Chapter 12: Seized

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I swoop towards Smaug and stumble to his face. He seems weakened, but surely, alive.

"Emthe.....I won't leave you...ever again."

His voice is hoarse, but I take in each words deeply and preciously. I bury my face into his hide and cry silently so not to worry him. To feel him breathing against my own body again was the best feeling I've ever had.


He struggles out my name and I look into his eyes. His vertical pupil meets my round one, and I smile from ear to ear.


Men bellow out shouts and grunts as chains fly over Smaug's body. Men gather around us as they hammer down the pins on the ends of the chain to the earth.


I yell. I feel scared that I might lose him again, and desperate for to him to help me, like he did in the mountain. His eyes narrow at me, but I know nothing after when a chain hits in the back of my head. The pain screams throughout my body, and I fall to the ground, feeling warm blood trickle down my face as my eyelids slowly close. Darkness takes over my vision, and my mind follows soon after.

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