Chapter 3: Burning

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Night falls upon the mountain and the dragon seems to be more slower than daytime. He drops himself onto the gold and with a final sigh, his breathing quiets and he is asleep.

I take the chance to go to the entrance that I came from outside of the mountain.

"Bilbo? Thorin? Anybody?"

I whisper as loudly as I can into the corridor and I hear nothing but the deep rumbles from the sleeping dragon. I walk as quietly as I can through the stone corridors. Within minutes of walking around, I realize that I am far from finding anyone, and start to go back to where Smaug is. The small slaps of my skin against the cold, stone floor echoes through the halls and it helps me relax a little bit. As I turn the last corner to the heaps of hold, I see a lake. My eyes widen at the beauty of it. Light from the moon seeps through the crevices of the ceiling and shines upon the calm surface of the water. The size of it seems to be twice the size of Smaug's, and the water looks clear enough to satisfy my thirst.

I walk over to the shore and dip my hands into the freezing water. I play around with the water, feeling it through my fingers. I form my hands into a bowl and lower my head to drink some of it. Just when my lips were about to touch the water, a wet hand grabs my wrist and pulls me down into the water.

I kick and trash about in the water as forceful as I can, but the hand just drags me even more deeper into the water. The vibrating surface becomes more and more farther, and my chest burns with pain from holding my breath for so long. My head starts swirling and my body goes weak, and I give in to the painful death I am now in.

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