still existent."

I fall silent at his words. He chuckles and pulls me closer to his body. I lay a hand on his strong chest, feeling his new form. If I ever where this close to him when he was still a dragon, I would have been easily crushed.


I look up into his face, his eyelids now closed and sleepy. He hums in response and I climb up onto his chest and peer into his handsome face.

"I love you."

His eyes open slowly. He stares at me before sitting up and supporting his elf with his arms.

Moments pass as we observe each other's features. Then, his head moves closer to mine. Our lips meet and press softly against each other's. His hands holds the back of my head and digs it in my hair. I do the same and pull him closer to my lips. The movements gets rougher, and Smaug takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I whimper at the sudden action, but let him continue on and relish the feeling of being his. He pulls away and rolls me over to my back. I breath heavily and look up at the towering man.

"You are mine, and I am yours."

He says and comes down onto my lips again.

And we made love.

Months pass in the quiet forest. The three eggs are about to hatch, and I quietly observe them as Smaug does from a distance.

"Are they out yet?"

He yells. I yell back a no and return to marveling at the eggs. I remember I was terrified when Smaug told me that he hears four heartbeats out of my body. But now, all I can feel is pure joy when I see my children.

"Emthe! I hear them waking up!"

Smaug roars form behind and stumbles to my side. A crack opens up in the largest of the eggs. Next, the second largest eggs opens up a crack just as big as its older sibling. From the firstborn, a boy comes out of it. Small crimson red scales peek out of its soft skin, and his brown hair has small curls already springing up. And eyes bright as the stars in the sky.


Smaug whispers and takes him into his arms, quietly washing the baby in a nearby pond.

The second born cows out shortly afterwards Smaug comes back with the cleaned child. This time, the boy has dark blue scales, the color of night, peeking out from his skin, and a raven colored hair, but wavy, unlike his brother. His eyes are a calm green. I take him this time and clean him in the pond. He coos at the sight of my face and I coo back to him. I pour water into him and gently rub at his skin to wash away the egg pieces in him.

I return to Smaug, resting the baby in his laps and peering worryingly at the unborn third egg.

"Will it make it?"

He asks, still looking at the smallest egg. I give him a slight nudge and pull the sleeping baby closer to my chest.

I sit down and join his observing. The baby in his lap is getting restless from the silence and slumps down from his father and knocks over the egg.

Oh no.

The egg leans to one side, but regains its balance and leans to the opposite with a crack. A large hole appear onto the egg, and to my surprise, a tiny hand on the edge of it. Smaug and I watch in amazement as the tiny hand delicately chips off the egg and makes an entrance.

This time, it's a girl. With curly locks of red, and eyes silver as Gandalf's beard, the baby has small burning feathers on her skin.


I whisper out. Smaug doesn't give me a chance to hold my daughter and runs off to the pond with her, overly excited to have another me.

This, Bilbo has to know about.

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