Hearing the truth

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Jiro was now with Momo and Midoriya around the corner of the school after Jiro asked them to see her after class which worried them.

"So Jiro why did you need to speak to us" ask Midoriya as he hoped it was not what he thought it was.

"Simple why are you lying to everyone about where you 2 were" asked Jiro as she stared at them.

"We told you the truth" said the lying Momo as she tried to hide Midoriya's situation and the fact about the little side effect which to be honest she enjoyed as she stared back at Jiro.

"Lie and how do I know my quirk makes my hearing stronger which mean I can tell if you 2 are lying by your heart beat so I will ask again why are you lying to everyone" said an angry Jiro as she stared at the 2 of them again.

"Ok we will tell you but you need to keep it a secret not for me but for Momo" said Midoriya as Momo was almost crying at how much he cared about her as Jiro nodded.

"You see I'm cursed and well I don't know why but it keeps getting worse, you see the night before the quirk exam I was attacked while training and now I'm a vampire" he said as he looked at Jiro who was not convinced.

"Midoriya I asked for the truth not a story" she said as she was about to walk away Momo stopped her and threw her against the wall as Jiro notice both sadness and anger in Momo's eyes.

"It's the truth Jiro and Midoriya is suffering and that breaks my heart but for you to call that a lie well then we will prove it oh and might want to that when Midoriya drinks my blood there is a little side effect" said Momo as she creates a small needle and pokes her finger causing it to bleed.

"Momo forgive me" he says as his skin goes pale, teeth turning to fangs and eyes turning red as he walks over to Momo and bites her neck as Jiro watches them she notices Momo with a happy look on her face and once Midoriya stopped he and Momo walked around the corner out of view of anyone including Jiro.

Jiro was confused about why they went round the corner until she decided to follow but soon wished she hadn't as what she saw was Midoriya and Momo having sex they knew she was there but couldn't stop Jiro was about to walk away until she remembered Momo's words about a side effect so she went back round the corner and waited.

[40 minutes later]

"Sorry about that Jiro" said Momo with a happy grin on her face with no sign of shame at all.

"Ok so you told the truth but Midoriya how can you take advatage of Momo like that" said the blushing Jiro as she stood up.

"You got it wrong Jiro me and Momo are...um" said Midoriya before getting cut off by Momo.

"Me and Midoriya are in love and the side effect has no part in it" she said as she walked up to Jiro and stared her in the eyes.

"Ok but wow you do that every time wait a minute did you 2 do it when tsuyu cut her finger" said Jiro as she saw the both of them blush which confirmed it.

As the 3 of them talked someone was walking over to them which they soon noticed as he spoke to Midoriya as they looked at the person.

"Hey there my name is Dean and I'm looking for a guy called Izuku Midoriya" he said as Midoriya walks in front of Momo and Jiro.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya how do you know me" he asked as a smile broke out on Dean's face.

"So how do you like my little gift Deku" Dean said as everyones eyes widen from shock as anger slowly filled them.

"So you are bastard that did this to Izuku" said Momo as she creates a metal pole ready to swing it before Jiro stopped her.

"Hahahaha don't you see I can walk in the sun light and he can't I was cursed but after I bite him I was set free but I can see that the curse is now split between you and her" he said as Midoriya looked at Momo.

After Dean said that he started walking away as the three students stood in horror at the truth about Midoriya and Momo's condition as Jiro started to cry.

"Momo I'm sorry I never knew and now because of me you might be stuck like this for ever I'm no hero I'm just a monster maybe if I die you will be set free" said a sad Midoriya as Jiro ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his stomach so he would stop.

"You (sob) nothing (sob) wrong so please don't leave Momo loves you and I do too (sob) Midoriya I want to join your group please" Jiro says as Midoriya looks at the crying sound hero.

"Jiro look what I've done to Momo I don't want to do that to you too but I will say this I'm going home and the deal I made with Momo ends today as of this moment I will not drink any more" Izuku says as he turns away from them and head home as they watch with tears into their eyes.

[at Midoriya's home]

"Mom I'm home" said Izuku as he walks through the apartment door and sees his mother preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"Oh Izuku your home I got you some clothes ready up stairs" Inko says as she smiles at him.

"Thanks mom" Izuku said as headed to his room after entering his head started to hurt like it was getting crushed by heavy stones.

"No matter how much it hurts I will not drink blood" he says as looks at himself in a mirror with an angry look on his face.

[at Momo's mansion]

"Momo honey you ok" ask Momo's mother as Momo looks at her with a fake smile.

"Of course mom just had lots of homework that's all" Momo replied as her father looked up.

"Ok dear but if anything does come up you tell us ok we love you very much" Momo's father says as he gives her a nice big smile.

[at Jiro's home]

"Jiro what's wrong dear you came home all upset today" ask Jiro's mom as her father spoke out.

"WHAT MY DARLING BABY GIRL WAS CRYING I BET IT WAS A BOY" he shouts as Jiro looks them both in the eye.

"I was crying because of a boy dad only because he is suffering and I don't now how to help" Jiro say as her father sits back down and crosses his arms.

"Then don't give up if I learned one thing from life it's this music is a moment but a friend is forever you I could of been a rock start but I chose your mother because she was more important to me than music could ever be just like your friend is to you" her father says as her mother gives him a small kiss on the cheek.

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