Part 3 Tsuyu's love

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As eeveryone looked at Tsuyu they all noticed that she was worried about telling her parents but they all knewthat she would tell them.

"I found out about Midoriya's curse the night I asked him to stay over at mine for the night but I caught Jiro and Midoriya in the middle of their love making but it was by accident I thought I would stop by Midoriya's and see how he was when I heard screaming coming from his room so I climbed a tree and saw them" Tsuyu said.

"After that I wanted to ask Midoriya about it so the next day I asked him to spend the night at mine and he did I had just put our stuff up stairs and as I made my way down stairs I saw Midoriya playing with Samidare and Satsuki like they did before we moved into the dorms but he soon got up and started to prepare a curry for us and he told me to spend the time with my brother and sister" Tsuyu said as her mother stepped forward.

"But Satsuki doesn't like hot food" Tsuyu's mom says as Midoriya speaks.

"That is true but my mom taught me a little trick I got some berries from your garden chopped them up and sprinkled some over her curry to take the spice down" Midoriya says with a smile as everyone is shocked to hear that he can cook.

"Well thank you for taking care of them Midoriya" Tsuyu's mom said as her father also gave him a thank you.

"Afte that we watched a movie and put them to bed after they fell asleep Midoriya and I got to talking and soon we found our selves having sex" Tsuyu said as Midoriya placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Tsuyu understood my condition and I knew I needed to make sure she was prepared because no matter what happened I would never hurt my friends and not the people I love so I am sorry to of caused you all so much trouble and if you wish to blame anyone then please blame me not Momo, Jiro or Tsuyu" Midoriya says as he bows before them.

"Midoriya we are not angry at any of you and your not to blame our daughters chose to do this for you out of love and in this world nothing is more powerful than that" Jiro's mom says as everyone smiles at him as tears fall down Midoriya's face.

(You have grown strong young Midoriya day by day you show what it means to be a hero your first day you sacrificed everything to save Uraraka, the time villians invaded you showed true leadership, the training camp courage and saving Bakugo without fighting you will become the number 1 hero some day) All Might thought with a smile on his face.

"Um everyone I have one more thing to say that is I think I have finally chosen who I would choose" Midoriya says as everyone looks at him ready for his answer.

"I bet you choose my Momo since she confessed first" Momo's dad says.

"Hold on a minute my Jiro is the one he chooses right Midoriya" Jiro's dad says with a big smile.

"What about our Tsuyu" Tsuyu's dad says as Midoriya just smiled.

"Actually I was hoping to do something a little different" Midoriya says as Momo, Tsuyu and Jiro look at each other in confusion.

"Different how Izuku honey" Inko says.

"Well I don't want to hurt any of my friends feeling so I thought of a way to give them what they want but I need something from all of you" Midoriya says.

"What do you need from us" Jiro's dad asked as Midoriya looked serious.

"I would like for your blessing to marry your daughters" said Midoriya as they looked at him.

"But who do you want to marry" Momo's mom asked with a smile on her face believing she knew his answer.

"I want to marry Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu in other words I want to marry all 3 of them and become a family with them please" Midoriya said as he looked up to see Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu with tears in their eyes as they ran over to him and gave him a kiss each.

"Well I guess I can give you my blessing Midoriya" Momo's dad says.

"Oh yeah you have the blessing off me too" Jiro's dad says.

"I have seen my Tsuyu as happy as she is now so you have my blessing too" Tsuyu's dad says.

After that everyone cheered as the 3 of them laught at all the moments that lead up to this until Midoriya spoke.

"Me, Momo, Jiro and Tsuyu are going to be going on a journey for a while but we will try and be back as soon as possible" Midoriya said as everyone understood that this was something that the 4 of them needed to do as everyone went back home to prepare for their journey.

Momo packed sweets to help her use her quirk as she looked out the window she saw a clear night sky which filled her with joy thinking about all that had happened today, Jiro was listening to music as she watched the stars thinking of the future she would have with the others and a smile appeared on her face, Tsuyu couldn't sleep so she climbed on to the roof to watch the star a the wind blew through her hair hoping that when all this was over Midoriya and the others would live in a house in the country, Midoriya just looked at the stars from his door and smiled at the thought of Tsuyu, Momo and Jiro in their wedding dresses.

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