First of creation

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It was night and Momo was sitting in the nurse's office watching over Midoriya as she worried what had happened a couple of hours ago during the exam but as she looked at him she felt her heart break.

(Midoriya what is happening to you) thought Momo as Midoriya began to sit up as he held his head looking round the room to see where he was.

"Um where are am I" said a confused Midoriya as he looked to see Momo with a smile on her face.

Momo began to explain things and how she and Midoriya got to be alone in the nurse's office at night with the doors locked.

"Well I guess that means that your my room mate for tonight" Midoriya said as smiled at Momo who soon had a look of panick on her face he grabbed his head in pain.

"Midoriya hey Midoriya what's wrong" said Momo as Midoriya looked at her with the same red eyes as before but something was different he looked at her with the eyes of a beast about to pounce.

She quickly shot out of her chair and backed away as Midoriya start to get off the bed and walk towards Momo showing his teeth as he jumped at her but she dodged to the left before he could reach her.

"Midoriya what's gotten into you it's me Momo" said a frightened Momo as Midoriya turned to look at her.

"M...Mo...Momo" stuttered a beastly Midoriya as Momo began to cry as she watch her friend smash his head against the wall.

"Midoriya stop your going to hurt yourself" said a worrying Momo as he stopped and looked at her as he spoke.

"Momo run something is wrong" said an angry Midoriya as Momo walked slowly towards him as Midoriya jumps on her and starts to stare at her.

Momo looked at him with both kindness and sadness in her eyes as she raises her right hand to his cheek as tears begin to form in both her and Midoriya's eyes and for a few minutes neither of them moved.

"Momo please get away from me please" Midoriya said as he got closer to her as she did the same.

"Midoriya I am not afraid of you" said Momo as their noses touched they stop as Midoriya looks at her.

"I think w...we sh...whould stop before" stuttered Midoriya as Momo pulled him into a kiss that lasted for 20 minutes until they break apart so Momo could catch her breath.

"How are you out of breath" said Midoriya as Momo took a minute before asking him to turn on the lights.

As Izuku went to the light switch after flicking the lights on Momo covered her mouth in shock for what she saw was not just shocking but frightening.

"What's wrong" Midoriya said as he looked at Momo who was now in tears at the sight of her friend.

Momo could barely speak as it was to heart breaking to see Midoriya's skin had turned white and his teeth had grown into fangs soon Momo spoke out a single word.

"Vampire" said the sad Momo as Midoriya saw nothing in the mirror which proved it was true.

"How did this happen I'm human I know I am" said the broke Midoriya as tears began to fall down his face as Momo tried to get closer only for him to move away.

"Momo stay away from me I am a monster" said the scared Midoriya as he noticed Momo break out in tears as she spoke out.

"Your {sniff} not a monster you are {sniff} Izuku Midoriya" Momo said through her tears as Midoriya looked at her but spoke in anger.

"Oh I'm not a monster WAKE UP MOMO I AM A BLOOD SUCKING FREAK" shouted an angry Midoriya as Momo looked at him with anger in her eyes.

"No your not you didn't hurt me" said an angry Momo as she grabbed hand and held it next to her cheek but he pulled it away.

"Momo look at me I might not of today but what about the next and the others if I stay I will be putting them in danger and this hunger it's driving me crazy" said a broken Midoriya as Momo stepped next to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"In that case why don't I feed you use me to control your hunger" said the crying Momo as she wrapped tighter "please I don't want to lose my friend please" she said with tears running harder.

"Momo I could kill you or worse turn you like me" said the worried Midoriya as she looked up at him.

"I don't care Midoriya over the past few years I've seen you risk your life not to mention all the stuff with Bakugo and to be honest I think I might have feelings for you so please don't leave me or any of us" said Momo as she tried to stop crying.

"Momo" Midoriya says as he calms down as she lets go of him and turns him around as she looks at him with a happy look on her face.

"Are you sure Momo" said a worried Midoriya as he looked at her close her eye and show him her neck and nodded as his mouth moved closer.

As his teeth touched her soft skin she saw him look at her with a caring look which made her heart beat faster as she felt him bite down and began to drink her blood, as Midoriya drank he could taste a flavour sweet like honey and as hot as a chilly pepper after 1 minute he slowly pulled away as he put a plaster on her bite marks as he kneeled down to check on her.

"Momo you ok" said Midoriya as Momo looked him with a big blush on her face.

"Midoriya I don't know why but I feel so horny" she said in a sexy voice as jumped on Midoriya and began to make love.

DemonReader2099: "oh sorry if you wanted the steamy action but don't worry it will come up the next chapter".

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