Mark of the Undead

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The next day Tsuyu and Midoriya got out of bed to get ready for school until a cough came from Tsuyu as she fell back on to the bed.

"Tsuyu are you ok" Midoriya asked as he walked up to her.

"Yeah (cough) just a little under the weather" Tsuyu said as Midoriya got her back into bed.

"You stay in bed and get some rest I'll go tell Samidare and Satsuki to look after you today ok" Midoriya said as he gave her a kiss on the forehead as he walked down stairs.

As he got down stairs he headed towards the kitchen as he sees Samidare and Satsuki sitting at the table eating some toast as he speaks.

"Good morning Samidare and Satsuki can you 2 take care of your sister as she doesn't feel well" Midoriya say as they nod before he takes the spare key and leaves for school.

[at class 1-A]

"Oh Midoriya your here thats good" Iida says as he looks around the room.

"What's up Iida" asked a confused Midoriya as Iida turned round to answer him.

"It's Momo and Jiro they are both sick today but when I went to see how they were but they seem to both be sick all of a sudden" Iida said with a puzzled look on his face.

(Could the same thing that happened to Tsuyu of happened to Momo and Jiro as well I need to speak to All Might about this) Midoriya thought.

"Iida I'm just going to inform All Might about Tsuyu as she is sick today" he says as he leaves the room and heads for the teachers lounge.

[in the teachers lounge]

Midoriya had just opened the door as All Might turned his head.

"Oh hey young Midoriya what's wrong" All Might says as Midoriya closes the door behind him.

"I think something is wrong with Tsuyu, Momo and Jiro they all got sick and no one knows why but I think I do" Midoriya says as All Might shoots up from his seat in shock.

"Midoriya what do you mean" said All Might.

"Tsuyu was fine no sign of infection or the flu and she only got sick the day after we well you know so I think some how my curse is effecting them as well" Midoriya says as All Might heads for the door.

"Come on Midoriya we need to see them now" All Might says as he and Izuku rush out of the UA building and head for Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu's homes.

[at Momo's home]

All Might and Midoriya reach Momo's home and knock on the front door after a minute a man dressed in black opened the door.

"Excuse me but is Momo in" asked Midoriya as All Might stood next to him.

"She is but who might you be young man" the man asked.

"Oh my name is Izuku Midoriya, I'm a classmate of Momo's" Midoriya said.

"And I'm All Might I'm a teacher at UA and Midoriya told me that Momo was sick so I thought I would come with him to check on her" All Might says.

"Ah yes please do come in and I will escort you to miss Yaoyorozu's room my name is Sam I am the butler for the Yaoyorozu family if you would follow me please" Sam says as he leads them up some stairs.

As the 3 of them reach Momo's room all that could be heard was coughing as Sam knocks the door.

"Miss Yaoyorozu Izuku Midoriya and All Might have come to see you may they come in" Sam asked as she replied.

As he opened the door Midoriya and All Might saw her sitting up in her bed as Sam shut the door and walked away.

"Hello (cough) Midoriya are you ok" Momo asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine but how did you get sick" Midoriya asked as Momo just looked at him.

"I don't know I was fine until yesterday and then I felt sick I felt really dizzy and that's it" Momo says as Midoriya had a look of horror in his eyes which All Might noticed.

"What is it young Midoriya" All Might asked.

"Momo your neck how long have you had those marks" Midoriya asked hoping it wasn't what he thought it was.

"I would have to say about 3 weeks why" Momo said unsure of why Midoriya looked horrified.

"Momo I need to try something open your mouth" Midoriya said as he went and sat on her bed as she opened her mouth.

After her mouth was opened Midoriya placed his left arm against her mouth.

"Momo I need you to bite my arm please" he said as she did as he had asked her as blood ran down her throat after about 3 minutes she let go of his arm as he stood up.

"Yaoyorozu are you alright" All Might asked as she looked at him.

"I feel fine like I was never sick but how" Momo said as she stood up from her bed and looked at Midoriya at the window.

"Momo I think that you might of become like me and I am so sorry" Midoriya said as his face showed anger as Momo walked towards him and gave him a hug.

"I might be a vampire now but that won't change how I feel about you Midoriya like I said that night in the school infirmary you are not a monster you are Izuku Midoriya" Momo said in a soft and gentle tone as Midoriya turned round and hugs her back.

"We need to go see Jiro and Tsuyu I think the same thing has happened to them as well" Midoriya said as Momo let go and headed to the bathroom to get changed.

"Midoriya what will you do now" All Might asked as Midoriya sat on Momo's bed.

"I plan to take Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu with me to find the guy who did this to me and get him to tell me how to fix this" Midoriya says as All Might see anger in his eyes.

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