The Froppy and The Beast

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Things had started getting hard Midoriya not only did he have 2 girls that loved him but also knew his secret little did midoriya and Jiro know they were not alone as someone was watching and this person knew she need the same action as Jiro but could only imagine the fun she would have.

The next day Jiro and Midoriya walked into the classroom as Midoriya walked in he saw Momo look over at him with a smile on her face but things only got stranger as Tsuyu was looking at her text book with a blush on her face which he thought was strange but soon he was pulled out of his thoughts by a tap on his shoulder when he turned round only to see Iida.

"Oh hey Iida" Midoriya says with a smile.

"I'm glad to see your better Midoriya I heard Jiro went to see you" said Iida as Midoriya looked at Jiro and then back at Iida.

"Jiro was a big help she came to check up on me everyday to see if I was any better" Midoriya says as Iida gives him a smile.

As everyone was talking All Might came to class 1-A and asked to speak to Midoriya.

"Midoriya this isn't easy to say but the guy that gave you this quirk failed to tell you the whole truth" All Might said with anger in his voice.

"It seems that you are going to become more blood thirsty and will become more like a vampire everyday I know you have managed to control in by drinking Momo and Jiro's blood but soon you will be unable to stop" All Might says as the tone of his voice changes from anger to sad.

"All Might what will happen to Momo and Jiro now" Izuku asks.

"Hard to say as far as we have seen there is no change in there condition so I think they will be ok" All Might says.

Midoriya just smiled as All Might placed a hand on his shoulder and speaks.

"Go home Midoriya and rest we will find away to fix this" All Might says in a warming tone that causes Midoriya to relax but both of them soon hear a knock on the door as a girl walks in.

"Oh hello Tsuyu did you need to see All Might" Midoriya asked.

"No actually I was wondering if you would like to have a sleepover at mine tonight ribbit" Tsuyu says as Midoriya starts to blush.

"Well what about your parents" asked Midoriya.

"Oh my parents have to go away for business this weekend so I need to babysit my little brother and sister ribbit" Tsuyu said.

"How is Samidare and Satsuki doing" Midoriya asked Tsuyu.

"Oh they are ok thank you for asking Midoriya" Tsuyu says with a smile on her face.

"I guess I could stay the night so I guess we should get going to mine so I can let my mom know and get some clothes" Midoriya says.

After popping by Midoriya's home to grab some clothes and inform his mother about the sleepover at Tsuyu's home, Inko gave him the don't do anything naughty look which he hoped he would never have to do but some how had a bad feeling.

As the 2 of them reached Tsuyu's home Midoriya saw 2 kids running at him as they tackled him to the ground but he just laught.

"Hello Samidare and Satsuki have you come to save your big sister from big bad Midoriya" Izuku says with a playful smile as Tsuyu also had a smile on her face.

"Hello Midoriya we missed you" Samidare says as he give Izuku a warm hug.

"Are we going to play together like we did before" Satsuki say as she smiled at Midoriya who could only nod as the both jumped for joy and ran into the house as Midoriya stood up.

"They haven't changed and that's good" Midoriya said as he and Tsuyu entered her home shutting the door behind them.

"Midoriya, Midoriya come and play" Samidare and Satsuki call him from the living room to play with Samidare and Satsuki while Tsuyu takes there stuff up stairs she and Midoriya would stay in her mom and dad's room.

After putting their stuff up stairs she heads down stairs to prepare dinner she hears laughter from the living room and she remembers it was after the UA invasion by the league of villians, Midoriya came over to see how she was and she knew he was a caring person but she always wondered with him protecting everyone who would protect him.

Tsuyu was about to head for the kitchen until Midoriya stood up and walked into the kitchen as well looked through the cupboards as Tsuyu entered.

"What you looking for Midoriya ribbit" Tsuyu said.

"I'm looking for that your families famous curry powder ok lets get cooking" Midoriya says as he places the curry powder down as he washes his hand and gets ready to cook.

"Midoriya you don't have to your our guest" said Tsuyu.

"I know people don't know this but my mom taught me how to cook and to be honest I feel even if I am a guest I should at least help my friend out so you go play with your little brother and sister and I will call you when it's ready" Midoriya says as he begins to prepare the curry which caused Tsuyu's heart to beat fast as she went to the living room.

As time past Tsuyu looked at the kitchen to see Midoriya hard at work until he went to the garden and then returned she thought he must of just gone to get some fresh air.

[45 minute later]

"Ok come and get it" Midoriya says as he places 4 dishes of curry on the table which Tsuyu and her siblings soon got to the table and sat down.

"This looks wonderful Midoriya" Tsuyu compliments Midoriya.

As they were eating Midoriya noticed that Satsuki was not eat which he knew meant she was still not use to spicy food but he already knew a way to fix.

"Satsuki if your not use to spicy food how about some magic to help you with it" Midoriya says as Satsuki nods her head so he got up and sprinkles some colourful flakes on her curry which she soon starts to eat not even saying it was hot or spicy which shocked Tsuyu.

Hey everyone just want to ask a question and be honest and give me a reason for your answer and not just because so any way which girl do you all think works best with Midoriya however you are only allowed to say UA class 1-A girls and some pro heros or villians up to season 3 of the anime.

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