A Heroes Monster

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It is night at UA dorms only 1 boy was not a sleep but instead training to surpass his teacher All Might the boy's name is Izuku Midoriya and he was currently jumping from roof top to roof top so he could get better at balancing when in one for all full cowling when he hears a scream come from a nearby alley and goes to check it out.

"Hello is anyone down here I heard a scream" Izuku said as he walked down the alley when he stops when he sees someone standing in the darkness.

"Excuse me I'm the hero Deku I am here to help" Izuku said with no response until the so called person rushed past him scratching his neck as that person disappeared Deku decided to head back to the dorm and get some sleep.

[8 hours later]

Izuku wakes up to the suns rays shining on his face as rubs his eye and starts waking to the bathroom to shower and get ready for school as he steps out the shower he notices the 2 cuts on his neck and decides to put a plaster on them when he hears a knock at the door.

After putting on some joggers he heads to his dorm room door only to find outside was his friend Tenya Iida who came to get you for the group was wait down stairs when Iida notices the plaster on your neck.

"You ok Midoriya" Iida says as he points at Izuku's neck.

"Yeah got a scratch will I was out trianing last night" Izuku said with a small smile on his face as he quickly gets ready and walks with Iida to the others.

As the 2 of them reach the group Izuku sees Uraraka, Tsuyu, Jiro, Mina and Momo are talking about the quirk exam then he sees Bakugo being his not friendly and cocky self as he argues with Todoroki which put a smile on Midoriya's face because after saving Bakugo from the league of villians not mention All Might retiring after his fight with All For One he had nothing to be happy about until now.

[to the quirk exam]

"Ok all of you will come up here and take a number from the box you will then partner with the person who drew the same number oh and you have a surprise waiting for you at the exam so be ready" Eraser Head said as Todoroki walked up and pulled out the first number and one by one everyone had a number except for Izuku.

As Izuku walked up to the box he and grabbed his number he heard Eraser Head speak and give information on the exam.

"Ok listen up now that you all have your number after you have found your partner go to you exam room and prepare for you task your room number is your badge number for example since you and your partner have lets say the number 1 then you head to room 1 got it" said Eraser Head as he walked out of the class room.

"So who has which badge" asked Izuku as Todoroki stood up to show his badge.

"I have badge 3" sadi Todoroki as he saw Bakugo walk forward with a pissed off face which everyone knew meant he had badge 3 as well.

"I have badge 5 ribbit" Tsuyu said as she saw Mina running towards her with a smile on her face meaning she had badge 5 as well.

"Ok so who is the lucky lady to draw number 7" said Mineta with a pervy grin until Sero stood up showing the number 7 badge and shattering Mineta's dream of his female partner.

"Hahahaha I don't think Mineta likes his partner oh and who has badge number 10" asked Toru as Sato walked over with both the number 10 badge and a massive blush on his face as Toru is invisible and nude.

"Oh man poor Sato of all people he had to get Toru anyways badge number 2 is mine" said Uraraka soon Iida stood next to her.

"Badge 9 anyone" asked Koda after looking Shoji showed his badge and sat next to Koda.

"Oh yeah I'll zap away your trouble with number 4" said Kaminari as none other than Jiro stood next to him ready for the test.

"Oh this test will be a breeze with as the partner of number 8" said Aoyama as Tokoyami walks over to him.

"Oh man so who is my partner then with badge 6" Kirishima as Ojiro raised his hand and showed number 6 badge.

"So I guess Momo is my partner" said Izuku as everyone looked at him but of course Mineta had to say something.

"Midoriya you bastard why do you get one of the hottest girls in are class" said the crying Mineta but everyone else was think about the test.

All of the heroes in training started walking towards their exam rooms still worrying of what the exam is and how their quicks work together.

[at room 1]

Momo and Izuku were sitting in the exam room staring at blank screen at the front of the room when it turns on showing who else but All Might.

"Hello there students it is I All Might here to tell you about your exam" said All Might as Momo and Izuku got ready to hear about the exam.

"First of all the exam is to test your decision making skills as a hero that is why we teachers made these rooms with different ways to prevent you from using your quirks now lets begin" All Might said as the video turned off and room began to fill with gas.

"Midoriya we need to leave that stuff looks poisoness" Momo said as she tried to open the door but found it locked.

Izuku thought about how this could prevent them from using their quirks until he saw it Momo's quirk is creation but she can only create something if she know the makeup of the item but she can't make create 2 things at once just yet meaning if she tried to make a gas mask one of them would be unprotected.

"Momo we need to think things through first off make a gas mask at least then you can make another one" said Izuku as Momo looked at him with worry as she made the first gas mask until the gas started coming more quickly as the both of them felt weaker as they breathed.

About a minute after Momo created the gas mask Izuku saw Momo fall to the floor holding the gas mask with the last of his strength Izuku grabbed the mask and placed it over Momo's face as he fell to the floor but as the he closed his eyes Momo woke up to see him on the floor she soon figured out what happened as she created a second gas mask to help Midoriya.

As Momo reached to put the mask on Midoriya he stood up but what shocked her was his eye they had change from green to crimson red but soon she saw him break down the door with out even using his quirk but after a second he fell to the ground as the teachers came to take him to recovery girl but Momo could tell that Midoriya was not the same and she knew that she needed to know why.

Me: "hey demon readers sorry if this chapter was longer got so into a part that I had to finish it"
Deku: "dude come on we need to get the next part wrote"

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